zwirnie's blog

after the training .... coach has as all around ... tells us the old captain is leaving the team then he looks at you, then at me. "new captain will be one of you .. i will make my decision next week ... unless one of you doesn't want the job ..." i smile, fuck man, i want that! but i know you do too ... i look at you, stare at you other guys leave the pitch just us there ... still staring still in your gear .... goals, balls ... still on the field "So .... you want to just make it clear and give up the position right now? we both know i deserve it more!"

The field empty other than for the two of us. Staring back at you, taking in your lean muscled body, sweaty and shining under your gear. "What makes you think you deserve it more?" I snarl at you. "I'm a better player than you are!"

"you're dreaming! i made 6 goals in the last game, noone made that many in a game ever before!" ... looking you up and down ... damn hot guy i keep thinkin to myself ... but tryin to not let it show

"Yeah, you maybe good. But I'm better." Step closer to you, taking in your studly body. Know that you're gonna be tough to handle. Feeling the heat of your sweaty body and get a whiff of your manly musk. Yeah, this boy is a total alpha stud, I say to myself as my cock hardens a bit under my tight jock and cup.

don't move an inch as you get closer ... can feel your heat now too. know that you are tough guy, i've seen you play. looking at your hot sweaty body. cock hardens too ... move a bit closer too, just inches apart ..."so .. how are we gonna decide ... not gonna let coach ruin this for me"

Stare into your eyes as we stand inches apart. My legs spread wide, thigh muscles flexed and filling out my compression shorts. My cock semi hard in my jock. Heart beating fast and kinda excited at the prospect of taking you on one on one. "What did you have in mind?" I ask softly
"well .... only one way to settle this between us - fight it out! like men, not some dumb rules wrestling shit ... proper fight! you vs me! deal?"

My cock jerks in my jock when you mention fighting. Heart beating faster. “You sure you want to fight me?” I ask scowling at you. “You’re looking to get your ass handed you?”

smirking .... "yeah right .... we'll see" ..... just us on the field, gear and sticks and everhing still around. take my gloves off, throw them hard at your face ... and charge at you!

Caught off guard when you throw your gloves in my face and you charge at me. Stumble as I back away.

go after you, get one leg behind your feet and trip you up, push you down on your back and mount you, high up compression shorts close to your face. grab your wrists and push them down hard "wann give up right now and save yourself the humiliation?!" sweat dripping down on your face ....

“What the fuck dude? Get off me!” Taken down hard by you. Your crotch almost in my face as you mount me. Struggling against you strength as you have a stronger position.

slide my knees up higher, push them down on your biceps and ride them a bit ... "what pathetic little arms you got ... shouldn't even be on the team with sticks like that! ever tried the kids team ... maybe you got a chance there!"

“Dude! Enough fooling around. Don’t get me mad. Now stop being a little shit and get off me!” Wincing in pain as you knees apply pressure to my biceps. Thinking how I’m gonna get away from you.

smirking over you, my knees still on ur arms ... "just say that you're a little bitch and that i'm the only true captain - and i'll let you walk ...." release one wrist of yours and slap your face hard ...

“Fuck you man!” My face stinging from the slap. Bend my left foot at the knee and bring it close to my butt for leverage and then thrust my hips up hard to unbalance you. Dragging my hand free from under your knee in the process and give you a hard uppercut to you jaw. “Get the fuck away from me dude!”

uuffffffff ... hard uppercut makes me fall to the side, off of you ... a bit dazed. "fuck you!!! now you're gonna pay!" getting back up to face you again ...

“Hey you started it! I don’t want to fight you. This is fucking stupid. Get away from me man!” Get to my feet, crouched low, my fists cocked. “How the fuck is this supposed to settle anhing?”

"simple ... a captain needs to have the respect of the team .... if our coach calls you to be captain - how am i supposed to respect you?! only chance you'll have is to be beat me .. then i will respect you! and not the little pussy you are right now!"

“Fine, have it your way. You brought this on shithead. I didn’t want to fight you, but now you got me mad. Got any rules?”

"just one ... you need to beat the other one twice to make sure it's not just a lucky one" cock twitching in my jocks now that we are properly gonna fight ...

“Fine.” Give you smirk. “You man enough to go all the way?”

Zwirnie: walk towards you, face to face. not even an inch between us ... "I'll go wherever i need to go to get the job done! and yeah .. i'm ready to go ALL THE WAY!"

“Maybe you’re not a pussy after all then” I say softly, staring into your eyes. “No holds barred. Winner owns the looser. And i means OWNS the looser”

"hope you remember that when after your second loss .... and yeah .... winner owns loser - for the rest of the season!"

Grin at you. “Grease your ass”

"trust me .. after i'm done with you here on the field you won't need your cock anymore for a long time ... not that you ever needed it before pussy!" move my hand to your chest, leave them there for a moment, then push you back hard

Laugh as you push me back. “You don’t even know what I pack, bitch! I can outfuck you anime!” Step towards you again, put my hand against your abs. Feel the heat and steel hardness of your body as I push you back.

as you push my back, i grin ... turn in and grab your wrist. keep your hand on my abs, flex them hard and flip your body over my hip, smashing your body on the field ... laughing over you .... "too bad your cock will never ever go near my ass to prove it"

“Fuck!” I groan as you monkey flip me over you. Shake my head and struggle to my feet. “Nice move, shithead! Where did you learn that?”
Zwirnie: "oh .. you didn't know? i did judo for 6 six years before i started lacrosse" ... raise my arms and double flex my guns at you as i watch you struggle up again "... and those are from the gym, in case you're wondering"

“No I didn’t know” I say as I crouch low and ram my shoulder into your abs, whilst gripping your legs right above your knees with my hands to take you down hard. Land on top of you heavily.

"NNGGGGGGG" you manage the takedown, for the first time really feel your strength and hard body ... DAMN i think to myself .... may not be as easy as I thought .... i lift my legs up and wrap them around your waist, scissoring you hard ... ankles crossed to increase the pressure ...

Not bad I think to myself as you get me into your guard by wrapping your legs around my waist. “Good think I did wrestling” I say as I bearhug you around the chest and then rock back on to my knees and get to my feet, feeling your body weight and the fucking heat from your body wrapped around me. Getting a whiff of that sweaty musky scent coming from your body. “Hold on tight, bitch!”

hate the view of you towering over me .... i look up, see your face. release one leg, try to keep one on your back. try to buck up my hips and get my other leg around your neck, attempting to trap your head in a figure 4 headscissor .... "yeah ... i am holding n tight!"

Slam you down hard on the grass as you try to get me into a figure 4 headscissors. Get a hand between your legs and elbow you in the thigh to pry your legs open.

"ARGHHHH" ... the slam prevents the fig4 to be closed, and with your elbow on my leg can't get enough pressure. instead abandon the scissor and grab that arm, attempting an armbar instead to bring you down on the grass as well ...

Grunt as you switch and try to go for an armbar. Bend my elbow and struggle against your muscle power, my bicep straining as I work my other hand between your legs and elbow you in the other thigh.

try to stretch your arm as much as i can, see it flex up - not bad from that angle. then i open my legs to get your elbow off my thigh. plant one foot on the grass and buck up my hips to make us roll and get you on your back .... heavy breathing already, sweaty and can smell your scent too ...

Grunting as you get me on my back. You’re tougher than I thought and it ain’t gonna be easy to take you down. Bring a quick knee up between your legs and give you a good ram between your legs, right in the hard cup protecting your tackle. Take advantage of the situation as you cuss to roll you over and get on top again. Scoot up over you so we’re chest to chest and look you right in the eyes. Hook my legs around yours and yank your legs wide open in a nice satisfying grapevine. Grin at you as I watch you expression. Sweat dripping down on your face as I grip your wrists and use my upper body weight to keep you down.

"FUCKKKKKK!!!!" as i feel your knee hitting my cup hard, still feel the impact ... that moment is enough to turn me over and a moment later trapped under you ... looking up at you again, but this time your fuckin grinning face much closer. grunting under you "so you wanna play dirty ha?" try to break the grapevine but fuck man your legs are steel, not moving an inch. instead, feel your cup pressing down on mine. try to push up your arm .. fuck man, this is why i go to the gym 5 times a week!!!

“Oh stop cribbing, you’re wearing a cup for christsake! You’re the fun who wanted to fight like a man!” Grin at you as you show me how strong your arms are. Our biceps bulging as we struggle. Pump the grapevine as I rip your crotch open, knowing that has got to hurt! Give you a cocky grin and hump my his hard, ramming my cup into yours. I’m almost fully hard now from the body contact, your scent and the power I feel having you under me.

manage to slowly press your arms up, but the cup ramming brings them back down. and yeah, it fuckin hurt!!!!! but tryin to not let it show. my cock growing hard and hard from all the grunting and contact. FUCKKKK ... how do i get out of this grapevine?!

“You wanna submit to me stud?” I ask you slowly as I stare into your eyes. Pumping both the grapevine and my crotch into yours to keep you under control. My body feels flushed from the intense arousal, can’t help taking in your hot musky scent and feeling your under me, crotch to crotch is driving me wild. Trying to keep myself under control and give you a particularly nasty yank on the grapevine. “Give up!”

Zwirnie: moaning as you stiffen up the grapevine ... "fuck you ... never submitting to you!" tear hard on my arms to get them free, try to buck up my hips. any chance to unbalance you a bit. with every moment our cups touch hard. my body now all sweaty from the exhaustion and your body weight on my, your heat and scent ... NNGGGGGGG

Impressed by your stamina as you refuse to submit from my punishing grapevine. “Gotta say, you’re a lot tougher than I thought.” I tell you. “Guess the rumors about your being an animal in bed are true” I put out my tongue at you as you struggle under me and ram hard into your crotch and stop, but keep the grapevine tight. Our cups jutting out from our hardons.

"you'll find out soon enough!" i grunt at your face, but have to admit that i am not anywhere close to getting free, and increasingly becoming breathless ... can feel more than your cup now pressing down on me. my legs now starting to shake from being flexed up all the time ... shittttt!!

“I told you man, I can outfuck you and right now, you’re about to become my bitch” Smirk at you a shake my head, showering you with droplets of my sweat. “And you know what else? Let’s stop pretending. You like it. I know you’re hard as steel in your cup. I know you want to be my bitch and I’m fucking hard coz I want you to be my bitch!”

take a deep breathe ... "I'm not your bitch! yeah i'm hard, but it's just my cock preparing to take your ass" ... trying again to lift up your arms, but soo much hard now ... starting to really feel the impact now ... ahhhhhhh

“You want me to let you go?” I ask grinning from ear to ear.

FUCKKKKKKK ..... see you grinning over me, droppin sweat on me ... grapevine still tight as concrete, arms go back down ... too exhausted... shittttt .... close my eyes and take a few deep fast breaths .... "fine ... you got me ... first round goes to you ..... " my cock rock hard now, fuck man ....

Fuck, shocked to see you give up. Ease up on the grapevine, but still lying on top of you. “Didn’t expect you to submit” I say.

"me too ..... " i just grunt at you softly .... frustrated as hell that i lost this fight so quick. but had no chance against this grapevine, was applied too well to break out .... "gonna give you one hell of a payback in round too!"

“Yeah I know payback is gonna be a bitch.” Grunt and roll off you to lie down on the cool grass beside you. “I’m gonna ask you something that’s gonna be a bit weird.” Lift myself on one elbow so I can look at your face. “Can I see your cup?”

still on my back ... look at you ... smile a bit "sure .... go get it if you want it ...!

Scramble up to sit down on the grass beside you. My heart’s racing now as I slowly reach down to your tented crotch. My hand shaking a bit as I hesitate and look at you again.

"don't be afraid ... think of it as the prize you won for beating me" ...

Grin at you and gently reach out and put my hand over your crotch, feeling the hard cup, tenting out over your erection. “Damn, you look like you pack a hefty rod down there”

"i do ... i make you a deal ... admit that i'm just as good a fighter a you and we equal the score ... and you can see it right now ... "

“Fuck!” I groan, “Don’t give me choices like that man. Yeah, I wanna see it. But I also want you to have a change to fight back” I say grinning. Reach into your compression short pouch to gently ease your cup out. My hand shaking now as I admire the hard plastic shield that was protecting your equipment. Slowly bring it to my face and take a deep breath. I moan as the scent of your crotch hits me like a drug. My face going red as I look at you again.

I smirk .... "yeah i think we know who the bitch is here ...." raise my leg fast and wrap it around your neck, pressing your face against my cup and crank up the lock ...

Rammer: I moan as you take advantage of the situation and force me into a leg lock, making me sniff your cup even more…

lean up and reach for your arms, manage to grab one and tear it upwards on your back, hammerlocking it had forcing your face even deeper into it .... "come on, you love that bitch ... so close to my hard cock ...."

“Arrgghhhh fuck man!” howl as you hammerlock me and force me into the musky sweaty cup. My cock swollen to its full raging strength from the scent. “Come on dude, don’t be such a dick!”

tear on your hammerlocked arm, move my hips and make us roll, forcing you onto your back ... release the hammerlock and schoolboypin you for a moment... double flex over you ... "you're right ... i want to beat you fair and square!" ... and get back up

Groan and lie down on the grass. Look you over, your massive erection visible under your tight compression shorts, leaving nothing to the imagination. “Take my cup” I say simply.

i move over you ... one leg on each side of your body ... i reach into my shorts and pull out my cup, hold it to my face ... smell it ... smirk and drop it onto your chest. raise my foot and hold it over your cup, rub it, slwoly pulling your shorts back while i flex my biceps over you. my hard cock now really visible in my compression shorts .... "you like that view?"

“Fucking hell dude!” You stand over me and do a double bicep pose that really shows off your stud body and with your foot on my cup, pulling my shorts back. “Yeah, I like the view” I say grinning, hard beating like a I’m running a marathon and precum soaking into my shorts.

smirking over you, fuckin love hearing stuff like that. finally manage to slide your cup out of your shorts too, moving my foot over your precummed shorts .... "you really like it, man". gotta admit though, your cock hot, feeling great under my foot

Moan softly as you slowly pry the cup off my crotch in the most humiliating way with your foot. I’m so damned turn on by you now that I’m dripping precum into my shorts and your foot over my cock. Take your cup off my chest and unashamedly take a another deep breath, more precum pumping out of my superhard cock as I feel the heat of your foot.

raise my arms again and flex "this is exactly how i imagined it this night would end ... you under me, soaked in cum and sniffing my cup .... you really are the bitch!"

“Ok I’ll admit you turn me on. Big time. But I ain’t your bitch yet.” Shove your foot off my crotch and get to my feet in front of you. “How bout we make this interesting for the next round. We switch cups. You wear mine, I wear yours.”

"not sure your tiny cup will fit my cock, but okay ...." reach down to grab your cup and shove it inside my shorts, then watch you do the same .... lick my lips a bit as i watch you work your shorts, admiring your sweaty hot body ...

“You know damm well it’s the same size, you pussy!” I ease your cup into place, feeling a bit weird wearing your cup, but also feeling a bit powerful. “You ready to take me on punk?” I crouch low, warily watching you.

i grin ... go into position too. a bit more alert now, knowing that you can fight back. gotta be careful not to lose the second round too. so we circle, watching the light reflect in the lights ... damn hot body i think again, my eyes wandering down to my cup again and again ...

“How’s my cup feeling” I ask with a smirky grin.

"not bad ... wish it wasn't so full of your cum"

“That’s just precum. You’ll experience my cum later!”

i smirk, then move forward and put my hand on your neck, other hand reaches out and grabs your wrist "alright wrestler boy, show me what you got ...."

“Flex your abs” I say and ram a hard fist seconds later into your lower abs.

manage to flex it up just before your hard fist lands on it. feel your strength, but take it with ease ... "gotta do better than that boy"

“Not bad” I say and feel your abs with my hand. Hot with your body heat, but hard like steel. Look up into your eyes and ask, “Groin punch?”

i raise up .... "first i want to test your abs. if you can take the shot, you can do the groin punch"

“You got it” stand up straight and spread my legs wide a bit, flex my abs and nod at you.

smile, take in your hot body standing like that. then lock up my right fist and drive it hard to your lower abs. can feel the impact, but also your flexed up abs

“Uhhhhh” feels like a battering ram running into my abs, but the flexing helps and I give you a grin. “You can punch, I’ll give you that”

"gotta say, i'm impressed. most guys crumble after the frist shot". you taking the shot brings my cock back to full hardness ... "okay ... take the shot at my groin now". i spread my legs, close my arms behind my back

Squat in front of you, slightly sideways to get a good swing and then ram my fist hard into the center of your hard cup. Wincing at the painful impact of my knuckles against the plastic.

"uuffffffff" cups takes most of the impact, but it still hurts like hell. you really go full force on it, forcing down on knee, one hand on the ground too and taking a deep long breathe ... look at you ..."fucking hell man ... "

“Awww fuck” feeling bad now. “You ok man?” Put my hand on around your shoulder and the other hand down to your lower abs and gently massage you a bit.

"yeah, i'm okay ... just didn't expect you takin that much power to it." feel your hands on my sweaty abs, moaning a bit as you massage them .... cock rock hard now, tip wet ... "feels really nice ...."

Put my hand on the cup and gently pump it a bit. “Guess its my turn to take it now huh? What do you want to do?”

"oh yeah ... its my turn now. so, you think you can take as hard a shot as the one you gave me?"

“Yeah, but judging by your biceps, you’re gonna hit me harder than that”

"well ... the shot you gave me was as hard as i can take it. if you take mine, we know you're tougher than me. so, are you tougher?!"

“Let’s find out” I say smirking and stand up. Hands behind my back and legs spread wide. Cock raging under your cock. Thinking its weird that your own cup is gonna be protecting me from your punch.

i stand in front of you, loosening up my fist, smirking wide. then i take a step back, then other one ... reach down and grab your own lacrosse stick ... "maybe i should hit you with that, if you dare"

“Shit dude, are you out of your mind!” I yelp my eyes wide. Think a bit and then say, “I’ll tell you what. I’ll take the ball if you wanna give it your best shot!”

"hahaha ... good, just testing where your limits are" swipe up a ball with your stick, let it bounce off a few times .... "are you ready?!"

Gulp and brace myself, then nod at you.

take a few steps back, then take one-two step run up, swing off the stick and the ball shoots out really fast, hitting my cup perfectly in the middle

The ball hits your cup and it feels like a train ramming into my crotch as the painful shockwave lifts me off my feet and throws me backward onto the grass “Fuckingggggg heeeeellll dude” I howl and curl up into a ball, my hand trying to nurse my aching crotch. The cup took the brunt of the force, but it hurt like hell when the edges of the cum rammed into my groin.

i half grin satisfied that you are not able to take it, but also a bit worried. step over to you, kneel in front of you, hand on your shoulder ... "you okay, dude? too hard?"

“Uhhhhh kinda… hurts like hell”

"sorry mate. didn't mean to make you feel bad ... anhing i can do to ease the pain?"

“Yeah, help me take the cup off man”

i reach into your shorts, and grab gently the cup. slide my other hand in too. cup moves out, but my hand now on your hard cock now, gently rubbing the shaft and your balls .... "feels better?"

“Ohhhhhhhh” I moan softy as you gently work my cock and balls. Spreading my groin open for you.

grab your cock a little harder and start moving up and down on your shaft. place my cup with your own precum now onto your face ....

“Oh fuck,” I gasp as you manipulate my manhood. Locked in your grip as you make me bury my face into your crotch. Getting turned on by the mix of your scent and mine.

move my legs over your head ... my cup still on your face, as i press down with my crotch, covered by your cup, on your face ... one hand still working your hot cock slowly, the other gliding over your abs. I make a fist, and punch your abs again. not hard, but you still feel my strength ....

“Fuck maaaan” I groan as you press your cup into my face with your, my head trapped between your thick thighs. Too weakened by the blow and the scent of the cup to fight you. Your hand slowly jacking me. And then I your hand over my abs, moan as you feel me up and then by whole body jolts when you punch me. “Uhhhhhhh dude!”

keep working your abs, some spot over and over again. my hand on your cock wet by now, so much precum. "damn you got a great cock" i whisper to myself, starting to rub my crotch over the cup. your moaning, your scent and you under me turning me on so much ...

“Fuck man, easy” each blow making my body jerk, too weakened to fight back now. Your hand on my cock, my head trapped in your crotch and being made to sniff your jock taking a toll on me. Each punch makes my cock spew out a wad of my precum which you work into the shaft.

I keep working your abs and your cock, slow but relentlessly ... "sry dude ... but i think you're the first one blowing his load tonight ...."

“Come on maaaan” I sob into the cup as you work me over. “Not like this maaaaan” You’re slowly breaking me down with the relentless punches and the slow jack. Mixing pain and pleasure expertly as I become a basket case in your jock trap.

your begging turns me on so much, no way i'm gonna let up ... work your throbbing cock a bit faster now, punches also a little bit harder .... "i think you will shoot your hot cum any moment now .... my little bitch"

“Pleeeease maaaan it hurts” I say, struggling a bit now as you increase the power of both the jack and the punches. Punching your thighs, trying to loosen the jock lock you got on me. But can’t focus and put too much power into my blows since you have my manhood at your mercy and my face buried into your crotch. My pelvic muscles starting to throb and pulsate with your punches and the jack as you try to get them into a rhhm that will break me and make me submit to you by emission.

i ease up a bit on the punches, but keep working your cock. rub much crotch a bit tighter to your face to stop you from punching my legs. your whole body starting to shake, sweat all over your skin. feel the heat from your body, and the desperation .... so fucking hot to watch

I groan like a bitch as you ease up on your punches, the cock workout driving my crazy. My prostate overheated and pumping out a steady stream of precum as my balls lift up and tighten under my cock. The continued stimulation without release creating a dull ache in my nads. I spread my legs wider in hope of relieve as I flex and relax my pelvic muscles to try and control my rising load. Don’t want to be force jacked into submission like bitch by you. My taint flexing and slightly as I work my pelvic muscles. Moaning and begging you constantly to ease up on the jack.

fuck yes, loving every second of it. with every jack i'm bringing your closer to cumming and having you more under control, and at the same time the more you try to fight it, the more you weaken yourself ... fuck i love that! you're not the first guy i have in that situation, but by far the hottest one! your cock throbbing like crazy ... licking my lips ...

“Come on dudeeeee, let me up. Ugghhhhhhh my cock ahhh maaaaan” My balls are really tight against my crotch now, their surface smooth and plumped up. My pelvic muscle control almost at breaking point and lightheaded from being made to sniff the cup. “Come on dudeeeeee…. let me goooooo” crying and begging now as a dull ache spreads from my punished abs, deep into my crotch and balls. Pain and pleasure. Cock still pumping out a clear stream of my prefuck.

never seen so much precum and someone holding out so long without cumming. i switch hands, the colder one now wrapped around your cock, the other slides deeper into your shorts and grabs your balls. lick my lips again ...

I gasp as your cold hand grips my dick and your other hands goes deeper and wraps around my balls. My pelvic muscle flex and tremble, making my balls and taint tremble. “Ohhhhhhhhhhh maaaaan” Totally in your control now with no hope of getting out of this one. Sobbing softly as you get your hands locked on my manhood and nuts.

continue to work your cock and balls as I rub my crotch and cup over your face. your moaning so hot ... "take your time ...."

Thrust up my crotch towards your hands in desperation, my pelvic muscles aching and weakened now. Your hands working my raging cock and aching nads, my prostate swollen with fluid and throbbing inside me as I sob and beg you to stop. “Pleaaaase man… My balls hurt uhhhh uhhh uhhh huhhh uhhh let me gooo duddeeee”

starting to jack you really hard now, finally want to see you cum ... "come on man, let it go!"

“Ughhhhhhhhh dude noooooooooo noooooo nooooooo” my asshole starting to pucker and relax as the you force me towards a painful orgasm…. My balls retract and my cockhead starts to swell and the {removed} widens signaling my impeding defeat at your hand.

"there ya go ..." i jack your shaft hard as your moaning gets lounder and louder .... slide one hand out and pull your shorts down a bit to make sure your cum will land all over your abs and pecs ....

Gasping and breathing hard now… Feeling the familiar pulsing sensation deep inside me as you trigger a long drawn out forced emission from my broken and bitched body. My thrust my hips up and howl as the first shot of thick white hot cum jets out of my cock, the orgasm taking over my body as my eyes roll back in their sockets and I totally surrender to you.

"yeahhhhhh" keep working your hard cock to get every last drop out of you. stream after stream shooting out, covering not only your abs and pecs, but also mine ... fuck man, so much cum! your uncontrolable moaning under me is so hot ... fuck yeahhh!

The second spurt jets out stronger than the first as I howl and struggle. Third, fourth, firth spurts at full power in a painful orgasm. Sobbing as I cum, “nooooooo ohhhh fuck fuck fuccccckkkk aaaaaaaaaaaah”

i continue to jack you, slower in rhhm with yout shooting ... six, seven streams out already, and still ..... more coming. fuck man, this guy is a machine

Each spurt makes me buck and holler. Eight, nine, ten… the load becoming thinner and watery now, but still firing. Eleven, twelve as the relentless jacking continues. My cockhead starting to get sensitive and an I start to squeal and beg you to stop the jack. “Dude ohh pleasee its too sensitive… no please not there aaahhh fuck noo please let goo my cock aaaaha aaahahh please dude”

finally, one slow jack and i let my hand glide off your cock, tuck it in your shorts and let my wet hands glide over your cum covered abs .... slide off your face and sit over your head, first time i see your face. sweaty and exhausted ... "so, still think you can outfuck me?"

“Fuck maaan… you drained me.” My hair all mussed up and face wet with tears as you sit over my head and stare at me. Totally humiliated from the punishment and forced jack. My face goes read as you talk about me outfucking you. “Yeah, I think I can if you didn’t break me like this.”

"hey, you said no rules .... so man up and stop crying!"

“Fine fine, you won” I mumble.

"good .... now get the fuck up ... i still need to kick your ass one more time!"

Get to my feet unsteadily. Drained by the orgasm, chest and abs wet with my precum. Trying to pull up my shorts to cover my still hard cock.

standing in front of you, raise my hands and wipe your cum off them on your face ... "I think that belongs to you" and smirk ... rub my hand then over my crotch and cup ... "so, should i take mine out too, or ...."

“Up to you man. You bitched me real good.”

move up really close ... "i think without ... maybe you should take it out this time ..."

Close my eyes and gulp. Feeling really uncomfortable and weak standing in front of your stud body. You’re still dominant and powerful. Open my eyes and reach down with my right hand into your short to grip the cup. Putting my other hand around your muscular glutes for a bit of leverage. Feeling the hardness of your ass as I gently pull the cup out, Getting a strong whiff of your jock musk mixed with a bit of mine from the cup. Your scent overwhelms mine just like your body overwhelmed mine.

"hold it to your face ... come on, we both know you really want to do it"

Slowly bring the cup to my face as you demand. Taking a deep breath. It’s almost all your scent now.

as you take a deep breath and close your eyes, i step closer. my bulge now on yours, crotch to crotch. move my hands on your back and pull you even closer. chest touching chest ... "you sure you're still able to fight another round"

Grunt softly as you pull me in close. Feel your chest against mine and your powerful raging erection against mine. Although, I’m drained, my cock starts to harden in contact with your dominant stinger. “What other option have I got?” I ask dejectedly.

"submit now, and i won't humiliate you again .. and as you said .... well, WINNER OWN LOSER .... "

“As if being owned by you isn’t humiliating enough!”
“Nah, I’m gonna fight you. Not gonna back down to you man”

smiling ... "good answer". let my hand glide down your back, over your ass. rub it a bit, then move my body off yours and let my hand glide over your bulge ... "looks like you are ready to fight again" ...

“Yeah, it’s gonna take more that one load to defeat me man”

"okay than ... let's see what you got" take a few steps back, feeling confident after the brutal defeat I just gave you. starting to cirlce, watching your body closely ...

Thinking hard how I can take you down since I won’t be able to handle your full strength anymore. My rockhard again under my shorts, but my body has taken a beating and your scent seems to weaken me.

move in closer, go down low almost on one knee and charge forward, trying to wrap my arms around your legs pushing your hot body back down to the grass. my face close to your crotch. get a whiff of your scent ....

“Uhhh damn” taken down again as I hit the grass. Jam one leg under your armpit and the other around you neck to yank you into a triangle choke. Trying to get one of your hands between my legs too. Struggling against you superior strength.

you're still fast, close to getting locked up in the choke. lean my body up and get back up on feet. know i get the advantage of power, tryin to use it ... grunt a bit, then lock on to your legs and try to lift your body up. Before slamming it back down, i grunt at you ... "no rules!"

“Ahhhh shit you fuckface!” I howl as you slam me down, showing me how strong you are once. Bit dazed and trying to get up.

as you get back up, i move fast behind you and get on your back. my crotch with my tenting hard cock rubs on your ass and i move my arms around your neck, going for a rear-naked choke ...

Squirm and struggle as you try to get the choke on me. Ram my elbows into your sides and we struggle.

"arghhhhh! you fuckin bastard" ... you may not be at full strength, but your elbow digs in deep and hard. take a few shots, but not able to lock up the choke ... FUCKKKK!!!! push you off me and get back up, rubbing my bruised ribs ...

Can’t help but grin and put out my tongue at you. “You may have fucked me up, but I’m not your bitch!”

getting back up ... "you're not my bitch yet, but you will be!" roll my neck, and move towards you again, dominant stance ...

Crouch low. “Come at me stud” I say grinning.

stop in front of you and crouch down low "gladly" move my arms up and wrap on arm on your shoulder, lean my body into you and try to push you back ...

Put my hands together and give you a hard double axe-handle blow to your upper back, making you drop to your hands an knees. Ram your face against my crotch and then reach over with my hands under and over your right leg, fall back to my ass, flipping you around and then wrap my legs around your left leg to get you into a nice tight spladle. Your head against my abs, staring at your rolled up crotch and obscenely tented erection as as I split your groin wide open. “Yeah stud, now just try to get out of this one!”

"AHHHHH FCUKKKKKK!!!!!!" the double axe hits me hard, completely unprepared for it ... a few moments later, you lock me up completely! "AHHH let me out you fuckhead!!!!" my legs trapped by yours, but even worse, so are my arms ... my legs split wide open ... "AHHHHHHHHH ... noooo fuckkkkkkk"

“Ohhhhhh yeah dude, how do you like my spladle?” Smirking at you as I chill and slowly pump the spladle a bit so you feel my power over you.

"AHHH NOOOOOOOO" try to straighten my legs but no use, instead your tighen yours and i feel it immediately. forced to stare at my hard cock, wet spot on my shorts ... "ahhh dude, noooooo!!!"

“Oh this feels so fucking good man, after what you did to me. I was fucking waiting to fuck you up in my spladle” You seem to be enjoying it if your that big dick of yours is any indication. Hold your leg with my left hand and free my right hand to trace your abs gently. “You know what a hot fucking body you have?”

completely locked up, unable to power out ... all of my muscles rendered useless in your hold. "fuck, get your hands off me!!!" but know it's pointless .... instead, my cock keep growing harder and harder ...

“So how big is that thing” I ask you as I pump the spladle gently and trace your abs with my finger lazily. Flicking your nipples a few times as well.

"ahhhhh nooooo please man, nooooooo" try to flex my biceps to the max but no fucking chance. FUCKKK!!!!! starting to whimper a bit as you put my body on display .... my ass stucking out, thank god noone around to see me like that. grinding my teeth hard, try to muscle out constantly, but you hold me in place. starting to sweat ...

“You ain’t going anywhere. Remember what you did to me? This is gonna take some time. No rush.” I grin at you again. “You didn’t answer my question”

"ahh please mannnnn .... don't do this to me. please. my cock? it's ... 8.5 inches hard ... why?!"

“Stop being a pussy. 8.5 inches huh? Fuck, that’s impressive. So the rumors are true about your well you’re hung.” I whistle as I stare at your manhood. “Well, you’re bigger than me if it makes you happy”

ahhhh .. moaning in your hold. so fucking humiliated. bigger muscles, bigger cock - and trapped hopelessly with my massive cock hard uncontrolably .... fuckkkk "please man let me go. please"

“Looks like you’be my bitch after all buddy, despite your bigger muscles and your bigger cock” Yank the spladle to make you holler and than gently rub your abs, playing with your belly button.

fuckkk, so agonzing!!! nothing i can do, locked up. completely at your mercy. "ok, you win .. you can be the captain. just let me go .. please! "

“Come on don’t be such a pussy. Fight me!”

"ahhhhhhh" moaning in your hold. try again to flex up my biceps to get at least one arm free ....

“Yeah come on… fight. Show me you’re a lacrosse jock. Not a wimp.” Reach through your shorts and gently touch your tenting shaft. First time I’m touching. I feel a kind of electrical charge almost when I touch it and suddenly become very conscious of the sweaty muskly alpha male scent coming from your crotch. I moan involuntarily.

try hard to slide my arm out. your agonizing teasing makes my cock rock hard, calling me jock. but every second i'm trapped it makes me weaker, spreading me out like that ... arghhhhhh!!

Reach down further below, exploring your body, my hands reaching the massive balls under your cock. Feeling their power in my hand. “Wow, you’re pretty well hung”

the touch of your hands makes my cock twitch ... "let me out and i show you how hung i am!"

“Oh I think I get the picture already” I say, my hand wrapping around your cock under the shorts and squeezing it. Feeling the size and power. Gently pat your crotch.

manage to move my hand a bit to the side, almost able to get it out from the lock of your legs ... take a deep breathe, then try again to slide it out ...

“Easy there buddy” I warn you and reach below your balls to feel up your taint. The perineum area is hard… almost like its armored. “Fuck how come your taint is so damn hard” I ask surprised

"when you fuck as many guys as i do, you toughen up" i answer out of breath, unable to slide my arm free .... frustrated as hell .... "please man ... let me go"

“I’m impressed” is all I can say. This boy is a total stud I think to myself and I know I was lucky to get you into the spladle. Otherwise, I’d be no match for your in my weakened state. Even now, the musk from your crotch is making me a bit dizzy. I pull my hand towards my face and sniff it. Moan out loud “Fuck…” can’t believe this effect you’re having on me.

"ahhhhhh fuckkkkkkk" see you sniffing you hand .... "fuck man, we both know you want me to own you ... just let me out man!"

Fuck its so tempting but something in me just can’t submit to you. Reach down again and this time go past your armored taint to between your crack. Gently fingering you between your cheeks.

"oh hell no! don't you fuckin dare go there!!!" raging mad now as you try to enter my crack .... tearing hard on your legs but fuck man, no way out!!!! frustrated as hell!!!!!!

“What the fuck is your problem man? You telling me no one has ever touched you there?”

breathing deep .... "noo. i'm a top, not some pussy ass bitch ...."

“Not for long” I say laughing. “Today is your lucky day to be a bitch!”

moaning in your hold .... getting weaker and weaker, slowly dawning on me ... you got me. look into your face "please man ... don't do this"

Rub your cock a bit through the shorts, feeling the wetness. “You precum a lot?”

you can feel the huge wetspot on my shorts ... "yeah .. i do" it's all starting to sink in slowly .... fuckk

With my heart beating faster, I slowly peel back the short to expose the thick swollen head of your impressive alpha cock. Much thicker than mine. It looks powerful and manly, and I shudder at the thought of what might have happened if I ended up your bitch. I see a a shiny pearl of precum on your slit and gently wipe it with my finger. Slowly bring it to your lips and rub it gently over your lips.

"ah fawkk noooooo!" try to move my head out of the way, but not enough room to move. after a short struggle, my own precums ends up on my lips .... more humiliation for me. "please man, no ... please ...."

“Pump out more precum” I tell you softly.

you really starting to take down my pride ... so badly trying to resist, but the more i resist, the more my cock leaks cum out .... so frustrating .... "ahhhhh" breahting hard, taking in your scent as you conquer my alpha status ....

I gently wipe the precum using my finger and this time bring it up to my nose and inhale deeply. My own cock reacts predictably and drools out precum. “Ohhhh fuck” I say and bring the finger to my lips and taste it. My first taste of your alpha precum. I moan like a bitch and my body weakens.

see a chance ... take all the strength i have left and try to straighten my arm, doing all i can to get it free for the moment you are a bit distracted ...

Fuck, you’re trying to get free and I struggle trying to get you under control again. Your precum is fucking deadly I think to myself.

starting to buck hard, know it's all or nothing really. know i can't hold out in this position much longer. despite all my muscles, every second makes me weaker. do all i can to get free. never been this desperate before!

Trying to recover my strength. I know if you get free its over for me. Reach down to grab your cock under your shorts to try and control you. I lower your shorts to fully expose your shaft and balls so I can control you. Your scent hits me like a wall and I just go nuts, moaning like a bitch again as my body starts to react to your alpha scent.

"ahhhhhhhhhhh" moaning as you free my rod, stop my attempts to break free for a moment as you touch it, but then even more determined to get out ..... grunting loud, sweating like crazy ...

My cock starts to precum like crazy as my muscles weaken. Struggling to hold you as you fight like an animal “Nooooooo fuck”

desperation sets in again. trying so hard, but can't break free. know you are struggling too to keep me locked up, but seriously feeling the effect of the long time i've been already locked up. need to stop to regain some air .... "fuckkk mannn. .... please ..... "

“Fuck you almost had me man. I don’t know how you fucking weaken me like that” Grip your cock again and jack you slowly. Trying to resist your scent as best as I can.

"AHHHHHH noooooo!!!" your hand so fucking hot onmy cock, damnit! feels sooo damn good! but noo, can't be jacked off like that!! trying again to buck out ... but weaker now than before ...

Reach down and feel your balls, taint and finger your pucker gently. Feeling you cuss and yell as I do so. “You’re gonna be mine!”

"ahh nooo!!! fuck nooo! fuckkkk!" your words hit me so hard, with every second i realise more and more that you are true. stop with my escape attempts. seriously out of breath now, sweating like crazy. and even worse - my cock still rock hard and leaking precum

Gently apply pressure to your most sacred portal. Where no guy has ever been. Giving me a sense of power that I’m gonna take your alpha status from you. My cock’s rock hard and pulsing now.

"ahh please no .. please. i do anhing else, just don't go there ... please"

“Why not?” I ask slowly

Zwirnie: "
i'm no bitch ... please man, dont make me a bitch"

“Fuck you man! You were gonna make me your bitch! Take it like a man!” Insert my finger in a bit, teasing your sphincter muscles open.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" let out a long moan, as you slide your finger in ... my cock jumping up a bit. and yeah ... i start to moan like a little bitch. you managed to break my muscles and make my big cock useless ...

“You ready to cum for me?”

"ahhhhh .... please" i am barely able to mumble ... been hard for so long, know i can't control it anymore. already pretty close. knowing ... if i cum, my defeat is sealed .....

“I’ll tell you what, this is no fun. I can make you cum easily and you can’t fight back. I want you to fight me for my cum.” Release you from the spladle with a grin, knowing I just might have sealed my fate.

"ahhhhhhhhh" ... moaning out loud as you release the spladle ... straighten my legs, feels so good. take a deep breath and look at you. smile too and start to adjust my shorts over my rock hard cock ... turn over and sit on my legs. looking at you, still out of breath "that was a fucking good splade man .... "

“Yeah, I was waiting to put you in that. Hope i didn’t hurt you too much”

"don't worry, i can take it. i'm a big boy" i say as i grab my bulge and adjust it. starting to get up. "so ...let's finish this. one of us needs to leave this field as the captain and owner of the other ones ass!"

“You didn’t sound like a big boy a few minutes ago” I remind you smirking.

"neither were you when you shot your cum at me ...." standing now,facing you. legs still wobbly from the spladle, but regaining strength slowly ...

“Touché” I say grinning. “Guess we’re both not too bad at bitching a guy”

"i know i am" i wink at you ... "so ... continue final round?"

“Yeah, so how do we do this?”

"gotta admit ... you know how to wrestle. you're a lot better than i thought. so ... this match, could go on for a while .... "

Rammer: “
Yeah, and you’re a lot stronger than I thought. Not sure if I can take you down to be honest”

"ok .. how about this. we let the coach make the decision and accept it whatever it may be"

“Ok with one additional condition. I will be your bitch when you want me. And you be my bitch when I want you.”

"so ... does that mean you want to fuck me too?"

I look down and nod. “Look, there’s something about you that drives me nuts. I can’t handle your scent without becoming a basket case. If you get me in that spot, I will be your bitch. But, I wanna dominate you too. I know I can take you even though you’re stronger and you have a bigger dick. And I want to be able to do that. If you will let me.”

i hesitate for a moment .... "ok, deal. i want you to be my bitch. and if the prize for that is being yours too, then i think i can handle that. you can make me your bitch."

I grin, surprised that you agreed. “Wow, didn’t see that coming. Walk towards you and kneel down in front of you. “I’m yours”

"now that is the sound i like to hear" move a little closer too, my crotch right on your face. put my hands to the back of your head, and push it towards my crotch "bet you love that smell, don't you?"

“Oh fucking hell… Being made to smell you junk directly for the first time.” My body reacts instantly and gets weaker. The heady musky scent is superstrong.

tilt your head back, forcing you to look up at me. over my abs and pecs, up to my face. "you know ... i still haven't cum yet ... "yet

Stare into your eyes as you tell me you haven’t cum yet. “How are you gonna cum?”

"you're gonna suck my cock until it's hard and ready, and then I'm gonna fuck your ass until i cum and seed you deep inside you ...."

“Yes sir”

"alright ... pull my shorts down, but use your teeth!!

Grip your short with my teeth at the waistband and gently pull you down. Exposing that 8.5 inch stinger. Moan and precum as I smell the musk.

slowly let my foot glide up, over your legs and crotch, your abs to your chest. then i push you, make you fall on your back. i take of my shorts and throw them on your face, then drop down on my knees. my hard cock over your face, but you can't see it. i adjust my shorts on your face so you are blindfolded, but your mouth is free. the tip of my cock resting on your lips "come on, you know what to do ...."

Groan as I’m kicked back into the grass and blindfolded with your short. Inhaling the strong scent form the lycra and then I feel the tip of your stinger against your mouth. Getting s very strong whiff of musk from the tip as I gently lick it.

move up a bit, my cock starts to slide inside your mouth. let out a gentle moan. slide my hand over my sweaty abs. fuck yeah, still the alpha male

Feeling the thickness of your cock and tasting your alpha male precum as I groan and struggle to take the sting. Looking at your eyes as you smirk at your dominance. Thighs spread wide, rockhard abs glistening as I become your bitch.

grab my shorts and stretch them out a bit, then wrap them around your wrists and use them as a knot. lean forward and hold them down over your head with one hand, as my cock slides in deeper. hear you groan and struggle to take it ... "come on, be a good bitch and take it!"

“Argghhhhg fuck” struggle a bit as you bind me and powerfuck my face. You’re thick and stretching my lips as you drill me.

"mmmmmhhh .. not bad" i grunt down to your face as i move my hard cock in and out of your mouth "really not bad ... you'll make a great bitch!"

Never been put through this kind of experience as you prove to me that the rumors of your sexual skills are all true. My own cock raging and superhard.

move my cock in deeper and deeper, impressed with your skills .... "not the first cock you suck, ha?" i smirk over you "hope your ass is ready, gonna take it soon"

Fuck… “Aaahahhhh maaaaann” you fuck like a machine and I’m getting worried about what you’re gonna do to my ass.

slide mmy cock out, take it in my hand and slap it on your face "i think i'm ready for your ass now .. what do you think?"

Groan as I prepare for the inevitable. “Go easy” I whisper hoarsely. Hard to talk after that pounding.

"don't worry, you can take it" ... i slide down your body, my naked butt rubbing all over your sweaty pecs and abs, then over your shorts. can feel your wet hard cock under it ... i slide down further and start to take your shorts off ... your cock flops out, hitting your abs. i smile, lean down, and let my tongue glide all over it, slowly ....

“Ahhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkkkk” I feel your tongue glide over my superhard shaft. Didn’t think that was gonna happen today.

let my tongue glide over it a few more time while i take off your shorts. all the time looking into your eyes. throw your shorts away. then look down. let my tongue glide over your tip. open my mouth. start to take it in ... further and further, until it is all the way in. let my tongue move around your shaft as the tip of your cock tocuhes the back of my throat. look at you again, then let it slide out again .... "and yeah, what you heard about my skills ... it's all true"

Oh fucking hell, I can’t believe you’re taking my cock. Your moves are driving me nuts. “Shit aaaahaahahh maaaaan you’re deep throating me…. Ohhhhhhhhhhh never heard you take cock maaaan”

"i rarely do, but doesn't mean i don't know how to do it" i wink at you. "besides, sometimes those straight guys need a little encouragment before i fuck their brains out". lick your cock one last time .... "now turn over .... time to make you my bitch!"

“I think I’m gonna like it when you become my bitch!” Turn around, trembling a bit in anticipation at what’s gonna come.

i laugh and turn you on your knees, hands on the grass .... arch your back, as i get behind you and let my wet hard cock glide over your crack. "pretty sure you gonna love having a stud like me as your bitch, but for now, you're my bitch!". i lean forward, put my hand on your neck and force your head down onto the grass, as the tip of my cock moves over your hole ....

Damn, being prepped for the sting. Feeling you get behind me as you force my head in the grass and the stinger tip positions over my hole. “Go easy maaaan” I beg, “Don’t hurt me please”

put my elbow on your back, grab your hair with my hand and pull your head back up .... "listen bitch! i'm gonna fuck you like i want, and you are gonna love it! understood?! not stop being such a bitch and take it like man! are we clear?!"

“Fuck fuck okay fine, be a bitch if you want to!”

slap your face, then start to shove in my hard cock. apply a little pressure, but with the precum and your spit it slides in easy. but i can feel your tight hole as i slowly move it in ....

“ARRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKKKING HELLLLLLLLLL” I howl as you penetrate in one long relentless painful stroke… “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”

stop halfway in to let you catch your breath. pull your head back and make you look at me ... "halfway in stud ... can you take the other half?"

Tears are streaming down my face now as I struggle with the pain. “Ughghhhhh its so fucking thick maaaaan… like being rammed by a truck…. fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk”

"yeah i know its big" lean and rest on your back, move my arm in front of your face and flex my biceps. "kiss my guns, smell them .... maybe that will make it easier to take the rest .... "

“Uhhhhhhhhhh” feeling painfully stretched now, my sphincter muscle stretched to the max. So fucking humiliating to be mounted by a jock like this and still only halfway stung. You make me kiss your thick biceps as your body envelopes me and preps me for the deep sting. Sweating and breathing hard now. “Can i sniff your armpits, i think it will calm me a bit please maaan”

slowly slide my cock in deeper and deeper as i grab your head and shove it into my pit .... 7 inches in, i stop again and whisper to your ear "final push .... you can take it!" ...

Feeling inch after inch of the sting penetrate me. Groaning like a bitch from the friction and stretch. Hearth beating hard and panting now. One and a half inches more to to go. Know you’re gonna prep me for the final sting. “Is it gonna hurt?” I sob.

"yes .. it's gonna hurt. but it'll be worth it ... you gonna love it so much soon!" ... slowly pushing in more and more. hold on tight to your body, but your neck ..... "almost all in ..."

“Uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh” grunt and sob as you take me deeper. The sting stretching and expanding my hole as you go deep.

move it all in ... finally, my 8.5 inch cock all inside you "mmmmmhhh, there you go. you did it ... how does it feel?"

“Hurtsssa man…” panting and feeling stuffed, but there’s a weird pressure that is kinda pleasurable too.

"so proud of you man .... lot of guys can't take my cock the first time ..... now relax, here comes the fun part" i whisper into your ear .... "now i'm gonna fuck you, and you will moan like you never moaned before .... you want that?"

My cock swells when you say you’re proud of me. I nod when you say that the fun part is coming. “Fuck dude, what’s your secret? How do you make it feel good? It so fucking hurts right now man.”

i lick your ear and smile, push my legs between yours and spread them out, push my crotch forward and force you down. your crotch on the ground, me on top of you and your legs spread wide open. wrap my arm around your neck, hold it close but not choking you ... "now i'm gonna fuck you .... just relax and enjoy it" ... move my hip up and then backdown, slowly .....

I slowly moan as you get me into your special fuck position, legs spread, crotch forced down, almost choked… Trying to relax as I feel the first motion. Surprisingly and up and down motion I wasn’t expecting. Gasp… “Auhhhhhhhh maaaaann”

"mmmmhhhhhh dammnnn so goood!" move my cock slowly in and out of your hole. my shaft gliding through your pecker. my legs lock up yours for better grip. increase the speed a little ...

“Uhhh holy shit I gasp” being overwhelmed by the complex feelings of your fuck move. Legs forced open and locked too. And your sting pumping slowly, picking up spead a bit. Moaning like a bitch, shaking my head in disbelief…. “Fucking hell dude… “

Zwirnie: lock my arm a little tighter around your neck, begin to fuck you a little faster. starting to moan too "fuck you are so tight man ...."

Grunt as you pick up the pace of the fuck ride… Gasping and hollering from the sensations…

fucking you good now in the middle of the field, alpha male taking his bitch ... MMMHHHHHHHHHH fucking you harder and harder, still hear you moan.

Can’t believe that I’m taken like this in the middle of the field, an alpha fuckride. You proving why you’re the alpha male and why you’re like a fucking animal when you sting a guy. “Never been taken like this man. This fucking fuck position of yours is so damn hard to handle…. uhhhh uhhhh hhhhh” What the fuck do you call this position?

"i call it the 'bitch ride' ... now are you sure you can handle more? if so ... try arching your back and lifting up your butt ...."

Moan and try to arch my back and lift my but up as you ask…

i push up to, one hand on the field, the other on your head pushing it down ... and start to thrust into you. my hard cock sliding in and out faster, with more ease. my hole body tensed up,but so worth it to be able to fuck you ... starting to moan louder as i take your ass "aahhhhh yeah,fuck yeahhhh!!!! "

You take the fuckride to a whole new level with deeper harder strokes that hit my prostate directly. Shooting out precum each time you ram my glad as I’m panting like a bitch…

your tight hole wrapped around my cock makes me so hot ... " fuck man ... gonna cum soon ... gonna fill you up boy!"

My own cock helplessly swinging under me as you control my whole body with your alpha fuck…

fuck you harder and harder ... so tough holding myself up over you, but man so worth it! my cock sliding in and out with more and more ease, our hole all lubed up by my precum. muscle stud owning his bitch ...

Being totally owned by this alpha male now. Loosing control of my body as the sting in my ass is controlling me. “Uhhhhhh fuck… How do your bitches get to shoot?

"the good bitches cum when i tell them too ...." fucking you hard now, slamming my cock into your ass. a few more thrusts, and i start to feel the cum starting to come up .... "gonna fill you up now boy .... "

“Ohhhhhhhhh feeling your stinger tip expand inside me as you prepare to inject you alpha venom”

a few more hard thrust, then i slam it all inside and start to unload, filling you up with stream after stream after my cum. wrapping your body up tight, marking another bitch with my juice ...

My eyes widen as I feel an explosion of hot fluid deep inside me as i’m fucked to submission in an amazing fuckride. Feel you wrapping me up tight for the seeding…. “uhhhhhhhhhhhh” my own cock so damn hard…

panting hard on you as i slow my exploding into you down .... then i reach around you, grab your cock and start to stroke it ... "now you can cum ...."

“Fuck, I’ve never experienced anhing like that before man… that was some fuck!”

"you still think you can outfuck me?".... i slowly slide my cock out and let it glide between your ass checks... pull your body up, you kneeling in front of me. me behind you. i move my arm up, other hand on your head and turn it back, then shove your head into my armpit, then my hands move around your body and back to your cock, start stroking it slowly while my cock slides up and down your crack

“Fuck what are you doing maaaaan” as you prep me for the forced jack. My face in your pit and your hands on my cock.. “Uhhhhhhh noooo fuck” Being played like a bitch… And then I feel your stinger gliding up and down my crack….

"i'm gonna jack you for 90 more seconds ... you better make sure you cum before that" i whisper to your ear

“uhhhh and if I don’t?”

"then you won't cum like that again until i make you my bitch again ... told ya, i tell my bitches when they can come .... "

“Ohhhhhh fuck maaaan” I moan

working your cock hard, best i can ... polishing the tip, my cock gliding between your cheeks ... "40 more seconds" ... i can hear the desperation in your moaning, desperately wanting to cum .... then i slide my cock back in, rock hard still, and begin to fuck you hard while i jack you off ....

“AAHHHHHHHHHH CUMMINGGGGGGGGGG” I cum like a bitch in your hand from the force of the jack and the fuck! “AHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKKKKKK”

"good boy! you are learning fast! ... i slide my cock back out .... slap your face and get back up .... "not bad man, not bad at all ... we'll be having a lot of fun inthe future"


Last edited on 4/24/2021 1:16 AM by Admin;
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