stiffening and hard on wrestling


bdcan2001 (1)

9/20/2019 7:10 PM

Well said and I have wrestled older guys since I was like 13. I still wrestle from time to time older guys my last jobber was 70 and he was awesome. You can learn a few things from the older vets.


LeighLadtoWrestle (1)

9/16/2019 3:41 PM

Ageism is important in the workplace. It should not happen. Here we are talking about play time and personal preferences.. I have my types, I prefer slim to over weight and have an age range, usually 45 - 75 but that can change depending on the person. What I do not do is be rude to someone that is over weight or too young for my liking or too old.
Some of us, wrestling is erotic, so if being turned on is part of the fun then you choose someone you think you will enjoy spending time with.
If I was interviewing someone for a job then all that is irrelevant as my professional hat would be on and I'd pick the best person for the job, age and sex or looks would not be part of the equation


MightyMo (0)

9/17/2019 10:52 AM

(In reply to this)

Well said that man


BenfromBritain (0)

9/15/2019 8:38 AM

Old, or young, as long as you like safe sensible fun, it's all good!


markus3167 (1)

9/15/2019 6:56 AM

Here’s my two cents worth. When I was 13-14 I began wrestling other guys. Wrestling is and always will be a turn on for me. At that age I discovered list of guys in to write to and hopefully meet. No internet. We would send pictures back and forth to create interest and tell each other what we wanted. Took forever. I mostly wrestled guys older than me. Different times I didn’t realize I was jail bait I was getting what I wanted. To this day I still wrestle some of these guys in their 70’s and 80’s they (and I) are not what we used to be but we still enjoy the dance in slow motion and we still get where we want to go. It’s amazing that a guy in his 20’s is gorgeous but is ugly as fuck in his 80’s. But he’s the same guy and I’m glad to still enjoy an adventure with him. I have been on the site a couple of times and wrestled several people but because of health issues I had to leave. I’m very specific about what I want now and because of health issues competition is lost to me for good. There are younger guys interested in me and I am grateful but the older I get the more I realize it’s the journey. The event and adventure is the icing on the cake. You will get what you want if you focus on it. Or the harder I work the luckier I am. I hope you all get what you want.


Ohmask62 (4)

9/17/2019 8:27 PM

(In reply to this)

Very well said I totally agree. Have always wrestled older guys and enjoyed it. Have done outside the home since I was 16 and could drive. At first I found in back of gossip magazines ads for wrestling. Then found a book called Amfem in the back of wrestling mags. Started writing back and forth like you did until I found it when computers came of age.


Gregorio2 (10)

9/15/2019 7:06 AM

(In reply to this)

Healthy outlook, thanks for sharing your philosophy. Know where you're coming from, and respect the next man's journey.


jobberjayse (31 )

9/17/2019 6:40 PM

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indeed, Coach, it is about that AND the passage of masculine wisdom (power, passion and pride) between men ; but no matches are more potent in that regard then when the fight is between an older male and younger male. Smart younger men get and respect and covet those times ; older men deserve them


Gregorio2 (10)

9/17/2019 9:23 PM

(In reply to this)

You are, indeed, my young man searching for restraint, control, discipline, and punishment frosted with kink, ultimately speared


jobberjayse (31 )

9/18/2019 1:57 AM

(In reply to this)

yeah, at some point, sir, you need to bash me to a sweaty heap of jock muscle and sweat on the mat - pin me - and ram me ; show me what it means to be an ultimate alpha ; the ultimate male ; the superior grappler. then gimme an infusion of your superior DNA – to make me a better wrestler for you next time. (Wherein the process and particulars will remain more or less the same, ad infinitum. because an older male will always dominate the lesser male - as it should be)


travilicious (65)

9/15/2019 6:19 AM

Here's how I see it -

How many of you would wrestle a girl? I'll bet not many.

Perhaps it's because you're too chivalrous, but for most on this site it's because most of us are gay and we get pleasure in wrestling other dudes.

The same is true for whatever other reasons why we pick our wrestling partners. We all tend to want to wrestle guys with whom we are sexually attracted.


j50yomuscle (2)

9/15/2019 4:24 PM

(In reply to this)

I would wrestle a woman. For me the reaction is the same!


mochablk (21)

9/15/2019 5:08 PM

(In reply to this)

Same here...


barcoded (8 )

9/14/2019 9:46 AM

Nothing better than to wrestle an older man and learn from his experiences.


jobberasian (27)

9/14/2019 5:46 AM

I actually enjoy wrestling older guys more! They are nicer and want to make sure everyone has a good time. Also good cuddlers :D


Greekprofantasy (30)

7/11/2019 6:28 AM

Hey guys. First let's accept the fact that everyone has their own preferences. For example I don't enjoy wrestling skinny guys or people who just sit there like dead bodies and wait for me to do everything. I also avoid people who tend to have fetuses like "I only like Boston crabs". Age is not an issue for me. On the other hand I carry extra weight and sure a few people have been polite enough to tell me they are not interested. I'm fine with that.

Rejection is always hard to handle but hey it's never personal, after all its not like the other person knows you in private - they just check your profile and try to figure out for a few pics and a few line six your are compatible with them.

After all sites likes this one gives us a plethora of choices.

Maybe the fact that I'm into sales made me more reasonable with rejection. Some people will be polite. Other will not answer. That's how life goes.

I've met some amazing guys through this site and I will keep doing so.


j50yomuscle (2)

7/11/2019 2:27 PM

(In reply to this)

Bingo! Exactly!


mochablk (21)

7/10/2019 7:51 PM

I've noticed that there are no "young" guys commenting here....crickets. 🤔


apollon (0 )

9/13/2019 5:26 PM

(In reply to this)

I'm not young any more, but I'm still a decade or two older than everyone else in this thread, so here's my take on the subject.

I don't have a problem with age. I don't mind rolling with someone 10, 20 or even 30 years older than me. The problem is that most of those guys also tend to be quite overweight, and that's a definite turn-off for me.
Otherwise, as long as he's skinny and our fetishes overlap, I'm game.


Grizzled Wrestler (10 )

7/10/2019 5:35 PM

I am almost 62 and have resigned myself that I will never be any younger than I am right now. I didn't suddenly wake up one day and develop a dislike of wrestling just because I got to a certain age. I've always loved it and always will. What I've found in the last ten years of being on these sites is this:
1) There are younger guys who like the whole dad/son thing and want to take me on. I'm okay with that knowing that I'm probably going to get my ass handed to me because the old body ain't what it used to be.
2) There are guys around my age who still want to mix it up with me and go old school with rough stuff and the like. We both know what we like and know how far we can push ourselves and each other, safely. I'm thankful I can still wrestle at my age.
3) There are guys who simply don't want to wrestle an old geezer because he's got grey hair and a lot of his muscle tone has gone from his chest to his gut. That's okay. I don't even approach those guys because I assume they want the toned hard body on the mat against them. However, even a few of those have approached me for a match and if he's sincere, I'll move forward.

There is ageism in every sport. I'm a runner, a golfer, a weightlifter and wrestler and every one of those sports have the young bucks who look down on us old guys with disdain. But most of the time, I've met young guys who are simply admiring because we're still in the game and not sitting in our easy chairs getting old.


Gregorio2 (10)

7/12/2019 3:47 PM

(In reply to this)

Eyes wide open, excellent observations on the game.
There are plenty of niches for a good fit.
Thanks for your post.


active (0)

7/10/2019 5:58 PM

(In reply to this)

Great to hear


j50yomuscle (2)

7/10/2019 5:04 PM

We like what we like. Just be polite when turning someone down. Whereas I prefer the older guys myself, anyone into my biceps is welcome! ;-)


Flyer1 (16)

7/10/2019 8:38 AM

I reached the age of 80 two weeks ago, and only joined this site a few months ago. Ok so I am not as agile as someone in their 20’s or 30’s, and don’t have a lot of experience in wrestling, but I have had a few meets with people from the site. Yesterday I had a request from another site member wanting to meet me this weekend. Yes there is ageism on the site but that happens in all walks of life. We all have our own preferences, I don’t want to meet someone in their 20’s, does that make me ageist.


active (0)

7/10/2019 2:15 PM

(In reply to this)

I agree with everything you say.
My response was after talking to many guys even in their 30s
The guys in there 3os were the guys who said because they have not got abs they have come across negativity because of there shape which we all may have come across
My point is not to say people’s preferences are wrong but , fact is people have opinions and choice,
Ok some people are are holes with their reasons for not wanting to wrestle and that’s unacceptable but inevitably I’m afraid when a public site is global.
So just shrug it off no matter what the reason and just say ok your choice your lose.
As I say if those who say no not interested then they ain’t ever gonna be so why bother with them so block them and just enjoy the guys who are interested


cookie0 (0)

7/09/2019 5:55 PM

Agree with you . Age does sometimes enter into it. I have had the same when younger guys, (who look( prima donnas ) say no thanks , your a bit too old ! age should not come into it. As you say 'Mochablk , its a wrestling/fight site and yes if it goes to other fun then so be it.


active (0)

7/09/2019 9:08 AM

i looked at my profile as others have and been told it is fine so i know i haven't put anything upsetting on there so i'll stick to group meets and the odd private wresling bout as and when they cum,,,,,,


active (0)

7/09/2019 8:56 AM

Guys , does anyone have an issue with age on here because after speaking to some guys through posts it is becoming more and more apparant that age is becoming increasingly a problem with many.
i'm 57 and recently had my health issues but am well enough to get back on the horse, it will be my first time wrestling o meetfighters , as when i joined i became ill and it's beena journey but need to wrestle now.
after getting a few not interested, by the way i think it's strange peoplel post not interested and do not leave a answer as to why .
question is i have been contacted and told the group meets are where your find your wrestles if your 45 and over age has become a big thing on here.
well we all have our preferences and thats fine but we all of us need to remember that if it was not for the 40 and aboves on this site it would probably fold, they paved the way for this site,
Don't right someone off because of age .
My question is does anybody else have or feel that is becoming a problem.


mochablk (21)

7/09/2019 2:41 PM

(In reply to this)

Couldn't agree with you more. Alot of guys have a particular look or must look like Clark Kent. Hell, I'm not trying to marry you, I just want to wrestle you and have other fun if it gets there.

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