ChrisWrestling's blog

Bodyscissor story

Before even stepping onto the mats, before entering the space, even before sitting down face to face with Josh he knew how this match would end. Sean was counting on it. His fixation had been eating at him for years. It sent him into periods of ecstasy and depression alike. There were long nights where he sat at his computer and put off sleep much longer than he should and paid for it the next day. On those nights he did countless searches on countless search engines, changing up his verbiage, trying to find what in it’s vast collections of information the internet did not have.
Scissors… squeeze… bearhug… bodyscissor… body scissor… “bodyscissors –female –women –she –her –girl –girls –mixed –boys”
When he was younger the porn companies did it for him, perhaps all too well. They filled his head with fantasies that he was finding as he got older would never be lived. As he aged his tastes became more… real. It couldn’t be fake. His old collections began to annoy him. The legs were large and powerful and the men would pretend to squeeze with them but they never really did and the more he watched it the more he could see it. Their knees flew apart and closed again but they didn’t compress the boy in the middle. He screamed, sure, but it was so forced, so faked that it was ridiculous.
Then he found the real grappling sites. There were even gay oriented ones. The action was better and some of the wrestlers would throw on a scissor here or there but it was always so short lived.
Fuck, where are all the videos of guys getting brutally crushed for twenty minutes or longer or till they passed out, all taps ignored, pure merciless squeezing. The thought took his breath away.
Of course, watching only scratched at the itch. The kink in his brain was much much deeper and could not be satiated on voyeurism alone. No, he had to feel it for himself!
That’s where the internet came in handy once again but as before it’s infinite reaches were far exaggerated. The first meetup the internet provided was a scrawny middle eastern twink who claimed to want a rough squeezing from him. Sean wanted to be the one squeezed but he also knew the deep longing and how much it tormented him. If he could provide this man some level of the satisfaction he so desperately craved he would give it to him and he would give it to him hard! But he didn’t. The boy lay between his legs and at the slightest flexing of his muscles the boy complained and coached him to do it softer. Softer? His legs barely moved, there was no squeeze being given. Sean left abruptly, not amused.
The internet’s other offerings were very hit and miss but mostly miss. Wrestling partners proved to be fun enough but most couldn’t keep up with him and even fewer used any squeeze holds at all.
There he was, 6’, 240lbs, not too old, pretty cut and handsome. Sean’s heart shuttered just looking at the photo of him. He even got Sean going at the coffee meet up. Something happened though. Down to just their swim briefs and on the mats the guy gathered Sean up and wrapped his legs around him. The flutter in his heart returned, his breathing became heavy and labored. This was going to be the real deal. The big squeeze was coming.
The man straightened his legs till they began to dig into Sean’s sides lightly. Anticipation overtook Sean and his eyes became wide with excitement and then the man said, “oh yeah, you’re feeling the squeeze now, you are so feeling it.”
“What the fuck is he talking about” Sean thought. The prefect guy was just like the porn stars, pretending to crush but not wanting to make it real. Was this really going to be it? It was. No amount of coaching or direction was able to get the guy to understand that Sean wanted to feel his real power; the jackass just changed the narrative and seemed puzzled by Sean’s frustration.
The posers, the narrators, the wimps and the endless stream of no shows flooded his e-mail and life but no one brought him anything real. Josh was going to be different though.
There was nothing particularly special about Josh. He had a nice body but his quads weren’t ivory pillars. He had be active his whole life and his tone showed that. Swimming was one of his primary interests and his lap count was off the charts. The boy had stamina. He was attractive as well and had voiced online that he’d had an interest in school to do wrestling but was too afraid that he’d get aroused and then everyone would know that he was gay and he could not have that. Attractive was not the right word, he was downright cute with his slightly wavy brown hair and deep, almost penetrating eyes and a thin, mischievous smile.
Josh was on his knees across from Sean, he had insisted on singlets as that was one of his fetishes. Josh’s was a royal blue which gave him an almost innocent look. Sean’s was black which he liked because it seemed more neutral and almost more modest with some of his more private lines being obscured in the darkness. Sean liked the way it felt on his sides, like a light spandex hug which primed his body for the squeeze to come.
“I don’t feel like rolling today” Josh said and Sean’s heart sank to the bottom of his bowels where it bled out in sorrow. “Is it ok if I just squeeze the shit out of you?” Josh said with a bluntness that took Sean off his guard.
“Fuck yes!” Sean said, realizing too late that he didn’t want to come across as desperate or too eager. It was too late, the words were said and he suddenly felt naked. Fear overtook him and the moment stretched on into eternity but then Josh broke the silence as if no time passed at all.
“Get over here.” He commanded. Sean was dumbfounded and mindlessly obeyed, crawling over not really knowing what to expect.
Josh’s legs were around him and before he knew what hit him he was on his back and Sean straightened them. The pressure was powerful but not as painful as Sean had imagined it, he could still breath but the grip on his core was very real. As Sean exhaled Josh turned onto his side a little, digging his knee into Sean’s diaphragm, forcing to release more air than he had anticipated. Pound by pound the pressure on his abdomen increased and breathing became even more difficult.
At that moment something strange had begin to happen. Something was fighting back. The massive artery in Sean’s gut was throbbing deep inside him, trying to force blood through and it had to be working because Sean’s cock was very full with blood. His legs started to feel warmer and his head filled with pressure and the only thing he could do was shut his eyes hard.
As his eyes closed he felt his body being moved till he was on his knees. The vice snapped shut suddenly and Sean’s eyes popped open to see Josh smiling up at him. His ribs bent and the pain was nothing short of magnificent. Once again, Josh surprised Sean by grabbing his head and pulling it down to his own. Josh kissed Sean, teasing him with another burst of leg power. Sean’s balls… or his taint, he wasn’t sure, were throbbing.
Josh’s legs shifted and Sean was forced deeper into his crotch. A face to face body triangle was locked on and all hope of getting out had vanished. Sean’s beautiful devil smiled up at him as if waiting for him to sign his soul away. “You have it, take my soul just please, for the love of fuck don’t stop!” Sean thought. Josh must have heard the thought because his grip became tighter and tighter till Sean’s breathing had become quite shallow. Josh was not done there. As Sean collapsed forward Josh wrapped his arms around his chest and added a bearhug to the triangle. Once again Sean’s eyes shut from all the pressure.
He was floating. Nebulous and shapeless. His body, having been mangled in the anaconda’s killer grip was below him being prepared to be swallowed up. He was filled with a level of peace he didn’t know even existed.
Josh’s grip once again changed, this time back to straight legs, still with his back on the mat but now he threw his arms over Sean’s shoulders and wrapped his arms around his own legs. In one brutal thrust he straightened his arms and legs at the same time. The shock brought Sean out of his haze as his ribs felt like they were about to detach from his spine.
“Don’t you dare leave me and go off into your dream world. I want you to feel every second of every squeeze till you pass the fuck out.” Josh said.
“Oh fuck yes, do it!” Sean begged.
He was rolled onto his back again but this time Josh had his legs positioned across Sean’s chest like a seatbelt and the squeeze was once again hard to bear. This time the victim was his lungs, full force. He felt every last bit of oxygen was forced out in an indignant choked moan. Josh was feeling around for Sean’s breaths. Every time Sean tried to take one Josh just forced it right back out. What little air sat inside him had become acidic and his lungs burned for something fresh but Josh wasn’t going to have it.
That strange warm sensation returned, this time floating into Sean’s arms and fingertips which he wasn’t sure were dry or sweaty, they felt like both. His head began to pound and his eyes threatened to pop and yet still the beast on his chest was pressuring him further and further into oblivion.
A tiredness Sean had never known before overtook him and every extremity, every toe and fingertip seemed to tingle as his head began to swim wildly. Every shallow breath he took felt like squatting a metric ton and did nothing for him. He no longer felt any real discomfort just the drunken blanket coming over him. Josh had seemed to leave the picture completely, it was just Sean and the pressure and in a moment, it was just the pressure and then nothing.
Sean’s head tingled and the first thing he knew was his hair being lovingly stroked back and then the disarming smile and almost penetrating eyes which he now recognized as brown looking deeply into his own. Josh kissed Sean again and bent down to whisper in his ear.
“I want to do that every day, will you let me?” Josh asked.

Last edited on 5/27/2015 10:44 AM by Chris in seattle



synxiec (74)

6/27/2019 3:26 PM

This seems like something I’d like to try at least once just for the experience.
