

Member since 6/17/2024
Age 40
Height 6'1" (185 cm)
Weight 210 lbs (95 kg)
Gender Male
Orientation Gay
Looking for Male
Gear Trunks, boots, kneepads
Last login yesterday
Last update 7/08/2024


Show on map
  1. USA - Idaho, Boise
    Place of residence

Past opponents


Pro wrestling Pro wrestling

Match structure: Even match, Give and take, Squash match, Play wrestling, Practicing techniques, Tag team / group fights, Two on one, Outdoors fights

Miscellaneous interests: Friendship

Fetishes: Wrestling gear

Followers of JohnnyNitro


What can I say, I love pro wrestling! I love everything about it, the gear, the moves, the attitude. I can be a heel or jobber and love back and forth and squash matches. I'm ready to step in the ring for some pro fun, just watch out that you are not laid out by my TNT stunner!

My tag team partner is TylerFist. We are also ready to take you on in a tag team match, three way, two on one - let us know and we'll take you down!


  • Slater J

    Pro wrestling

    USA - Washington, Des Moines

    49 / 6'4" (193 cm) / 195 lbs (88 kg)
    49 past opponents in 5 years

  • wrestleinsocks

    SubmissionNo holds barredPro wrestlingBoxingJust watching

    USA - Illinois, Oak Lawn

    47 / 6'1" (185 cm) / 215 lbs (98 kg)
    162 past opponents in 11 years

JohnnyNitro has no cyber opponents.