Ironbull's blog

He's just not that into you

Ok, I have to make an embarrassing admission. I watched Sex and the City. And thoroughly enjoyed it, despite its tacky stereotypes, unlikely plots and shallow characters.

For all of its vacuous bleating, one point was well made. With men there are no mixed messages. First impressions endure. If he's into you, he's going to make it happen. He's fixing dates. He's booking the mats. Blood is flowing to all the right parts of his body. You're going to meet.

If a positive is so unambiguous, its absence can only point to a negative.

So, when a guy is being polite and engaging in noncommittal chat but not moving towards you, he's just not that into you.

When you suggest a meet and, for the second or third time, it doesn't happen, he's just not that into you.

When you mutely look at his profile again and again and he doesn't say hello, he did see you but he's not that into you (and what you're doing is a bit creepy so please stop).

If he cancels, it's more likely than not that someone or something more promising came into his option sheet. He's more into it than he's into you.

You would think that we, as men, would know this.

Think how much time and thwarted expectations could be avoided if we let this in.

If he's not that into you, you are not going to get into his pants. Cornering him at a group meet won't help either. Nor will staying in his face n the hope that he changes his mind. He's just not that into you. Move on.

I really hope I practice what I preach....

Last edited on 9/10/2020 8:18 PM by Ironbull



Deutsche1980 (103 )

7/15/2020 11:11 PM

Amazingly well put! Txs for sharing!


osakarob (78 )

7/15/2020 11:12 PM

Excellent post! Very well said.


Alecmusc (24)

7/15/2020 11:42 PM

Another fantastic world of wisdom. The problem is to let it be. Not an easy thing given the complexity of the factors involved but, no better way to act. Thanks for sharing one more great text.


Shadow Knight (78 )

7/15/2020 11:55 PM

Or you favourite someone but they don’t favourite you back


canwrestle (102 )

7/16/2020 12:07 AM

I agree with you ALMOST entirely... The only thing I would say different is that there are some profiles I visit and some guys who I have made favorites simply because I appreciate them and like seeing what they are up to. I have no expectations of ever meeting up and don't expect anything from them but I think its possible to be a fan of another wrestler without it being creepy.


Boots Hartman (4)

7/16/2020 2:47 AM

Well said.


vonsueno (8)

7/16/2020 4:13 AM

I shall not comment on your choice of viewing....ah, pleasure. (Or did I just do that?)

What I do commend you for is the direct, honest, and elegantly worded assessment you have shared. Any new member should have to read this upon joining MF.

The fact is that many are too busy to engage in---pardon the need to alliterate__-bullshit. Some are just what that Spanish call mal criado, incapable of showing the slightest degree of courtesy.

We must make allowances for these. And, like the words found in the AA Prayer, "accept that which we cannot change."

I hope you will drink to that. (Make it a chocolate protein smoothie, however.)


surrey71 (21 )

7/16/2020 8:06 AM

I’ll give you total respect for saying in a public place you watched SATC, not everyone has the guts to admit to that lol.
But I will also give you respect for what you’ve said!
Too many times I’ve read profiles that say “friendly guy here, say hello!”, so I do with a little convivial extra line or two and get zero back!
So yes, I’ll be taking in more of your wisdoms :-)


Ironbull (96)

7/16/2020 8:17 AM

You're calling it "SATC".... How very familiar lol


surrey71 (21 )

7/16/2020 2:25 PM

(In reply to this)

Oh you’ll pay for your insolence lol!
I was abbreviating the title - does it actually get called that?


Ironbull (96)

7/16/2020 2:27 PM

Is that a tap dance I hear lol?


Fig4hssleeper (3)

7/16/2020 2:47 PM

Desperate Housewives is just as good!


Ironbull (96)

7/16/2020 2:50 PM

(In reply to this)

I despair.

This is like pounding a trucker in a sling and hearing him compliment your curtains.

Grr. Can we man up again? (what have I started?)


surrey71 (21 )

7/16/2020 2:59 PM

(In reply to this)

As you said, what have YOU started lol


Ironbull (96)

7/16/2020 3:00 PM

Mea culpa.


sthlincs (7)

7/16/2020 3:18 PM

So true, very well said.


derrybear60 (0)

7/16/2020 4:09 PM

I was here before I was chatting to a guy doing cyber which was going well then one nite he sent a message I was away for the weekend .I came back mon to fine a rude post because I did not reply rite away .so just because u leave a message does not mean its seen rite ps he was in the usa I live in ireland .rant over


BamaJDon41 (10 )

7/16/2020 7:48 PM

(In reply to this)

Delusional memories do help us feel better about ourselves. LOL


Ironbull (96)

7/16/2020 7:51 PM

(In reply to this)

Just what I used to say when I was heavyweight champion of the world


robrslr (58)

7/16/2020 5:02 PM

Agreed but some guys I eventually delete from inbox then hit me back up to reaffirm they still want to meet them dodge you for months again.


Ironbull (96)

7/16/2020 5:07 PM

(In reply to this)

Well I don;t know how their libido works, but most red blooded males want to do more than look at photos


sthlincs (7)

7/16/2020 5:48 PM

(In reply to this)

Sadly the current situation does not help in the need for real man2man contact - the strength, power, sweat, hardness and horniness is on hold!


Ironbull (96)

7/16/2020 5:49 PM

(In reply to this)

Hard manual labour helps


sthlincs (7)

7/16/2020 5:50 PM

(In reply to this)

Now thats an image I'm enjoying - you performing some hard labour in minimal gear :-)


Ironbull (96)

7/16/2020 5:52 PM

(In reply to this)



FerrelFighter (41 )

7/17/2020 2:18 AM

Good advice, but a hard lesson to follow sometimes.


Submission Guy 82 (56 )

7/17/2020 8:13 AM

Some excellent points but what we all really want to know is are you a Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte or Samantha? 🤣


Ironbull (96)

7/17/2020 8:28 AM

(In reply to this)

Hahaha... that information is not provided without a wrestle and a beer....


Submission Guy 82 (56 )

7/17/2020 8:49 AM

(In reply to this)

That a challenge? 🤣👍🏻


osakarob (78 )

7/18/2020 6:50 PM

(In reply to this)

Ironbull is a Carrie.
The blogs speak for themselves. :P

I might now go back and read his old blogs - with her voice - just to check.


Ironbull (96)

7/18/2020 6:53 PM

(In reply to this)

I can't afford her shoes


Ironbull (96)

7/17/2020 9:05 AM

Could be 🥊🍹


DM Mask (2)

7/24/2020 4:04 AM

I've been thinking about this blog post for several days already, and I've realized how true this is for me. People don't usually like to fight someone who doesn't look like a fighter, so it makes sense now.

Thanks for the blog post. It helped me realize things and make some key decisions in my life.
