AZgrappler's blog

Las Vegas

I just want to put it out here , Las Vegas wrestlers are incredible ! WADaddy and I visited Las Vegas recently . As we wrestlers do , we hit up a bunch of fellow wrestlers in an area we are about to visit . You hope that maybe a couple guys will respond never mind show up . We had over a dozen guys get back to us and almost all of them actually set up times with us . Since I was only there for 4 days , some of you great guys got left out . We set it up where guys we have already met or talked to for awhile got first priority . So I just want to put that out there that there wasn’t enough time to meet up with everybody . Even a bunch of things we wanted to sightsee got taken off our list of things with all the wrestlers who responded . So for all those wrestlers that have visited areas and had a bunch of no shows , there are a bunch of guys in Vegas that will actually show up and wrestle ! Hats Off To Las Vegas !!

Last edited on 8/20/2019 6:49 AM by AZgrappler



WADaddy (31 )

8/20/2019 6:51 AM

Completely agree. Also seriously high quality guys and great wrestlers


vonsueno (8)

11/11/2019 3:48 AM

The encouragement and the enthusiasm of AZgrappler as he has described his recent trip to Las Vegas, with the gathering of this band of brother fighters, says a lot about him, and by extension WADaddy and those who joined with them. Anyone reading this blog certainly can feel this. I am reminded of the inspiring speech that Henry V gave before the famous battle of Agincourt. (Okay, maybe I am exaggerating a bit, but...) The similarity arises in that there will be many who wished that they had been in attendance. And, that would include me.

Thank you for sharing this. Bravo!


bigchicago (68)

1/05/2020 9:34 PM

Yes, I was so happy wiht my trip to vegas, best wrestling trip yet. There are so many responsive local guys and so many people travel in and out of there too.


AZgrappler (114 )

1/05/2020 9:40 PM

(In reply to this)

Agreed totally
