Greekprofantasy's blog

2019 in retrospect

Well since the year is almost out of the room I took some time and looked back at it. All I can say is that 2019 sucked big time. I had issues with both my shoulders leading to a microsurgery on my left one. It healed nicely but still hate the fact that I had to go under the blade.

That and real life made 2019 a very slow year for me. Sure I had a few fights with some hot awesome guy, and a lady, but nowhere near what I was hoping for.

Well I hope 2020 treats me in a much better way!

Last edited on 12/19/2019 5:52 PM by Greekprofantasy



Tynesider (84)

12/19/2019 8:03 PM

Not the best year that you have had but it could have been a lot worse. Let us hope that 2020 is kinder to you.

Best wishes.


vonsueno (8)

12/20/2019 6:23 AM

"The saddest words of tongue or pen are those 'it might have been.'" I suspect you would have given as good as you had gotten and probably better. That said, there are matches to be had, pins to achieved, submissions to be gained, and in all of that great friendships yet to be yours. I wish you all of these and more.

Just try not to make your opponents look to bad. :)
