

Member since 1.5 years
Age 39
Height 6'1" (185 cm)
Weight 175 lbs (79 kg)
Gender Male
Orientation Gay
Looking for Male
Gear Singlets, jockstraps, underwear... nothing
Last login 5/22/2024
Last update 4/18/2023



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  1. USA - New York, City of New York
    I live here

Past opponents


Pro wrestling Pro wrestling

Match structure: Even match, Give and take, Squash match, Play wrestling, Practicing techniques, Tag team / group fights, Two on one, Online chatting

Specific wrestling styles: Wrestling with body punches, Promission

Stand-up fighting: Not interested in stand-up fighting

Miscellaneous interests: Massage, Friendship, I'm a heel, I'm a jobber, Stakes

Fetishes: Wrestle for top, Jackoff, Spandex, Leather, Wrestling gear, Naked wrestling, Gut punching, Nipple play, CBT, Rip and strip

Followers of AKOtterpop


Chill guys new to NYC and wanting to get into promission and erotic wrestling. It's been awhile, so looking to meet guys who can show me the ropes. :P

Switch leaning jobber/sub. I enjoy heel/jobber scenarios, submission holds, erotic, stakes, strip matches, squash matches, dirty tactics, ballbusting, gutpunching, nipple play, pits (LOVE man scent), humiliation, etc.

I was recently asked, "What about wrestling interests you?" Here's what I came up with (slightly edited for clarity):

Wrestling has always been the gateway to my sexuality. I grew up in a Christian/conservative household, so my parents were pretty careful about the media I watched. Fortunately and oddly, WWF (I'm aging myself) was on the "approved" list of things I could watch, and as a little queer kid I found it exciting to see huge muscle men grabbing each other, tossing each other around, locking in submissions with VERY sexualized facial expressions (the difference between a face in pain vs. pleasure is context), getting sweaty, and eventually wearing their opponent down to the point they were so exhausted he had no choice but to submit to the dominant winner's mercy.

It's physical. It's psychological. It's sexual. It's kinky. And it's fun!

As I got older I realized that it kind of awakened my repressed sexuality, which is often where we find our sexual strengths, confidence, and fetishes. It's obviously a widely spread outlet for a lot of awesome people, so it's nice knowing I'm not alone no matter others' reasons for being into it. Not to mention it's a great way to meet some cool, like-minded people.

Fetishes include: edging, bondage, wrestling (obvi), pup play... the list goes on.

Outside interests include: video gaming, writing, movies/TV, anything geek, D&D, outdoors, hiking, hanging – casual stoner.

Say hi, and let's lock up! Safe/sane only.

Fully COVID + MPX vaccinated


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