Jay219's blog

First time for everything.

Well, where to begin. I've never done a blog before, in fact there was a lot of stuff i hadn't done before i found this website, so i guess this would be the best place to start. There's no real reason to why i want to do this, i guess i've been inspired recently to do so.

The last couple of months have been an incredible physical experience for me, ive never been in such a great shape before and never have i met such incredible and diverse people. So im glad i decided to take a big step into all this, because its quite possibly one the best decisions ive made in my life.

I should start with the first match i had, which would come as no surprise, was with Mark Uk. ill try not to get too personal about this as i do regard Mark quite highly, but thats neither here nor there.

Now im gonna have to say one thing about this, i had never been soo nervous, excited and a little terrified all at the same time before. Mark was the first guy to message me on here, and kindly enough offered to teach me. After looking at his profile for what must have been hours looking at his pics and many, many, many recommendations, i thought 'why the hell not?'. Seriously, his pics on here REALLY do NOT do him justice.

So i was surprised at how much my hand was shaking when i opened the door to see this BEAST, his words not mine haha, standing in front of me. I really didnt know what to say at this point, 'fuck what the hell have i got myself in to?' came to mind a few times as he towered over me. So when he started talking i suddenly realised, 'shit, this guy really is the nicest guy ive met in my life. why the hell was i soo scared?'. So anyone that has yet to meet him, trust me when i say he is not as mean as he looks, but don't say that to him, i've lost a few matches against him with that line.

He started off teaching me basic moves and holds, the usual arm bars, leg locks, scissors (which if our last match was anything to go by i think he regrets showing me), some that i still use now when he forgets that i know how to use them, and then we actually wrestled. The longer the match went on for the sweatier we got, which i can safely say was the first time i had been drenched in sweat wearing only a small pair of speedos with another guy in a hotel room wrestling on a mattress, but like i said 'first time for everything'.

i forget how long we were wrestling for, maybe 2 - 2 and a half hours, but looking back now, i realise he was clearly going easy on me. Now I've done strenuous cardio and weight orientated exercise classes but i will never forget the three days that followed this match as being the most painful and exhausting of my life. Sitting in the pub after, chatting about pretty much everything from work, films, family, personal interests and wrestling (of course) and i had never felt soo relaxed in such a long time. Pretty much the perfect end to my first ever match.

It was at the point i thought 'man i need to get stronger, fitter and a hell of a lot more experience if im gonna keep this up', so now im hitting the gym 3 - 4 days a week and regularly train in mma brazilian jujitsu. And its starting to pay off, 10 matches down and starting to see the fear in the old guy. don't care if it takes another 40 to get there but i will win at some point.

Dont get me wrong, i have never had a match with anyone on here or other websites that i have not thoroughly enjoyed, and ill get round to talking about them too as each match i have just keeps getting better and better, but Mark was something else. ill forever be thankful for him introducing me to all this, but be warned, im getting better week on week and i will beat the beast!!

To everyone else i haven't met and to those i have and will meet again, bring it! i need the practice, you can beat me but it will only before for a short time, just ask Geoffessex, ha ha, but thats another story ;)

Last edited on 2/22/2013 3:31 PM by Jay219



Guysmiley (41 )

2/22/2013 4:37 PM

Nice blog, Jay219. Thank you for sharing. So many guys are afraid to take that first step. And many have experienced much the same as your initial thoughts. I said your same words about "what have I gotten myself into", the first time I wrestled with muscldfighter on here. Or the nervousness experienced by another the first time we met, such as ajthewrestler as a newbie. But what you really hit on, is the importance of sharing knowledge and experience with one another. I have a few on here that credit me with getting them started and teaching them. It is a great feeling to know you've helped another to propagate this great site and this wonderful sport. Keep up the good work and I'll be interested to see if you do, in fact, best Mark_UK one of these days.


Jay219 (29)

2/23/2013 1:19 AM

(In reply to this)

thanks man, really glad you enjoyed it. i've found that the sense of nervousness hasnt completely gone when meeting a new guy, but found it to be an exciting part of the experience. Never knowing whether the other guy is gonna be bigger or stronger than you expected kinda draws me to a match.

Hopefully i havent embarrassed mark as i dont think he'd expect me to write something like this, but it was an incredible first time experience that i just wanted to share. First times are gonna be difficult but i can just hope that other guys trying this out for the first time enjoy theirs just as much as i did, because it got me going back for more.

Thanks again guysmiley, its awesome that you have done for others what ive had the chance to experience, so keep it up!!


SpeedoFun (12)

3/01/2013 6:32 PM

very interesting blog, especially for kind of newcomers. It teaches a lot about how to apprehend meeting a new wrestler. Two things that would somehow have your "fear" kind of disappear, is the fact that you may learn something (just in the case of Jay) and that, even if you are beaten, there is an excitement (not only sexually) tot he whole exercise. If, on top of it, the guy is a nice chap, then bingo: all three factors are worth the pain. Thanks again for sharing your experience ;-)


Sturdy (31)

6/10/2013 5:23 PM

This is what wrestling is all about :-)

Keep us posted on your further adventures!
