This is just a little teaser I wrote for Will1991. Hope you all enjoy as much as he seems to be.

Will, aka Superboi ©GuySmiley 2015

Will wasn’t really Superman, he just liked to pretend, going so far as to buy a mock costume of the superhero and wearing it at varying times. Sometimes just lying around the house, others out in public where people could see him, not that he worried about that. After all, he had the build of a superhero, at least in his own mind. At 23 years of age, he stood above average at 5’10” and weighed just shy of 170 lbs. He had broad shoulders and a solid chest that tapered down to his chiseled abs, maybe not washboard yet, but strong and solid. His legs showed his passion for hiking with solid quads and calves that were the envy of many a young co-ed in high heels when he flexed them. Overall, he was proud of his body, and wearing the superman costume just added to his mystique.

On this particular evening, Will was out in public. The weather was cool, so he was comfortable in his costume, posing every once in a while for the passerby who wanted a memento of the quirky young man who was more than happy to oblige. That’s when he noticed the older gentleman standing off to one side, observing him as he posed, one hand on his hip, the other stretched out toward the sky, like he was getting ready to take off on some important mission. Even through his clothes, Will could see the man was well built, though he stood a few inches shorter than he. His arms made his shirt sleeves look to small, his chest pushing it out as well, and his defined abs showing through the cloth. His quads threatened the seams of his shorts as well. He was in great shape for someone of his apparent age. Will wasn’t sure what it was about the man, but he felt drawn to him. As the person taking his picture thanked him profusely, Will glanced up to find the older gentleman walking away and for some reason, decided to follow him.

They walked along, not too far, and Will stood back as he observed the man entering a house along the street. Will got closer and watched as a light came on in the front of the house and stayed on. Will had to think that this must be the man’s bedroom as no other light came on. He crept closer, being careful to stay in the shadows, no need to draw unwanted attention from nosy neighbors. He was still standing several feet away when the shades in the room opened, exposing the man standing inside the window without
his shirt on and Will could see just how muscular he really was. He felt a familiar stirring in his groin. The man opened the window but left the shades open. The light went out, and in spite of himself, Will drew closer, the thrill of the hunt in his heart as it pumped.

Will stood outside the window for what seemed like an eternity until he heard the man’s breathing move into a sleep pattern. Checking the area to make sure no one was watching, Will carefully removed the screen and with one more glance, carefully climbed into the room. As his feet settled on the carpet, he stood still, listening to the man’s breathing, but it hadn’t changed. He didn’t even really understand why he was where he was, he just knew he needed to be. Moving closer to the bed, he watched the man’s powerful chest move up and down, it almost seemed in slow motion. The man’s arms were lifted, hands cradling his head, and even in sleep, his biceps seemed huge. The covers of the bed were tossed to the side, only a sheet covering the man from waist down. Will wanted so bad to run his fingers down the striations that were the man’s abs. He stood there, his own breathing shallow but rapid. What to do, what to do? He could stand it no more and his hand reached down, index finger poised. Suddenly something similar to a vice grip closed on his wrist. He wanted to pull away, to escape, but the grip was so tight, Will started losing feeling in his hand.

“What the fuck are you doing in my room,” the cold voice asked in the darkness?


Words failed him and Will couldn’t think of anything else to do, so he leveled a hammer fist type blow right into the old man’s groin with his free hand. Surprisingly enough, the blow was hard enough to cause the grip on his arm to loosen enough for Will to pull his arm free, but it also revealed the fact that the old man had a full hard on. This being revealed, within seconds, Will found himself suffering from the same predicament.
The grip on his hand must have been spring loaded because when it broke loose, Will went spiraling backward, crashing up against the wall. A hand closed on Will’s throat, the grip just as tight as it had been on his wrist. At the same time, a fist exploded into his abs with enough force to practically lift his feet off the floor. The hand on his neck let go and with his air completely gone, Will sank to his knees, gasping. A small light came on to reveal the old man standing over him in a fighting stance.

“Damn, you’re that kid from the park earlier,” the old man said.

“No shit, Sherlock,” Will replied sarcastically. “State the obvious often?”

Double hands grabbed Will by the throat this time and hoisted him clean off the floor, his back against the bedroom wall, feet dangling. His hands clawed at the forearms and biceps that held him in place but to no avail. Will felt himself starting to black out, circles of darkness starting from the edges of his eyesight.

“You’re not in a very good position to be such a smart ass,” the old man said, then let go of Will’s neck. Will crashed to the floor in a heap, choking and gurgling sounds all that came from his mouth. “But that’s still a fetching costume you have on, always been partial to superheroes myself.

Will’s eyesight cleared and he looked up to find the old man taking a seat on the edge of the bed. It was obvious even through the old man’s tidy whity’s that he was still turned on. Will could feel that his own boner had subsided some, most likely from the lack of oxygen.

“Now, maybe an answer to my original question,” the old man said, folding his arms across his chest, causing his biceps to stand out. Will felt his hard on bounce right back into place.

“May I,” Will asked, nodding toward the side of the bed where the old man sat?

“Sure, but try anything stupid and I’ll hurt you good.”

“Somehow, I don’t doubt that you would or could,” Will replied. Pushing up with his legs, hands face down against the wall, Will stood up and crossed the space to the bed. He sat down just a few inches from the old man’s right side.

“It looks to me like you got something going on in that costume just like I do,” the old man stated, chuckling gently. His gave his own stiffy a bit of a rub, then reached across and did the same to Will. In spite of himself, Will moaned at the touch. Reaching up, he placed his hand on the old man’s right bicep, wrapping his fingers around the muscle. The old man flexed, engaging his bicep and tricep simultaneously. Will squeezed but the baseball size orb held hard, like trying to squeeze a rock. Now Will really moaned, his engorgement going into overload as precum started seeping into the crotch of his costume.

“Let’s get a look of what you look like under that costume,” the old men said, leaning a bit to his left and grabbing a knife from the headboard. With one flick, it was open, and before he could say anything, Will felt the material pull and the entire side of his costume fell open, exposing his nakedness underneath. Getting up, the old man moved in front of Will, who was now able to grasp both of the old man’s arms. As he held them, the old man cut around his throbbing penis, exposing it. “Not bad for a cub.”

The old man reached up, dislodging Will’s hold from his arms and peeled the rest of costume off of Will. As he leaned in, Will moved his hands to the man’s thighs which bulged like oak trees. Another moan escaped his lips. The old man leaned in, rubbing his hands in Will’s hair, and closed his mouth over Will’s. Both exchanged tongues and now they both moaned audibly. The old man pushed backwards on Will until he was flat on the bed. He climbed on top until their hard ab striations came against each other. With gentle movement, he began frottage, their two pieces of meat rubbing.

“You left that window open on purpose, didn’t you,” Will gasped out as they began to move in rhythm.

“State the obvious often,” was all the old man said before his mouth closed over Will’s, shutting them both up.

The End

Last edited on 4/14/2015 3:25 PM by Guysmiley



Tiger (43)

4/16/2015 1:32 AM

Wow, great ceasars ghost. What a great story. That guy will sure is super!
Hope to read more soon, hint. Hint!


BamaJDon41 (10 )

7/01/2018 2:00 PM

A smokin' hot story. This is great writing.
