Centaur's blog

Keeping respect

So, my first blog post, just really want to talk about an issue that’s appeared in the last couple of group matches.

I understand totally this is a lot of guys kink, I get that and respect it, but if you ask to wrestle me in Submission style then have no ability whatsoever, that’s fine, I’m a big guy, we can talk about styles and techniques or you can get wrecked, your choice all good with that.

What I’m fed up with is when there is no competition no attempt at a sport roll it’s just an attempt to try for a cheap feel or some kind of way to get yourself off.

Recently I wrestled some older gents, one was totally pleasant and we had a great light subs match, I’m not sure if the other guy was a friend of the first or just someone he felt sorry for but the way that I felt after having a pro match can only be summed up in a word: Dirty

Don’t touch yourself then rub your hand on my mouth, I’ve blocked the offending man so he won’t see this, but after being relaxed about wrestling a guy old enough to be my father and in pretty poor shape, so I’m being ultra careful that was a literal smack in the face.

Yeah this is a whinge and one day I will be in my late 60s early 70s but if older gents don’t want to be turned down again and again this behaviour needs to be called out.

Get your expectations out in the open and respect boundaries.

Last edited on 11/17/2022 10:10 PM by SwinGuy34



JasonAnders (181)

11/17/2022 10:14 PM

You've got such a great feel tho. Irresistible! 🤪🤭🤭🤭
I get it tho. I've had those matches where I've felt dirty too...


Centaur (60)

11/18/2022 2:31 PM

(In reply to this)

Maybe I’m just to irresistible 😂😜


Mercury (35)

11/18/2022 2:41 PM

(In reply to this)

Hahaha. No


Londonliving123 (27)

11/17/2022 10:19 PM

Sorry you had that experience man, that sucks :( Now that he's blocked hopefully that's the last of it.

Nothing wrong with having preference for a more erotic match, but you've gotta be up front about it. CONSENT PEOPLE! 😤


Centaur (60)

11/17/2022 10:44 PM

(In reply to this)

Consent is king in ALL things! :)


bobster (30)

11/17/2022 10:26 PM

All I can say to SwinGuy34 is DITTO! Well put and well said.


scrapper02 (154 )

11/17/2022 11:28 PM

@SwinGuy34 - perfectly stated. Upfront expectations and consent are key, and being super specific helps. Not everyone defines “wrestling” or “competitive” or “dirty tactics” or even “erotic” the same way.

Same applies to photos, videos, and sharing, trust and consent!

Also - awesome to have filled with you.


TBLHockeyGeek (80 )

11/18/2022 1:44 AM

Unfortunately blog posts are excluded from blocks. It's still visible and readable just can't post a comment.


Centaur (60)

11/18/2022 8:21 AM

(In reply to this)

Well maybe that’s a good thing to


Adam J (17)

11/18/2022 1:50 AM

I'm all for getting a bit kinky but providing it's just an after thought thing. At the end of the day if someone doesn't want to get sexual with you they should respect that.


Mercury (35)

11/18/2022 8:24 AM

Completely agree with this. I had a match years ago where someone put something where I hadn’t consented to. It happened very quickly and on the one side I can see how it happened (obviously) but on the other side it was wrong and something we hadn’t agreed to.

I never met that guy again, and even to this day it is something I feel a bit urgh about


surrey71 (21 )

11/18/2022 8:48 AM

I met a guy at Hendon matroom (years ago), not going to name him - obviously, but he was old enough to be my Dad.
He took the opportunity for a match to cop a feel down my speedo and despite me saying no he kept on going - like he was possessed by some sort of Demon.
In the end I prayed for it to stop - but he kept going so I called an end to the proceedings. Got dressed, left - he started preaching it was what I had signed up for - bloody well hadn’t!!
So we’ll said for calling out other guys who are misbehaving in groups - or even singles meets - if there’s no consent then don’t do it!


HairyNerdIt (14 )

11/18/2022 9:02 AM

Well the base of the meetings is thst both the opponents need to have fun and have a good time, is always important that both the guys have a great time on the mat!You are a very nice guy, i am really sorry for what happened and can t believe about that... it 's no good when things like that happens


Shoot (15 )

11/18/2022 4:59 PM

This belongs under splade2submission post of 11/6 about "real."


Sparrhawk (9)

11/18/2022 10:28 PM

I agree. I'm here to wrestle, so the struggle is what makes it fun.


JStiles85 (19)

11/23/2022 3:20 PM

yeah I can understand that for sure. I had that happen twice to me (years ago) and I never saw those indivduals again. Keyword is consent
