My Thoughts On Aging

Whether aging is signified by the abundance of gray in your hair, the pain in your joints, your inability to remember why you just walked into the kitchen, or the number related to the date of your birth, we all age. The most frustrating part of this process isn’t the aforementioned points. It’s the perception that other people have of you based on those points.

As we age, we become superfluous. People who may know nothing about us personally make judgements based on their perceptions rather than learning the facts. What we have to say is no longer considered to be of any value. What we want no longer matters. Stores no longer want us there. They want us to order online and pick up in the parking lot or have it delivered. Some stores even go out of their way to make it more difficult to shop there in person.

Well, to reference an old song that you youngn's have probably never heard, “I’m a rebel and I never ever do what I should.” So, if you’re not going to be part of the solution to permit me to be a viable member of the community, stand back and get the hell out of my way, I’m coming through. I may be gray, in pain, forgetful at times, and numerically old, BUT I’m still alive.

Last edited on 12/10/2022 6:08 PM by JHK49



dsbh1 (46)

12/10/2022 7:26 PM

Let me simply say that, Jeff, you are heard. Anyone that rejects you either as an opponent or friend is missing out on both aspects. I know from experience. Be blessed, my friend.


JHK49 (50 )

12/10/2022 7:35 PM

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I am blessed David. I have you as a friend and somewhat regular wrestling opponent. If only you could teach me to sing. LOL


Rasselpa (0 )

12/10/2022 7:45 PM

Amen to every thing that you have brought up. I too hate being overlooked because of age and other perceptions about “old” people. Of course I always get the weight thing thrown at me too. I’m with you


JHK49 (50 )

12/10/2022 7:50 PM

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It also goes far beyond wrestling, and I'll bet the weight factor comes in there too. I can be having a conversation and people will walk up and butt in to speak to the other guy, because whatever the older guy is saying can't possibly be important. I swear, I could stand up in a crowded theater with a lit flame thrower in my hands yelling fire and no one would listen because they perceive me as being old.


scotsguy61 (4)

12/11/2022 1:18 AM

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One advantage of being old and invisible is because your invisible you could walk out of a store with a TV under your arm and no one will challenge you


JHK49 (50 )

12/11/2022 1:39 AM

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Hell, if I did that they'd probably try to hire me since it's probably more work than their minimum wage warehouse guys do.


Lanier (1)

12/11/2022 8:31 PM

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Jeff you may be old but you’re still very HOTTTTT to so many. And trust me there’s plenty of cute young twinks that so many may reject because they lack the beef.


BamaJDon41 (10 )

12/10/2022 8:44 PM

As more and more becomes available online, stores may gear themselves toward a more narrow demographic and see those who don't fit in that demographic as not being a serious customer. I do most of my shopping at WalMart and Target so I haven't encountered that problem. But however people in the older age bracket may be treated there is comfort in knowing that everyone gets there eventually, if they're lucky. And everyone will face the same problems.


Mercury (35)

12/10/2022 9:28 PM

I remember about a year ago a friend of mine wanted a three way. I suggested another friend of mine who is 60, my first friend said no way and didn’t come.

I didn’t think much of it at the time, but I must admit my mate who is in his sixties is easily one of my favourite opponents, has a huge skill set and is great at what he does.

Age is just a number and if some guys lose out because of that, means we have you all to ourselves


JHK49 (50 )

12/10/2022 10:24 PM

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I certainly have never turned down a match based on age or size. And I'd be happy to wrestle or have a 3 way with you anytime. Evil Grin. Now if we can do something about that pesky thing called distance.


Santos2018 (33 )

12/11/2022 5:28 AM

Fuck yeah and well said...👍


SalzPeter (117 )

12/11/2022 5:50 AM

But the online age discrimination is the worst because folks just judge you by few numbers.


luton dave (3)

12/11/2022 10:55 AM

So...what do I see when I look at you...older guy, yes, and you could do with losing a few kilos, great beard, nice broad back, and I'd happily pick you as an opponent and wrestle you hard. If something developed after that, cool! Bring it on.


JHK49 (50 )

12/11/2022 2:16 PM

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Thank you young man.


Lanier (1)

12/11/2022 8:28 PM

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Admirable posture and attitude. Congratulations


Ironbull (96)

12/11/2022 4:28 PM

I love being older. I love the certainty of my own identity. I love the sense of achievement. I love my stories.


JHK49 (50 )

12/11/2022 5:15 PM

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I totally agree. We've lived long enough that we own our stories, and have had years to perfect them and make them entertaining.


Ironbull (96)

12/11/2022 5:37 PM

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Stories are proof of our equality


Andrew Bluebear (3 )

12/15/2022 7:35 AM

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And quality.


Lanier (1)

12/11/2022 8:21 PM

Way to go Jeff. If they only knew how your age and experience contribute to the optimization of every outcome. You’re not older but so much wiser and whoever doesn’t see this it’s their loss

Keep up the great work and thanks for bringing this aspect of agism to the forefront. Orlando


BigDaddyBoxer (1)

12/12/2022 6:12 AM

Just hitting my 70th and having just retired, I am loving life. If anyone has an issue with my age or appearance - fuck them! I have been living my life as one grand adventure and will continue to do so for many years to come. Like many of you, have so many amazing stories and hope that like myself, you all have many more to come. Those who discriminate against our aging population will certainly miss out on hearing our tales of life and the wisdom that come along with them.


Lanier (1)

12/12/2022 7:43 PM

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You could not have said it any better. You are a true testament that age does not hold anyone back, specially you. Your experience and talent meter places you way ahead of so many youngsters

I appreciate you


RasslorBear (39)

12/15/2022 6:50 AM

Age is nothing but a number. Some of us, including you, just get hotter with age. I will make it a goal this spring or summer to lessen the distance between us.


Tagos (30 )

12/17/2022 1:23 AM

Friend I am close to you and I understand you very well. I'm not your age but I'm already experiencing the thing here that if you're over 40 no one wants to meet you anymore. leaving this site... you just need respect for people older than me... here in Italy we are still not at the level you described of the shops that do everything possible to keep you from entering but something is happening. for people older than you you just need respect, education, and the right words, then reading your recommendations here "hats off" I would really like to fight with you. I'm sure I would have the worst. you also need the right words. I've read here some blogs of 30-year-old people who refer to people who are older than them with the word "old, old, you're old"! vecchio 👎


Tagos (30 )

12/17/2022 1:25 AM

that's not the right term. might say "you're someone older than me! in Italian it sounds very different and less derogatory


JHK49 (50 )

12/17/2022 3:30 AM

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Over the years, I've seen several guys make a statement something like this. "I don't want to wrestle my grandfather." I really want to ask why they're so afraid to admit that their grandfather can still kick their ass.


Andrew Bluebear (3 )

12/17/2022 9:00 AM

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Fragile egos?


Ironbull (96)

12/17/2022 8:56 AM

There are two things that a few younger people say that are so amazingly dumb that it makes me laugh.

1. "You should feel this or that way about your age". Buddy, I've been your age but you haven't been mine. Therefore, we're not equal in experience and wisdom, so give me a break. Get older and then you'll get your opinions handed to you.

2. "Eugh You're too old. As if".
Buddy here is the fuck that I do not give. On what planet do you think I get my validation from your good opinion of me? Get older, then you'll get your self respect handed to you.

Age is the opportunity of a lifetime. All you can do is embrace it.

Fortunately I refer only to the few. I'm incredibly impressed by some of my younger friends here. They wouldn't be my friends otherwise.


olderdesire (14)

12/21/2022 11:28 PM

Totally agree. I was feeling like giving up on attempts to wrestle. Many guys on here make it clear they are not interested in wrestling someone my age and body type. Pretty discouraging since most everyone dislikes rejection. I have an opportunity to wrestle in late January-mid February. So, I joined the Y this week and I’ve hit the gym every day. I’m not the man I was, but guys our age still have the fire and desire. I’ll try to be ready in case an offer arises.


Coach Radner (0)

12/22/2022 3:40 AM

Anyone who gives you a thumbs down is some "Special Kind of Looser ". You are spot on Jeff


Ynotwrestler (3)

12/23/2022 6:07 PM

Sophia Loren used to say "Age is a condition, not a priviledge." Aging is what we all do. Staying active and engaged in life makes it easier and enjoyable. I only have had one or two experiences with rudeness and oddly enough they were my age! One on this sight made me chuckle. I messaged a guy as I do to guys my age, and complimented him on his boxing, pics, activity, and profile. His response was to send the message " I only box young men" and he immediately blocked me. I know, what an asshole! All I could think of is you can't retain your youth by retaining a youth. We really need a blocking feature on this site? If you are challenged and don't feel up to accepting the challenge just say so for Christ's sake. I didn't challenge the guy and he reacted inappropriately as far as I am concerned. When he runs out of young boys, he'll learn.
