Leopard's blog

Listen and Record my Heart Beat as you Destroy my Torso

Imagine you just won in a fight? What are some good stakes for the loser (me)? What's a good punishment for losing. I got one! Have me tied up. Then while you do whatever you want to my chest and stomach, have a stethoscope taped to my chest with a microphone. Listen to my heart struggle to pump blood and keep me alive as your devastating punches hit my chest and abs. If that turns you on, then use that feeling to keep going. Use the power dynamic and the rush to push further into this type of play. If you hear my heart struggle from whatever you're doing, do more of it. Go further.

You can listen as it goes faster as you punch my stomach, or you can try to make my heart skip a beat by punching it directly. You can do all sorts of things during this game, to risk my most vital organ while listening in on it. This can even include electroshocks. Yes, that's right. Set up some electrodes to my chest, and play with the settings on the machine. Goof around with it, while you toy with my strong heart.

Remember, in the moment, you'd own my heart and my blood flow and should be allowed to do whatever you want. Increase demand on my heart while you tear at my abs.

Last edited on 8/01/2023 8:45 PM by Leopard



Handsonman (1)

8/01/2023 8:54 PM

Young man, what you are asking for is incredibly dangerous. Apparently it is a powerful fetish for you, but I urge you don't try to mess with your heart that way. And no responsible man would be willing to do this to you so brutally. Some chest pounding, O.K. but certainly not to the point of risking cardiac arrest.


GPNavelPuncher (0)

8/02/2023 6:38 PM

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Agree with your assessment.


Leopard (1)

8/06/2023 3:06 AM

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You work your heart way harder during a normal cardio session or run, than you would doing this.

It's really the concept itself that's interesting, even if I don't plan on doing it in practice.


ReadytoGrapple (7)

8/02/2023 11:17 AM

Not to kinkshame or anything but this thing is extremely disturbing


GPNavelPuncher (0)

8/02/2023 6:39 PM

(In reply to this)

I agree with you.


littleforbigg (3)

8/02/2023 9:05 PM

Idk if even signing some kind of waiver completely absolving any willing participant of any responsibility in the event of, let’s be honest, ur death would get him off the hook but unless u really do have a death wish don’t try this at home…or anywhere else.


expat (7 )

8/12/2023 8:31 AM

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There is no legal waiver for murder in the USA. You can sign whatever you want


Speedo marty (4)

8/03/2023 8:12 AM

Something seriously wrong with you. Get help


Handsonman (1)

8/06/2023 3:40 AM

Leopard has made a reasonable response, which is somewhat re-assuring. But I don't think that what he was imagining as his fetish is really comparable to the workout your heart gets during a good cardio workout. It sounds as if in his fetish the point was to push the heart to the furthest extreme, but with no limit, no stopping point. And in cardio, you are moving, your whole circulatory system is active in a normal way. Lying there with no movement keeping your circulatory system flowing smoothly is not the same as cardio workout.
For Leopard to claim that cardio is more vigorous than his fetish is just finding excuses. I think most people on MF know the power of fetishes and how once their satisfaction is underway that reason goes out the window. But reason needs to go out the window sensibly and safely so that you are still alive and healthy at the end. I hope Leopard stays true to his statement he wouldn't ever do this in real life, no matter how appealing.


gymrat (37)

8/08/2023 12:22 AM

So , unless someone was totally stupid, this would not be dangerous at all., You might get your heartbeat up to 150+%, which is, well, good. Its called cardio. I suppose someone with a well placed (or unlucky) shot in just the wrong place might cause trouble, but that's no different from boxing.


Leopard (1)

8/08/2023 2:47 AM

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It seems like only people who go to the gym understand this.

Say a man hooked up a TENS unit to my chest and heart area to cause electrical stimulation to my heart muscle. It'll just pump faster. There is no evidence that this unit can cause a heart attack.


ReadytoGrapple (7)

8/08/2023 11:30 AM

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That's basically what a defibrillator does... And dude, you don't use them on healthy people


gymrat (37)

8/08/2023 3:10 PM

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not clear why not, you also doing use erasers on blank paper.

However, this is not electrical stimulation. It's punches. To superficial tissue (in the clinical sense).


Speedo marty (4)

8/08/2023 6:16 PM

How do i turn off notifications from this stupid fxxxxxg post


littleforbigg (3)

8/08/2023 6:48 PM

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Just click on unsubscribe right above the first comment…but aren’t u just a tiny bit curious as to what other comments Leopard or anyone else can make on this incredibly bizarre and, imvho, dangerous “game”?


Speedo marty (4)

8/09/2023 12:02 AM

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Thanks. Ive unsubscribed. The guy is weird and needs serious help though.


littleforbigg (3)

8/10/2023 10:09 AM

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With all the weird posts I’ve come across this is def. the most bizarre but also dangerous ‘fetish’.


Juggernaut (0)

8/19/2023 6:42 PM

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Not even close from what I've read. There are far, far, more bizarre fetishes listed in the interest group (some having nothing to do with the interest) than this one.

Being lifted by the neck, under Choke and strangle, for example.
