blog de Jorgeler

A brutal story - taken from Doomtrooper

Joey D just got his 3rd strike. He’d been the California’s prison system pit fighting champ for over a year. Now that he’s in a Texas prison, he expects nothing to change.
At first Joey didn’t hear the heavy boot steps coming down into the pit behind him.
The man who walked down in the pit had the ability to move silently when he wished. Joey was so deep in thought about what he was going to do his opponent that it wasn’t until Brutus was walking next to the cage that Joey noticed him. Fear quickly crawled deep into Joey’s belly as his opponent stepped in the ring.
Joey watches as the massive man walks up the steps to enter the cage. Joey doesn’t even realize that he has taken two steps back from the entrance to the cage. The mans hard ice grey eyes bore into him. It like waves of dominance and menace are radiating from the monster entering the cage.
As the massive man walked across the ring toward him, Joey fight or flight instincts screamed at him in his head. Problem was there was no where he could flee.
Joey didn’t realize how massive the man was until he walked up to him. It took every ounce of his will power to keep from stepping further back. The massive man stepped up chest to chest with him. His mouth a frown of contempt. Heat and dominance radiated from his body.
From an over head speaker a voice said, “Joe D meet Brutus. As you can see gentlemen, there is no audience in the Pit tonight. This match was brought and paid for by one of our special patrons, Mr. Black.
No hold barred Gentlemen. You keep fighting until someone tells you to stop. I suggest you put on a good show.
Brutus leaned forward and growled to him. "I’m gonna hurt you real bad.”
For 5 second they stand just like that.. Joey can feel the monster hot breath on his neck and face. Then he says, “Take your best shots”. Joey watches as the guys steps back and opens his arms wide. Joey’s brain take less than a second to decided to give the man what he wants. Joey throws and shot to his gut and it feels like he hit a flesh covered bag of concrete. He follows it up with a shot the jaw, Joey put all his power into it and the blow lands straight and solid and… nothing. The monster neck barely moves.. All that Joey can see is a contemptuous smile on the mans face. Joe try’s for another blow to the mans head, a right cross that should hit right in his nose smashing it, The fist is inches from the mans face when Brutus moves and Joey’s fist fly’s right by. Joey doesn’t even see when Brutus’s massive right hand moves up and clamps around his throat … Brutus’s grin contemptuous grin is right in his face when he growls “My Turn!”
Joey felt himself pushed back and slammed into the cage behind them. Brutus massive hand clamp on the side of his neck like a vice. Disoriented from how quickly things had turned on him, it took Joey a second to realize that his feet were no longer on the ground. Joey felt the back of his head pushed into frame of the cage. It was only then Joey focused on his opponent. All Joey could see was a massive arm and fist cocked and pointed toward his face.

Brutus had let the punk get in two solid shots before grabbing him by the neck and slamming him into the cage. With little effort he lifted the man from the cage floor and trapped him against the frame of the cage. Brutus waited until his opponents eyes came back into focus when he hit him for the first time.

The first blow hit Joey right in the right cheek. It felt like he got hit with a cinder block of concrete. Joey both saw stars and vision darkened at the same time. The second fist slammed into his jaw. Joey entire body shuddered as pain flared up his skull and down his neck. Joey’s legs bucked and he raised his hands to cover his face. Not quick enough when the third fist hit him in the side of his head.The cage spun around Joey’s head.

Brutus was pulling his punches. He was told to make this fight last. He was only using about 40 percent of his strength. In most cases that enough to put a grown man down for good after the second punch. But this dumb fucker seem to have a thick head. Good, Brutus thought, I can turn it up a couple notches.

Joey’s arm covered his face and didn’t see that Brutus had changed …... targets. Brutus slammed three left hooks into Joey’s ribs. The first hook took his breath away and the last two set his rib cage on fire. Joey had never been hit that hard before.
The man body jerked in Brutus’s grip as he tried to suck in air. With a snarl Brutus tossed him toward the corner of the ring.
Turning to the HD cameras that surround the ring, Brutus raises his armto give his audience a good look. Looking into the camera he says “This is the best you got! Gonna hurt your boy real bad!” Brutus face split by a savage grin.
Joey, holding his right side struggles to his knees. Each breath feeling like he sucking down fire.
Spit and drool running from his mouth. He can see out of the corner of his eyes that his opponent has turned his back on him. Both anger and fear twist in his guts.
Brutus turned around and stood above him, his face split by a vicious grin. Raising his hands he gestured for Joey to get up. “Come on you lightweight motherfucker, get up!” Brutus said. Anger raged inside Joey head. Nobody had ever treated him this way before. Brutus’s steel grey eyes bore into his own. Predator catching every minute movement of his prey. "Get on you fucking feet you little bitch!“ Brutus taunted him. "That’s it boy, come on.. yeah come on” Brutus continued.

Joey sucked in a deep breath and exploding to his feet, shoulder and head aimed at Brutus’s mid section.
Joey barely had his feet under him when Brutus stepped forward and pushed him back into the corner of the cage. Joey found himself flying back into the corner of the cage with a thud. The cage shook when he hit it and he could hear the rattle of the chain link as his impact went around the ring.

Joey was already disoriented, he tried to pull himself up when Brutus said. "Light weight fucker, you ain’t nothing but a fucking punching bag.“ Joey face exploded in pain and Brutus’s right fist slammed solidly into the right side of his face. Joey body buckled as it hit, and his head slammed back into the corner. Brutus followed it up with left and a right.

The only reason Joey wasn’t flat on the floor after the first blow was the corner of the ring was propping him up. Joey lost control of his body and was starting to slide down to the floor when he saw Brutus arm cocked for a power shot. Joey watched as the massive fist came toward his face.

Surprisingly when Brutus fist first hit him it didn’t seem to hurt as much, as if he was numb, but micro seconds later pain flared as his jaw broke in three places.

Brutus watched as blood and teeth flew from Joey’s mouth as he fell to the floor.
Brutus looked down at Joey semi conscious back to the corner. His face beginning to show the beating he had started to give the man. The fact that he was still conscious said the the fucker was tough. No matter how tough a punching bag was it was still just a fucking punching bag.

Brutus face broke into a snarl as he rolled his shoulders. He could end it now, but they asked him to put on a good show. Plus this fucker took a good beating, and few things made him happier than working some fucker over.

Brutus growled, “Gonna pound you to paste pup!” Brutus lifted up his left foot and stomped on Joey’s head. Brutus twisted his foot just at the right angle, to cause Joey’s head to hit the chain link fencing surrounding the cage instead of the steel frame; just enough to hurt the fucker and but not so much that the fucker head cracks open.

Joey barely head Brutus growl at him before the first boot hit his head. By the third stomp Joey’s eye rolled up into his head. It wasn’t until the fifth stomp that Brutus stepped back and joey slumped over to hit the floor.
Joey had no idea how long he had been out. He remember that massive boot coming toward his head. He could hear someone talking but it was hard to understand what he was saying. He felt his body moving, but he wasn’t moving it. He couldn’t feel the floor beneath him. Then a loud deep voice yelled, “Wake the FUCK UP!” and Joey’s eyes crack opened and the world fades back in.

“That’s it punching bag!” Brutus laughs. Brutus holding Joey entirely off the floor by his neck and head as he walked back toward the center of the ring. He shakes the man as he yells at him. Brutus looks up to where he thinks the camera are. “You want me to end this fight? I can snap his fuckin’ neck right now and we can be done with this!” Brutus growled.

To demonstrate his arm flexed and his massive hand squeezed, Joey yelled out in pain and squeezed his eyes shut as Brutus hands squeezed his neck and skull so hard all he could do is hang there with his feet off the ground in pain. Brutus looked at him, a brutal snarl on his face. He kept shaking the man as he squeezed.

Turning back to look at the cameras, Brutus said in a low menacing voice, “Or do you want more?” For 10 seconds the only sound in the room was Brutus’s deep breaths, Joey’s hiss of pain, and the whine of the halogen lights above the ring. Then coming through the speakers a voice said, “More, hurt him more.” The voice was low and male. Brutus clearly heard him and his hard smile got harder, but he turned to Joey and said, “What did he say?” He hands shook Joey hard back and forth. Turning back to the cameras “Say that again.” Brutus said, his eyes staring through the camera, connecting with the man hundreds or thousands of miles away. Brutus’s strength, power and domination pouring through the connection. The man watching in a private room, on a massive flat screen TV felt Brutus feeling poor into him, it put both a thrill of fear and brutal lust in his gut. Of all the fights he ever seen and paid for, nobody even connected with him like this. “More, I said hurt that fucking meat bag more!” The voice said again, louder and with passion.

Brutus, laughed out loud and turned to Joey and said, “You heard the man, he said he wants more, let’s give him more!” Joey felt the floor coming rushing up at his face.
Joey Struggled to get up on his knees. Over his own heavy breathing he could hear the almost animalistic growl as Brutus stood straddling his back. He could see the two massive boots on either side of his body. Joey didn’t know of it was his imagination, but he could feel the heat coming off the man above him. Hell, he could also feel the raw sheer domination coming from the man. He knew it well. He had used it most of his life since he was 15 and 50 pounds heavier than 95% of his sophomore class in high school. His opponents will and brutality pushed down on him, into his skin.

Brutus waited for this fucker to gain some of his strength back. If he was gonna put a show on he need his victim too look good for the cameras. As soon as Joey, was up to his hands and knees and Joey’s hand touched his boot, Brutus let a deep growl rumble from his chest and bent down and….
Joey was in trouble and he knew it. The monster that stood above him was way out of his league. He needed to get the upper hand and try to end this quick. Joey was hurt and tired, but the big fucker had given him a couple minutes to recover. Slowly getting to his hands and knees, Joey tried to inconspicuously grab Brutus foot to pull him off his feet. If he could just get him down on the floor and get on top of him. Joey’s hands closed on Brutus’s boot and he tried to pull his foot up off the floor. Joey’s could budge Brutus foot, it was like it was cemented to the floor.

Joey didn’t even realize Brutus has crouched down over him until Brutus’s massive arm slide under he neck and put his head in a choke hold. The massive arm snapped around his neck and head like a hydraulic vice. Joey tried to struggle but Brutus squatted down more putting 390 pounds of weight on Joey spine as he pulled back on his choke hold. Joey felt as if he was being folded in two.

Looking down at his personal punching back, Brutus flexed his bicep and forearm and watch them swell as his arm crushed in on Joey’s head and neck. “That’s it fucker, show them how much pain you are in” Brutus growled while looking down into Joey’s pain riddled face. Brutus looked up at the cameras and moved Joey’s head and body so it could be clearly seen .

Brutus proceeded to show how devastating a 27 inch bicep could be to the human head.

Brutus watched as Joey body twitched in pain, but the man said nothing anymore. He had fainted. The Fucker had fainted! It did stop Brutus from racking his body up and down across his knee. He was no longer playing with this toy, no longer holding back. Brutus stood up and flung Joey body across the ring. He didn’t bother looking up to play to the cameras. This wasn’t about the man watching anymore.

Mr. Black breath came heavy from his chest. He had never seen someone so primal. He paid for a fight but what he was getting was a massacre. It wasn’t as if the fight was just lop sided. The punk from California never stood a chance. He had six 60 inch screens in front of him and a remote that allowed him to switch them to any of the 25 cameras around and above the cage.

Mr. Black watched as Brutus walked around the ring. The guy Joey, was dumped in a heap over to the side of the ring. Brutus body looked bigger, the veins crawled up his arms and shoulders, down his chest and up his neck. Hell all over his body. He was a massive predator circling his prey. The ring had high definition microphones around it as well, Brutus growls could be clearly heard through the speakers in his viewing room. Mr. Black didn’t realize it but his own breathing had become in sync with Brutus’s. Similar sounds came from his chest. He watched as Brutus walked over to Joey, and kicked the man over so he was lying flat on his back.

With arrogant ease, he step over the man’s body so he stood above him. Mr. Black switched camera so he could clearly see Brutus’s face. Brutus’s steel grey blue eyes were hard as stone. Mr. Black could feel power and domination flowing from those eyes. With a sneer of contempt, Brutus dropped down on his knees so he straddled Joey body.

Mr. Black watched as the big man raised his arms up and leaning back roared with rage. Brutus body flex and swole as he roared. The sound wasn’t like some wild animal. No, it was human, but human from the very top of the food chain. Alpha male. The sounds made his room rattle and a little tingle of fear / excitement travel up his spine. It made his hard cock twitch and spurt in his pants. Mr. Black said the work “Yes” in his guttural deep voice. The word stretched out in lust for what he was seeing and need for seeing more. He had left the microphone on so his word echoed out in the cage.

Even as both their voices still reverberated around the room, the both heard the weak sounds of Joey coming back to consciousness. Brutus’s eye’s flashed and he slowly leaned forward to look down at the man trapped under him.

Joey’s body was wracked with pain. Everything from a slow brutal ache to a sharp fire stabbing pain. His mind fought its way back to consciousness. The more he came back to the waking world, the more he felt the destruction that had been committed on his body. He could feel the fiery pain in his chest and midsection as he tried to breath. It felt as if someone had put 400 pounds of concrete on his chest.

As his eyes slowly opened he heard this enormous roar. His vision was blurred and colors were muted as he looked up. His brain started to piece together what was happening. He was still in the cage. He was flat on his back. The monster who put him there had straddled his chest and was roaring like some wild Viking. The sound make his body shoot adrenalin into his blood from fear and that was when he moaned in pain and his tormentor noticed he was awake.

Brutus slowly leaned forward and looked down at him. The enormous man’s weight pushed what little air he had in his lugs out when he leaned forward. Brutus was so massive that his upper body blocked out the other side of the cage and much of the ceiling. Joey’s eyes locked with Brutus’s. Those steel blue grey eyes bore into his, waves of brutal domination seem to flow from the man’s mind into his own. In the blink of an eye, Joey saw a wave of emotion flow across Brutus’s eyes. Surprise. Excitement. Rage. Passion for Destruction. Joey’s destruction.

Joey tried to move. His brain was telling his legs to push up, to twist, to buck. The only things they did was twitch uncontrollably. He could feel them, but could not control them. His arms could barely lift two inches off the mat before falling back like rubber.

Joey’s watched as Brutus’s smile changed into a sneer of contempt. Joey managed to say, “Wait man..” before Brutus’s fist connected with his face. Joey’s head bounced on the mat from the impact. It was like being hit by a 20# sledgehammer. A second later, the other fist hit the other side of his face. The world exploded into light and fire as something cracked. Then the right fist hit again and the world spun and jerked around him. Joey’s perception slowed down to a crawl. He watched as Brutus’s right fist cocked back and his left came down for another blow. Sweat and a splatter of blood, Joey’s blood, covered Brutus forearms. Joey saw how Brutus body twisted and flexed as his pounded him.

As Brutus left fist landed, the part of his head that had cracked before broke this time. Joey’s vision went black and white and dimmed. Joey’s could barely see as the right fist came down as slammed into his head. The sound echoed inside and outside his head. The left fist that landed next Joey neither saw nor felt. He was somewhere dark. No light. No pain. Yet, he could still hear the fists pounding his head. Five more blows and then that too disappeared.

Brutus stopped punching and sat back. Breathing heavy, he looked at the destruction he hard rained down on his opponent.
Mr. Black watched as Brutus loomed over his victim. There was no other word for it. This man never stood a chance. Brutus chested heaved, sucking in air through his snarled mouth. His body thrummed with power and excitement. The veins seem to crawl over his arms shoulders and neck. Brutus upper body swollen and pumped with primal rage and power. Blood splattered Brutus gloved hands and forearms. There were red dots on his chest and shoulders. Joey, face was a broken, bruised and bloody mess....

Last edited on 12/06/2018 5:05 PM by Jorgeler



dumrongruksp (0 )

1/03/2019 8:38 PM

wish someone would do this to me


Jorgeler (9 )

1/06/2019 1:57 PM

(In reply to this)

if someone can do that to you ... at least shatter him an eye or pull their teeth down ... he will not take it that easy
