
Member since 175 days
Age 24
Height 5'10" (178 cm)
Weight 160 lbs (73 kg)
Gender Male
Orientation Gay
Looking for Male
Languages spoken English
Last login 7 days ago
Last update 2/17/2024


Show on map
  1. USA - Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh
    Place of residence
  2. USA - Illinois, Chicago
    (I'm here between 2/01/2024 and 2/04/2024)
  3. USA - Wisconsin, Milwaukee
    (I'm here between 2/02/2024 and 2/04/2024)

Past opponents


Just watching Just watching

Match structure: Even match, Give and take, Squash match, Play wrestling, Practicing techniques, Two on one, Outdoors fights

Specific wrestling styles: Promission, Arm wrestling, Pool wrestling, Mud/oil wrestling

Miscellaneous interests: Massage, Friendship, Relationship, I'm a jobber, Stakes

Fetishes: Wrestle for top, Jackoff, Wrestling gear, Naked wrestling, Nipple play, Face sitting, Rip and strip

Followers of oh-pa


Hi everyone! I'm somewhat new to this site and wrestling. I'm currently living in Pittsburgh and travel somewhat often. I've always been really turned on by wrestling so I'm definitely here for the erotic aspects and i’m into being dominated as a jobber. My interest groups are a good look at what i’m into and i’m happy to talk about it more! I like the thought of wrestling a stronger guy who we both know will win no matter how hard I try to fight back, while still giving him a challenge of course ;)

My only "experience" is playfighting and rough housing with other guys.I feel like I have a decently good wrestling instinct and can put up a good fight! I have no formal training or experience though.

