8:26 PM TwinkTamer
I'm in the ring, nude, waiting for you and warming up.

8:26 PM TwinkTamer

8:27 PM neatpete
I come in naked, glaring at you.

8:27 PM neatpete

8:28 PM TwinkTamer
I laugh as I see you coming up to the ring. "Ready to lose again, Boi!?" I yell. Yt

8:29 PM neatpete
I just glare.

8:29 PM neatpete

8:30 PM TwinkTamer
The bell ring and the match starts. We lock up and put you in my barehug. Yt

8:30 PM neatpete
I squeak as I try to push away

8:30 PM neatpete

8:32 PM TwinkTamer
I cruch you "ready to give up this soon!?" I yell. Yt

8:33 PM neatpete
I scream as I shake my head no

8:33 PM neatpete

8:34 PM TwinkTamer
I add some pressure. "You sure on that Boi!?". Yt

8:34 PM neatpete
"I'm sure" I scream.

8:34 PM neatpete

8:35 PM TwinkTamer
I drop you to the canvas, pull you up and force you to the rope. Give you a few gut punches. Yt

8:36 PM neatpete
I grunt as I grab the ropes.

8:36 PM neatpete

8:37 PM TwinkTamer
I follow up with a chop to your chest. Yt

8:38 PM neatpete
I yelp as I fall to my knees.

8:38 PM neatpete

8:39 PM TwinkTamer
I pull you up and send you flying to the other side of rings ropes and clothesline you. Yt

8:40 PM neatpete
I yelp as I get back to my knees

8:40 PM neatpete

8:41 PM TwinkTamer
I put you in a camel. Yt

8:42 PM neatpete
"crap" I yelp, in a humiliating nude camel.

8:42 PM neatpete

8:43 PM TwinkTamer
I add some pressure "how's that feel, Boi" I yell. Yt

8:43 PM neatpete
"Painful" I scream.

8:43 PM neatpete

8:46 PM TwinkTamer
I let you out of it and put you in a fullnellson, humping your ass and forcing your face into the canvas. "Remember the power of these Nuts, Boi!? You'll feel their power again!" I yell. Yt

8:47 PM neatpete
I whimper in this humiliating hold. "never" I whimper.

8:47 PM neatpete

8:49 PM TwinkTamer
Keeping you in the fullnellsons I pull you up off the canvas. Push you into the red corner "you sure about that, Boi!? I yell. Yt

8:50 PM neatpete
I manage a nod, my nude body forced to your corner. yt

8:52 PM TwinkTamer
I let you out of the fullnellson and turn you around. Give your chest a chop, followed by sending you flying into your Blue Corner. Yt

8:52 PM neatpete
I yelp as I hit the rope and fall to my knees. I glare at you

8:52 PM neatpete

8:54 PM TwinkTamer
I follow up and knock into you. Flattening you. Yt

8:55 PM neatpete
I yelp as I fall onto my chest

8:55 PM neatpete

8:56 PM TwinkTamer
I pull you up and put you against the ropes. Yt

8:57 PM neatpete
I yelp as I'm forced to the ropes. I look up at you, wobbly.

8:57 PM neatpete

8:58 PM TwinkTamer
I force your face into my crotch. "how you like that, Boi!" I yell. Yt

8:59 PM neatpete
I whimper as I try to pull away.

8:59 PM neatpete

9:00 PM TwinkTamer
I force you to your feet and pull you to the center of the ring. "let's see how much you can really take, Boi!" I yell. Yt

9:01 PM neatpete
I gulp as my nude body is forced to the center. I start to regret my nudity.

9:01 PM neatpete

9:04 PM TwinkTamer
I grab your nuts and start to Nutclaw you. "yeah Boi, feel that" I yell but, something is wrong. You're not in pain. Yt

9:04 PM neatpete
I laugh at you and flex

9:04 PM neatpete

9:05 PM TwinkTamer
I add pressure to my Nutclaw. "You're going to feel this!" I yell. Yt

9:07 PM neatpete
I laugh at you and flex as I try to pull away

9:07 PM neatpete

9:09 PM TwinkTamer
I add pressure to my Nutclaw, "you're not going anywhere!" I yell. Yt

9:11 PM neatpete
I laugh at you and flex.

9:11 PM neatpete

9:12 PM TwinkTamer
I add pressure to my Nutclaw. "My move only works for me, Boi!" I yell. Yt

9:13 PM neatpete
I look up at you, getting nervous. yt

9:14 PM TwinkTamer
I add more pressure to my Nutclaw. "Take that Boi!" I yell. Yt

9:15 PM neatpete
I glare at you and flex.

9:15 PM neatpete

9:16 PM TwinkTamer
I go nose to nose with you, adding more pressure to my Nutclaw. Yt

9:17 PM neatpete
I yelp and try to pull away.

9:17 PM neatpete

9:18 PM TwinkTamer
I add more pressure to my Nutclaw. "I got you, Boi!" I yell. Yt

9:19 PM neatpete
I whimper. yt

9:21 PM TwinkTamer
Still having my Nutclaw on you I flip you over on your back, giving you the Nutclaw Suplex. "Like that, Boi!" I yell. Yt

9:23 PM neatpete
I yelp, then pant, that move winded me. yt

9:24 PM TwinkTamer
"Time you remember the Power of my Nuts, Boi" I yell. I grab your left hand and force you to Nutclaw my nuts. Yt

9:25 PM neatpete
I yelp as I get to my knees and forced to nut claw. yt

9:26 PM TwinkTamer
I flex but something is wrong. You're not feeling pain shooting up your arm. Yt

9:27 PM neatpete
I laugh

9:27 PM neatpete

9:28 PM TwinkTamer
I feel pain in my Nuts, your Nutclaw is working on me. "what's going on, this always works for me!" I yell. Yt

9:29 PM neatpete
I laugh at your pain adding pressure. yt

9:30 PM TwinkTamer
"laugh at this, Boi!" I yell. I flex and shoot pain up your arm. Yt

9:30 PM neatpete
I yelp in surprise. yt

9:32 PM TwinkTamer
"You think you're Nutclaw really works on me, Boi!?" I flex and shoot more pain into your arm.

9:32 PM neatpete
I whimper as I look down in humiliation. yt

9:34 PM TwinkTamer
I flex and shoot more pain into your arm. "How's that feel, Boi!?" I yell. Yt

9:35 PM neatpete
I just whimper. yt

9:37 PM TwinkTamer
I flex, shoot more pain into your arm, swinging my arms over my head and making you flip over on to your back. Yt

9:38 PM neatpete
I yelp in surprise. yt

9:39 PM TwinkTamer
I get on top of you to pin you. I start the long 10 count to humiliate you. Yt

9:40 PM neatpete
I manage to lift my shoulders. yt

9:42 PM TwinkTamer
"Not learned your lesson yet, Boi!?" I yell as I force you to your feet. Pushing you into my corner. Yt

9:43 PM neatpete
I yelp as I glare at you. yt

9:44 PM TwinkTamer
I gut punch you, "you like that, Boi!" I yell. Yt

9:45 PM neatpete
I grunt as I lean forward. yt

9:47 PM TwinkTamer
I put you in my barehug and take you to the center of the rings. "yeah Boi, Submit to me!" I yell. Yt

9:48 PM neatpete
"never" I? squeak. yt

9:49 PM TwinkTamer
"Let's see how you like this, Boi!" I yell. I let you out of my Bearhug and force you to your feet. Yt

9:51 PM neatpete
I yelp as I'm forced up, wobbly. yt

9:53 PM TwinkTamer
I make your nuts touch my nuts. "Let's see what power you really got, Boi" I yell. I flex and shoot pain into your nuts. Yt

9:53 PM neatpete
"crap" I yell. yt

9:55 PM TwinkTamer
"come on Boi, flex! Show me what power you got!" I yell. Yt

9:56 PM neatpete
I manage a flex yt

9:57 PM TwinkTamer
"That's weak, Boi!" I yell. I flex and shoot pain into your nuts. Yt

9:57 PM neatpete
I scream. yt

9:59 PM TwinkTamer
I flex and shoot pain into your nuts. "yeah Boi, feel my power!" I yell. Yt

9:59 PM neatpete
I scream as I try to pull away. yt

10:02 PM TwinkTamer
"you're only going one place, Boi!" I yell. I flex, shoot pain into your nuts, swing my arms over my head and you flip over on to your back. Yt

10:02 PM neatpete
I yelp as i hit my back. yt

10:04 PM TwinkTamer
I make us go nuts to nuts as I pin you down, doing the long humiliating 10 count. Yt

10:05 PM neatpete
I yelp as I lift my shoulders again. yt

10:07 PM TwinkTamer
I put you in a fullnellson scissors combo. "Submit Boi!" I yell. Yt

10:08 PM neatpete
I grunt as my arms get raised, "never" I squeak. yt

10:09 PM TwinkTamer
I change the fullnellson to a choke hold scissors combo "Time to sleep, Boi!" I yell. Yt

10:10 PM neatpete
I gag. "never" I whimper. yt

10:13 PM TwinkTamer
I add pressure to the Choke hold Scissors combo. Feeling you fade I yell "gonna have a nice sleep, Boi!". Yt

10:14 PM neatpete
I whimper as I realize I'm getting choked out naked. yt

10:15 PM TwinkTamer
"should have taken that 10 count pin, Boi! You're not getting out of this one!" I yelled as I add pressure to the Choke Hold Scissors combo. Yt

10:16 PM neatpete
I moan as my tongue comes out. yt

10:18 PM TwinkTamer
Feeling you're out and sleeping, I pin you down for the humiliating 10 count pin.

10:19 PM TwinkTamer
"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10! You're done, Boi!" I yell and leave the ring. You're limp body spread out in the center of the ring.

10:19 PM TwinkTamer

10:21 PM TwinkTamer
Thanks for the match.

10:21 PM neatpete

Last edited on 8/13/2019 7:07 AM by TwinkTamer



Chubbyfighter (0 )

8/14/2019 4:15 AM

Hi love to act out this match with you,john.


surrey71 (21 )

8/14/2019 2:44 PM

Not being negative but this isn’t really a blog thing.... why not put it on the forums? Plenty of similar stories there - create a new thread on there.


Jay-Ryan (25)

8/14/2019 3:38 PM

(In reply to this)

I like it on my blog more.
