

Member since 3.2 years
Age 41
Height 6'0" (183 cm)
Weight 150 lbs (68 kg)
Gender Male
Orientation Bisexual
Looking for Male or Female
Gear Shorts, Singlets, Speedo, Undies, Jeans
Languages spoken English, German
Last login today
Last update 2/06/2024


Show on map
  1. Germany, Seesen, Niedersachsen

I am willing to travel 300 kilometers
I am willing to host. (Bed and Breakfast)


Submission Submission
No holds barred No holds barred
Sumo Sumo
Kickboxing / Muay thai Kickboxing / Muay thai
Judo Judo
Just watching Just watching

Match structure: Even match, Give and take, Practicing techniques, Tag team / group fights, Two on one, Workout partner, Outdoors fights, Not interested in cyber, Competing (tournaments)

Specific wrestling styles: Wrestling with body punches, Arm wrestling, Going to matches, Mud/oil wrestling

Stand-up fighting: UFC/MMA style matches

Miscellaneous interests: I have access to a ring, I have access to mats, Friendship, Modeling, Photo swapping, I'm a heel, I'm a jobber, Stakes

Fetishes: Rip and strip

Followers of matchmaker



Suche Herausforderungen auf der Matte.

Bin sportlich, schlank, trainiert und hab einigermaßen Kondition. An Tricks könnt ich sicher noch was dazulernen. Wer bringt mir neue Tricks/ Griffe bei? Oder soll ich dir was zeigen?

Bitte nur Jungs/ Männer in meinem Gewicht +/- 10 kg

Eigener Mattenraum (3 x 3 m) in Berlin ist vorhanden.

Berlin based boy is looking for new challenges on the mat.

I'm athletic, slim and have some power. In tricks I can certainly still learn something. Who can teach me something? Or do you want me to teach you something?

Please only guys in my weight class or less report.

Own mat room (3 x 3 m) in Berlin is available.


matchmaker has no cyber opponents.