You are no longer on Meetfighters, but I want to take a moment to say I'm sorry.

You took the time to message me. You took the time to make sure i was comfortable. You asked every question and did EVERYTHING to make sure we could meet each other and WRESTLE.

We got along famously.

And I ghosted you.

What you don't know is that I actually drove the hour and a half from my place to yours. I sat in front of your apartment and had a PANIC ATTACK. It was new for me. It was scary. And I want you to know that I am SO sorry.

Eventually, I did meet someone who I had My first match with. He and I are still good friends to this day. He's met my wife and my daughter, and he's such a wonderful person. He's also left MF now, but he and I stay in touch.

I'm sorry that wasn't you. You absolutely deserved to be the first person I wrestled here, and one day, I hope you read this. Thank you for showing me that this is not a place to be afraid of. Thank you for being patient and kind to a newcomer..

Thank you for understanding when I never said another word on the day of our match.

I hope you found ALL the good opponents.

And if you ever come back to Meetfighters, look me up again.

You're the ONE person ill buy a plane ticket for. I owe you that much.

Last edited on 9/15/2023 4:12 AM by Boxerboy91



roughouser (15)

9/15/2023 5:23 AM

This is something I've seen happen. Only natural to be afraid of the unknown.


SkullBeef (12)

9/15/2023 8:27 AM

It happens, dude. It was going to be your very first opponent and charting into the great unknown. That being said, you really did fumble the bag hard. That guy took the time to make sure you were completely comfortable. Once the panic attack subsided, was there a reason you ghosted him? Or it just "happened"? I hope there's a happy ending to this and your post makes his way to him.


Boxerboy91 (14)

9/15/2023 6:01 PM

(In reply to this)

I think ultimately what made me dip out was that we were meeting at his place. Its NOT a good excuse, and im SO ashamed of it still. But whem i actually did meet someone, we met at a hotel room. I think the "neutral playing field" helped. I had no reason to think i wasnt safe with the guy i ghosted. He was wonderful. But i paniced and majorly screwed up


agniandrudra (18)

9/15/2023 2:16 PM

It happens, you have to trust and go with your gut. There are some dudes that come off very aggressive on here and that’s not for me. Hopefully the guy sees your message somehow. Don’t beat yourself up for choosing your safety.


TBLHockeyGeek (80 )

9/15/2023 3:22 PM

I remember my first match pretty well with a user still on here. I too sat in my car, outside this wonderful man's house, and had a mild panic attack. My story ended differently though and I went ahead and gathered what little courage I had and went through with the match (which was a wonderful experience)... the first meets are always hard.

Hell, I still get that way sometimes meeting up with someone for the first time - whether it's sitting in my hotel room nervous waiting for the other guy to show up or heading over to where they are at for our match. This is even after 60ish matches and a few published videos out there for sale.

It's not easy and sometimes it still isn't. I hope your dude sees this someday.


SeattleFight (477)

9/16/2023 5:02 AM

I like that you owned up to your rudeness/mistake. Of the many (and I mean many) times I’ve been ghosted, very very few have ever apologized. Good on ya.


profan (7)

9/18/2023 12:25 PM

Yes I recall that intense anxiety strong enough to make you feel sick – what if someone catches us, what if he tells my co-workers, what if his wife comes home early, what he or I get hurt, what if we are not a good match, etc. This is natural, I was extremely worried the first ten or twelve times. And I agree that being in his house where a neighbor might pop in to borrow some sugar feels riskier than an anonymous hotel.

I love this apology. I don't recall actually ghosting anyone (I've been ghosted about 3 times), but I should write an apology to a few scheduled hook-ups where I made up an excuse just to escape the extreme anxiety. I am sorry and I confess that I actually wasn't feeling ill (other than my panic attack) and I actually did not have to suddenly work late.


MIbigguy (7 )

9/21/2023 3:45 AM

I can understand as well. I have always met up with guys where I have a scheduled match. My issue is when I attend wrestling gatherings. I get anxious when meeting up with a group. More than once I have left because I just felt overwhelmed. We deal with it as best we can. You are brave to make this posting.
