
Member since 13.1 years
Age 55
Height 6'1" (185 cm)
Weight 190 lbs (86 kg)
Gender Male
Looking for Male
Gear square cuts, singlets, shorts, speedos, no shirt, barefoot or wrestling shoes
Languages spoken English
Last login today
Last update 5/17/2024



Show on map
  1. USA - Pennsylvania, Warminster Township
    (I'm here between 5/30/2024 and 6/02/2024)
    Visiting family
  2. USA - Delaware, Georgetown
  3. USA - Texas, Dallas
    (I'm here between 7/11/2024 and 7/19/2024)
    Work conference

I am willing to travel 150 miles

Past opponents


Olympic / Greco-Roman Olympic / Greco-Roman
Submission Submission
Pro wrestling Pro wrestling

Match structure: Even match, Give and take, Squash match, Play wrestling, Practicing techniques, Tag team / group fights, Workout partner, Outdoors fights, Online chatting, Not interested in cyber

Specific wrestling styles: Promission, Brit pro wrestling, Folkstyle, Pool wrestling, Mud/oil wrestling

Miscellaneous interests: Massage, I have access to mats, Friendship, Relationship

Followers of MikeA


Like wrestling for fun, sport and sweat. It can be just for light horseplay and exchanging/practicing holds or to competitive. I do have mats here and can travel so let me know what you are interested in and lets figure out when we can wrestle


Some past opponents are not shown in the list above. Members who are blocked, suspended or on a hiatus are hidden.
MikeA has no cyber opponents.