heralduk's blog

Thank you Pippa


I've on this site for 10 years and met a number of you, mainly at Pippa's place in Manchester. Without her Matroom many of us would be without a place to meet.

As it appears the Wrestling Factory may be closing, should we as a group show our appreciation to Pippa for allowing us to use her place?

I don't know if anyone is organising something, but perhaps we could invite her to the last meeting organised on here to say thank you to her?
Could we club together to buy something for her personally as a thank you from all of us, and if there is money over give it to her towards her new place?

Could someone set up a crowdfunding page or another page we can donate to (I'm just getting used to Facebook!).
Maybe this blog could be used as a sound board to work out if this is a good or bad idea.

I am very grateful to Pippa for allowing me/us to use her facilities and think it would be nice if we showed our appreciation of her.

Thanks for reading this.
Dave (Heralduk)

Last edited on 3/09/2020 8:13 PM by heralduk; 6 comment(s)