
Member since 5.2 years
Age 61
Height 6'0" (183 cm)
Weight 181 lbs (82 kg)
Gender Male
Gear short
Languages spoken French
Last login today
Last update 8/10/2023


Show on map
  1. France, Montpellier, Occitanie

I am willing to travel 100 kilometers

Past opponents


Submission Submission
No holds barred No holds barred
Boxing Boxing

Match structure: Play wrestling, Workout partner, Looking for coach

Specific wrestling styles: Wrestling with body punches, Arm wrestling

Stand-up fighting: Not interested in stand-up fighting

Miscellaneous interests: Friendship

Fetishes: Don't want sex, Gut punching, Muscle worship

Followers of Rixator


Du corps à corps avec ou sans coups , soumission. Lutte dans un esprit sportif en partageant les techniques. Confrontation entre forces. Gutpunching.
On devient facilement addict à ce sport. Ici les rencontres sont souvent très sympa et cool


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Rixator has no cyber opponents.