Boxer_Daddy's blog

BOXER'S RANT IV: The Fake Boxer

A'ight YO! I'm back with a vengeance as I blog about this one. I'm hoping your eyes don't get burned reading the anger of my words off your screen.

This RANT! Is vehemently directed at the FAKE BOXER(s)! You KNOW WHO You are! You're that guy with a picture of himself wearing boxing gloves, striking the pose of a boxer and saying yeah, I box. M%&*% F&^er going to a gym and hitting the heavy bag DOES NOT MAKE YOU A BOXER! Borrowing someone's gloves and/or boxing trunks to take a picture in DOES NOT MAKE YOU A BOXER! Watching boxing on TV and being a fan DOES NOT MAKE YOU A BOXER! Taking a Boxer-Aerobics class while wearing imitation boxing gloves DOES NOT MAKE YOU A BOXER! I cannot even begin to tell you how much this angers those of us that have taken the time to learn the fine art of pugilism and train at our chosen sport to become good at what we do. It is a DIRECT insult to those of US that take PRIDE in our sport & abilities to engage other men and battle within the squared circle. It's also aggravating to no end to come across a profile like previously aforementioned when it's a well body conditioned guy that looks like he could give you a good fight or some heavy duty rounds testing your physical endurance and mental fortitude. I'll tell you FAKE BOXERS this. My veteran fisticuff fighters and I know how to quickly determine if you're a real boxer or not. AND like most gay men we talk. The gay boxing network is very small unlike the gay wrestling circuit. When a new profile appears one of us will find out if you're real or not and quickly inform the others so we don't all waste our time trying to get know you and find out if you're legit or not.

You know it's sad in this day and age when people have to be thoroughly investigated first, when an individual cannot be taken on the honor of his word. As an IT (Information Technology) man, I'm sure when the internet was first created the inventors had only good intentions for bringing people from all over the world closer together; to allow like minded individuals to find one another quickly; to strengthen the bonds of friendship and camaraderie across the globe. And yet there are those who abuse this great tool and use it for dishonorable and nefarious purposes. We are gay and we are boxers (a double if not triple minority), yet some of us still delve into the art of subterfuge. Call me naïve, but what eventuality does this serve when you are seeking like minded others? We hide from the world at large yet lie to those like us. THIS IS WRONG! My momma always said "If you don't know why you're doing something, then you shouldn't be doing it." – SO STOP!

Last edited on 7/15/2022 6:15 AM by Boxer Daddy



Guysmiley (41 )

11/08/2012 3:51 PM

TB – much the same could be said about fake MMA fighters on here, or for that matter, wrestlers. Not disagreeing with you, just pointing out that you don't stand alone when it comes to dealing with fakes.


Boxer Daddy (49)

11/09/2012 8:06 AM

Much Love & Appreciation for the compliment GS. Much like the writer that I am, I'm sticking to individuals in and around the sport that I know. MMA Fighters and Wrestlers have their own innumerable issue to deal with. My RANTS are focused on The Few, The Proud - The Pugilistic Boxers. Given that we are an extreme minority someone has to speak for us.

BTW if you have a particular issue for my BOXING RANT, you'd like me to speak on feel free to email me directly. We'll hash out any bugs and see if it's a noteworthy RANT to BLOG about.

Keep your guard up and come out punching. Peace!
