James's blog

Boxing Classes - Day 6 Still

Hey! Checking back in again.

Knee pain is still ongoing but much, much less intense. It's only there if I do a lot of walking. which is nice! I went out and bought a knee brace, and that's been helping a lot. Gonna be looking into an ankle brace as well, as that's been acting up too. Doctor said I have mild tendinitis in both my knee and ankle, so I'm making sure to take good care of those joints. It's important to keep them in line without straining em too much.

In the meantime, I went and got PRK surgery! The difference between PRK and LASIK is that LASIK creates a flap in the eye to correct it, whereas PRK completely removes the top two layers of the cornea to correct my vision. LASIK is faster and easier, but if I take a bad hit in the ring, that flap is opening back up. Which means more surgery. PRK is more painful and has a longer recovery, but there's less risk of my eye getting FUBAR in the ring. As I'm tryping this, I can only barely read what I'm writing. Full vision is expected to be back by early April.

It's been...hard...to go 3 weeks without boxing or intense exercise. Next week will be 4. Luckily, my LASIK consultant (who is also a boxer) said I'm good to go back to the gym next week! So I'm really looking forward to that! I've got a big ol headguard, mouthguard, and sweatband to make sure my entire head is protected. Even then, I'll probably stay away from sparring for the first month or so until my eyes are fully recovered. I'm careful. And anxious.

I'm back at work, now. My eyes are recovering, and everything at work is on fire, so I'm trying to hang in there. I'm so, so excited to get back to boxing next week. I promise to take it slow, but sometimes you just gotta stand and bang, right? See you in the ring, guys!

Last edited on 2/20/2020 6:22 AM by James



wolf wrestler (0)

2/20/2020 6:58 AM



James (9 )

2/22/2020 6:10 PM

(In reply to this)

I will! No sparring for me for a while.


TBLHockeyGeek (80 )

2/21/2020 9:46 AM

I had PRK a few years back but mostly because I have thick corneas. Haven't really had a problem with them (other then some dry eye at night and some painful waking up but its rare). Best money I spent and really pushed me into actually meeting up for people to wrestle since I could see very well without my glasses.


James (9 )

2/22/2020 6:11 PM

(In reply to this)

I'm enjoying the freedom for sure!!


Ironbull (96)

2/22/2020 10:47 AM

Breaks from boxing are really tough. Proves how addictive it is.


James (9 )

2/22/2020 6:11 PM

(In reply to this)

I crave the exercise. And the ability to beat people silly


BilBeaux (0)

2/22/2020 9:54 PM

Good luck!
Have had 2 detached retina surgeries and 2 laser surgeries since November 2019.
Already had other eye issues which slowed me down.

Oh, to be younger and in far, far better physical shape!


James (9 )

2/22/2020 11:06 PM

(In reply to this)

But you got the knockout power of a champ!! Never stop fighting!!
