Sometimes the actions people take befuddle me. I am planning a trip in the near future and reached out to a younger man about a possible meet up. He responded, no interest. In my mind, no problem. But the next thing I know, a second message pops up that I have been blocked from his profile. Really? Why was that necessary. Was I not respectful in my request? Had I said something disturbing or continued to make overtures? Like I said, it befuddles me.

Last edited on 9/25/2014 4:14 PM by Guysmiley



WildcatLes (29)

9/25/2014 5:34 PM

That has happened to me on some sites, primarily Adam4Adam and Siler Daddies. A couple of guys also did that on globalfight.

Wish that you were closer to Kansas City. I would really enjoy wrestling with you and more action. You look quite sexy in your pics, plus would be a challenge on the mats.


Kevin93 (14)

9/25/2014 8:54 PM

People are rude, I had two guys block me on another site for no reason what so ever. I also had a guy block me because I said I wasn't interested. I was nice as well.

You didn't say anything wrong, having met you and wrestled you. Its his loss, more in likely afraid to be shown up by a older, tougher wrestler.


hephaestion2014 (47)

9/26/2014 8:06 AM

Am sure you have spent more time thinking about why you were blocked then they took to do it.

Don't worry about. If they can do it for no reason, you best off as they not your type of person.

A blocks a block and its their loss not yours. C'est la vie.


Oilman (31)

9/26/2014 8:41 AM

I remember a similar thread to this on this site a couple of years ago. The reason that this is a problem is that people use the block feature to do two different things. I wrestled a guy some time ago who said he used blocking to organise his list of guys he wanted to meet. Anyone stats-wise he wasn't interested in were blocked. I think this is sort of what your guy was doing here and I don't think this is what blocking is for. I guess it would be better for guys who want to manage who they don't want to meet to have a flagging facility they could put in place for those they're not interested in meeting. It wouldn't stop them getting a message and if the person persisted in messaging then the blocking feature could be used 'legitimately' at some point to stop the communication.
