
Member since 289 days
Age 48
Height 6'1" (185 cm)
Weight 180 lbs (82 kg)
Gender Male
Looking for Male
Gear flexible to your preference
Languages spoken English, Spanish
Last login yesterday
Last update 5/16/2024


Show on map
  1. USA - Florida, United States
    Alternate place of residence
  2. USA - Georgia, Kingsland
    Place of residence
  3. USA - Virginia, Fairfax County
    (I'm here between 5/31/2024 and 6/13/2024)

I am willing to travel 50 kilometers

Past opponents


Submission Submission

Stand-up fighting: Not interested in stand-up fighting

Miscellaneous interests: Massage, Friendship

Followers of Bryson


Probably more than anything, I'm an admiring bro.

I really have hardly any time to be thinking about wrestling, so I should almost be taking down this profile. But there are so many great men on this site, each time I think of closing it, I end up staying on. . . . The very few encounters I've had have been totally worthwhile.

I'm married, but have always quietly admired strong and athletic men. Especially well-built wrestlers! So. . . if I could work out a way to meet up with a compatible and interested bro, (which like I said, can be extremely difficult for me) I would really enjoy tussling around with him. . . and then maybe afterward expressing a little admiration, affection – (passion?). . . by . . . . giving him a massage? . . . doing other stuff he likes? . . . (or if there's the right chemistry, even a little frot?). . . (In the event you are way too magnificent of a wrestler to be wasting much time with a novice like myself, yet you think you might still enjoy a little friendship or bond, I could see that as a possibility also.)

I'm open to other things–even just a simple match–but no matter what, it's hard for me to find a time to make it happen. But who knows? If you think we might be able to have a good experience together, hit me up! Tell me what you're into. . . Maybe we can find a way. . . (Also, I'm pretty lean myself, more like a swimmer's build – so I don't think I match too well with a heavyweights, although I know there are many very awesome heavyweight jocks out there! I'm just not a good match for them myself. . .)


  • Gjpmadixtara

    Just watching

    USA - Georgia, Glynn County

    42 / 5'8" (173 cm) / 170 lbs (77 kg)
    9 past opponents in 19 months

Bryson has no cyber opponents.