Lumberjack's blog

The joys of setting up matches while on vacation

I admit it. I'm one of those people who likes to make plans. So, I was quite proud of myself as I had set up 4 matches with 4 different fighters on my trip to Greater Philadelphia. Sounds pretty good right? Well, we all know where this is going. We arrived on Monday, I wasn't even unpacked when the first message came in, 'hey, gonna have to cancel, would it be possible to get together on another evening'?
Well, no, I said. I have made PLANS. If I rearrange my schedule for you, I'd be screwing another guy.
So down goes #1. But hey still 3 left! I was still happy.
So, on Tuesday I go about town with my husband as we help his parents settle into their new place. I did son-in-law type stuff, move this, can you hang a basket? No problem...But all the time I'm thinking, tonite is rough pro match, will be awesome..Well, that never happened. I got a message asking how I was and that was that.
Ok, I'm a big boy, but before I could inquire with opponent #2, opponent #3 had to cancel. Well damn. This was going to be on the way home, the husband had freakin graciously allowed me to set up a match, get a hotel room for the night and let me go fight this guy.
Well, I cancelled the extra hotel room.
So 2 down, #3 still had a chance for Wednesday. Opponent #4 was communicating like an adult.
Wednesday comes and goes. On Thursday pro wrestle guy sends me a message.. "Hey man, When did you want to fight'?
LOL, I said "Last night".
There was the typical attempt to pass the blame onto me. Yes, its my fault. I drove 500 miles just to stand you up. Listen, if I come all this way, the least you can do is give me your address if you seriously want to meet up.
Opponent #4, was a blast. Enough said.
I do appreciate guys who did cancel at least giving me a heads up, I know stuff happens.
So, as I sit here 5 days later trying to figure out what went wrong. I have a couple of conclusions.
1. Set up matches with 10 guys , with a 75% attrition rate I could still have some fun.
2. Maybe don't be such a stickler for "PLANS' (although it seems like the adult way to handle stuff)
3. I dont know, maybe buy a sex bot?
Thanks for letting get this out of my system.

Last edited on 6/29/2019 1:38 PM by Lumberjack



JHK49 (50 )

6/29/2019 12:47 PM

75 to 100% attrition is normal when traveling. At least 2 of them had the courtesy to cancel in advance, instead of letting you just sit there. I'm a planner also, I'm not traveling to there city for no reason. I'm there with things to do, and looking to fill in the time with some wrestling.


Davey716 (45)

6/29/2019 1:36 PM

It's happened to me as well. I know guys double book themselves but I won't do that. I can't imagine anything worse than saying to two guys who show up that I didn't trust either of them enough not to over book myself.


AZgrappler (114 )

6/29/2019 6:05 PM

Yes it happens both ways for sure .
The cancelling host and I’ve had many a cancelling traveler .


Jedi (38)

6/30/2019 2:58 AM

Lumberjack, this is the model of how to handle scheduled matches. You made reasonable plans, you enjoyed the thrill of picturing the match, but you didn't let it interfere with real life! You didn't sit by the phone/computer, moping. You enjoyed the time with your family (as much as helping family move can be enjoyable, but you know what I mean!). You didn't overbook. And you got the most of the one match that came through as scheduled. I hope I handle the situation as well as you, when it again happens.


Lumberjack (42 )

6/30/2019 3:26 AM

(In reply to this)

Thanks Jedi


osakarob (78 )

6/30/2019 3:37 AM

Jedi's remarks are spot on. I'm impressed with how dispassionately and with humor you described the whole ordeal.

Good luck next time!


Lumberjack (42 )

6/30/2019 4:00 AM

(In reply to this)

Thank you.


dewrestler (2)

6/30/2019 12:12 PM

(In reply to this)

Just went thru same thing on vacation had 3 set up and 2 cancelled one got angry I needed to move meet time a cple of hours oh well what ya gonna do


StrikeFighter (74 )

6/30/2019 11:49 AM

Well-written post, hope we'll see more of those!


yonkerswrangler (196)

7/01/2019 2:59 AM

its all very frustrating latest for me was guy coming here who wanted to wrestle kept communicating with him cause i know he read the messages on here then 5 days later wants to wrestle at the last minute when i had other plans made


weightclass170 (1)

7/04/2019 2:32 AM

you probably should look at 10 guys and have an idea one will workout, thats more realistic odds,


yonkerswrangler (196)

7/04/2019 3:07 AM

Then on Monday when I had it open I had five guys show which was 100 per cent and all new to me


Lkn4awrestletoy (108 )

10/06/2020 3:06 PM

I know this is waaaay after the fact but I’ve been there repeatedly...I commiserate totally...but if you ever come to Denver I won’t let you down and I will expect you to be UP the whole time we are rasslin.
