

Member since 11.1 years
Age 38
Height 5'9" (175 cm)
Weight 140 lbs (64 kg)
Gender Male
Orientation Gay
Looking for Male
Gear Singlet, shorts, compression, speedo
Languages spoken English, Spanish
Last login 5 days ago
Last update 2/15/2023



Show on map
  1. USA - Florida, Miami Springs
  2. Spain, Barcelona, Catalunya
    (I'm here between 8/09/2024 and 8/30/2024)

I am willing to travel 5000 miles

Past opponents


Submission Submission
No holds barred No holds barred
Boxing Boxing
Just watching Just watching

Match structure: Even match, Give and take, Play wrestling, Practicing techniques, Tag team / group fights, Two on one, Workout partner, Outdoors fights, Looking for coach

Specific wrestling styles: Brazilian ju-jitsu, Wrestling with body punches

Stand-up fighting: UFC/MMA style matches

Miscellaneous interests: Massage, Friendship, Relationship, Stakes

Fetishes: Don't want sex, Boxing gear, Wrestling gear

Followers of slimwrestler12


Laid back here. Big into extreme sports (mountain biking, wake boarding, rock climbing, etc) big into outdoors (camping, beach, hiking, etc). Love to wrestle and fight for fun and exercise. Never formally trained as kid or in high school but I always was interested in wrestling and fighting. Before finding Meetfighters, I wrestled a couple dudes I knew for fun. When I found MF been practicing bjj and other styles for a couple years with dudes who are formally trained. Many multiple meet sessions with past opponents. Learned different styles quick. Started racking up matches and experience. Looking for new opponents and cool dudes to hang with.

Update: Currently training BJJ.

Open to fighting anywhere (safe) including outdoors.

Tend to fight bigger opponents. I can definitely hold my own.


Some past opponents are not shown in the list above. Members who are blocked, suspended or on a hiatus are hidden.
slimwrestler12 has no cyber opponents.