When I introduced Ryan Ripped, my first opponent in the Eros Pankration arena, I received a comment asking me what the hell is the Eros Pankration? That was a very good question. What the hell is it?

Is it a new fragrance for wrestlers? A new sex game? A website? What is it, Jeremy? Inquiring minds want to know.

OK my dear fans, here is the 4-1-1. All of you remember and loved my stint as a fighter with Naked Kombat. I also loved it and received many calls from the producers to come back again and again. Unfortunately, I was not in a position to accept the invitation as I was in a transitional phase in my life.

You guys have been clamoring to revive the Naked Kombat concept, and well I just happen to love doing straight up submission matches where I test my skills against an opponent to determine who's the better man. Therefore, I decided to create the Eros Pankration, a site where two men will face each other in an unscripted, submission match. Where the winner will fuck the loser.

The match will consist of three rounds, lasting six minutes each with a three-minute rest time and regroup. The bout will not end except for injury or disqualification. The fighters will wear the attire specified in each round and will follow the rules. Any violation of the rules will entail points deductions and/or permanent disqualification.

Round One

The fighters will enter the ring or cage wearing shorts and MMA gloves. They will face each other standing and will await the referee to order the start of the round. This will be a wrestling match with strikes allowed except to head and neck area, as well as the spine.

The fighters can use any submission hold, including arm locks, leglocks, and chokes, but unlike an MMA or BJJ match, fighting will not stop when a fighter submits. Instead the fighter who submits hs opponent gets the maximum number of points for the move.

This round is non sexual and any attacks to the groin or any moves that are of sexual or erotic nature are strictly prohibited in this round. Purposely undressing the opponent is also strictly prohibited in this round.

The idea of this round is to show the fighters' skills and abilities. I am trying to recruit fighters with some experience in wrestling or grappling. One of the things people complained about Naked Fighters is that a lot of the fighters had little or no experience in fighting and instead were pretty faces.

Round Two

The fighters will enter the ring or cage wearing jocks and MMA gloves. They will face each other standing and will await the referee to order the start of the round. The fighters will be allowed to strike each otherexcept to head and neck area, as well as the spine .

The fighters can use any submission hold, including arm locks, leglocks, and chokes. Again, unlike an MMA or BJJ match fighting will not stop when a fighter submits. Instead the fighter who submits hs opponent gets the maximum number of points for the move.

Groping of the groin area or any moves that are of sexual or erotic nature, as well as purposely undressing the opponent are permitted in this round

Round Three

The fighters will enter the ring or cage in the nude. They will face each other kneeling aand are prrhe fighters will be prohibited to strike each other anywhere in the body, especially on the face and head area.
The fighters can use any submission hold, including arm locks, leglocks, and chokes. The fighter is responsible to accept defeat and signal the referee submission to his opponent.

Groping of the groin area or any moves that are of sexual or erotic nature, are encouraged in this round and these moves are now worth double the points.

How will fighters score points?

Eros_Pankration will follow a hybrid system of MMA/BJJ/freestyle wrestling scoring system. We will also add points for erotic moves. The biggest change will be that submissions will not mean an end to the match. Instead the fighter will get the highest number of points if the opponent taps out in a submission.

The fighter with the highest number of points fucks the loser of the match.

So now you know what the hell is Eros Pankration. Join my Watchfighters page https://www.watchfighters.com/channels/Jeremy_Tyler and tell your friends.

Looking forward to sharing my first match in mid-January.

Last edited on 12/27/2021 4:38 AM by Jeremy Tyler




12/27/2021 1:17 AM

Jeremy has hit upon a marvelous concept and his goal is to encourage as many as possible to engage in his Eros Pankration. However, setting aside those who would presumably be excluded such as strict heterosexuals and those who do not engage in anal, I would think that he might want to modify a couple of things to truly increase the turnout/participation.

There is, I would suggest, only a distinct minority who, in engaging in MMA type matches, would not be amenable to strikes to the head or neck. I don't think it is necessary to elaborate on this for obvious reasons. Additionally, the phrase of "attacks to the groin" could be interpreted as strikes whether of the fist, knees, etc., and that really would reduce the number of participants I believe. Sexual moves per se could merely be groping or squeezing to a certain extent of an opponent's package, which by its nature would not likely be injurious, though it would likely get his attention. Attacks to the nips of course would be less likely to be injurious and so would presumably be permitted. Other moves of a sexual nature would be those commonly employed in an erotic match.

I wonder if a referee is essential. Scoring could be kept by the participants themselves and could be simplified. If the match in the second and third round is to proceed following a submission, perhaps a different form of submission move would be necessary to score again. This would thus encourage greater skill of a participant.

Just a few suggestions; more or better ones my be considered. I repeat, Jeremy is hoping for a significant number of fighters to take on this form of combat. Great idea; bravo!


Jeremy Tyler (41 )

12/27/2021 2:30 AM

(In reply to this)

The groin language is from the official UFC rules. I can change the language to make sure no low blows are allowed, just fondling.

There's no strikes to the face and neck in the official rules.

There's a referee in the match. I already have one for my first match.


mawarrior (1)

12/27/2021 3:39 PM

(In reply to this)

Grow a set


GPNavelPuncher (0)

12/27/2021 2:18 AM




12/27/2021 3:18 AM

I misread the part re prohibition of face or neck strikes as noted in your description of round three. I stand corrected, thank you. No such prohibition is noted in round two. The clarification of strikes to the groin area is appreciated in your comment above, Jeremy.


Jeremy Tyler (41 )

12/27/2021 4:38 AM

(In reply to this)

Done to clarify.


mawarrior (1)

12/27/2021 3:38 PM

Don't pander to old Ginger man. Groin strikes are part of fighting - period. The more restrictions the less interest you'll generate.

I'm game to be one of your combatants.


Shoot (15 )

12/28/2021 12:26 AM

Any pics of Ryan Ripped?


Jeremy Tyler (41 )

12/28/2021 1:41 AM

(In reply to this)

Check out the "Introducing Ryan Ripped" blog post. There's a HUGE pic of him at the bottom of the post.


bigchicago (68)

12/28/2021 4:04 AM

Thank you for explaining it, and I will definitely say to each their own. But I will never understand the desire to use points/scoring in erotic wrestling.


Jeremy Tyler (41 )

12/28/2021 4:52 AM

(In reply to this)

How would you determine the winner then?


bigchicago (68)

12/28/2021 5:36 PM

(In reply to this)

Like in most matches that happen off this site, I would do first to a certain number of submissions, or number of subs in a given amount of time, or maybe even a sub breaks a hold but you keep wrestling and then when someone is willing to admit defeat they must verbally submit and accept their punishment. I’ve done all 3 of those.

I’ve seen other posts where people say they actually like the point system, but to me it’s way too confusing and completely unrealistic. It really takes me out of the match.



12/28/2021 4:38 AM

Historically, when MMA cage fights first commenced, there were various attack approaches that were allowed, with only strikes to the throat and gouging of eyes being prohibited. Rules were changed and other MMA practices of today were adopted. ( BTW, some injuries that are occurring today, that could readily destroy a martial artist from being able to compete again, may result in more modifications to the standing rules of MMA today.)

One of the first rules to be changed had to do with a NHB approach to strikes to the groin. That's not prevented our some members from practicing these. These practices include fist strikes, knee strikes, and even head butts to an opponent's package.

There are a few whose whole approach centers on strikes to the groin. The reader can judge for himelf whether this is a legitimate sporting thing. I recall one current member sharing in a comment to a blog that when he found himself losing to his opponent he did not hesitate to bring his opponent to his knees with an assault on his groin. I am sure most readers of this blog have watched pro wrestling on television and seen purposeful strikes by one wrestler to his adversary's groin, so I can understand that that is occasionally imitated in fights that are held under aegis of MF.

On some it may be lost just exactly what a blow to a man's testicles can do. And, then, it would appear that there are some who really don't care; that they owe nothing to the man who steps into the ring or onto the mat with them. He assumes that a permanent injury is part of the risk his opponent is willing to take.

Those that join in this practice are either ignorant of a philosophy which is that of support of safety awareness. I am one who acknowledges that idea and all the ramifications that evolve from that. Such is to be found on my own profile page. Our fellow member, mawarrior, has not yet (or maybe is unaware of) this long standing adopted policy. All members should accept responsibility for trying to prevent any injury such as could be permanent. We show respect for our opponent's well being. This could preclude untoward publicity, etc. that might reflect negatively.

If a fighter resorts to low blows to defeat an opponent, he is obviously unable to prove he is the better mans. It is nothing more than a cowardly cheap shot. I believe that those who employ this tactic, whether allowed by each in a match, have no respect for the institution that is MF.


mawarrior (1)

12/28/2021 2:30 PM

(In reply to this)

Long winded cowardice masked under the guise of honor.

You sir, have obviously not been in a true contest. Recommend getting a testosterone shot and doing the research. Search topics include Pankration, Early American 1960-1980 martial arts tournaments, and current sparring rules by style of combat. Many allow groin strikes. I'm not saying that should be the focus but to water down or exclude as a potential target is not warrior worthy and dilutes the spirit of the competition.


ant-tor (7)

12/30/2021 9:11 PM

Amazing. Love to see father vs son


Robert (0)

7/29/2022 3:33 AM

Is it possible to purchase any of these matches?
