bare knuckle fist fighters

Who would win?

PunchyPunch (0 )

10/13/2015 8:57 PM

Thanks guys for the comments!


Fighter UK (23)

10/13/2015 9:05 PM

(In reply to this)

So who did win?


PunchyPunch (0 )

10/13/2015 9:07 PM

(In reply to this)

Nobody yet. Still trying to set something up.


Fighter UK (23)

9/26/2015 3:22 PM

Woukd be close but I think you would


hoosierpuncher (20)

9/25/2015 10:20 AM

I'd take you on any day Seattle. Still want the chance to box you in the ring if you come to Chicago or other MidWest city.


PunchyPunch (0 )

9/23/2015 9:11 PM

Who do you think would win between me and my friend? This is him: Please log in to view gallery photos.


SeattleFight (509)

9/24/2015 8:26 AM

(In reply to this)

I'd take either one of ya on

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