Wrestling Videos on the Net

My Youtube Fighting Playlist

NoviusInfernalBerserk (4)

8/08/2022 1:01 PM

I've exceeded the 5000 videos youtube offers to add in one playlist, so here's part 2: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQNW72iDKveJlwPK4698RsS8XpqLBKhM5


guywhowrestles (0)

8/20/2022 6:35 PM

(In reply to this)

Novius: That's quite a wonderful long couple of lists of videos we can all enjoy. Thank you so much for putting this all together.


NoviusInfernalBerserk (4)

8/21/2022 12:59 AM

(In reply to this)

you are welcome. :)


olderdesire (14)

5/22/2022 9:41 PM

Love the fights. They are real fights, not fake stuff. So hot!


luv2grapple (1)

5/19/2022 9:42 AM

Some very good fights.


Franc8112 (9 )

5/19/2022 5:31 AM

Muchas gracias. Una lista genial


SeattleFight (491)

5/18/2022 7:59 AM

Impressive list!!! I like it too!


NoviusInfernalBerserk (4)

5/18/2022 8:23 PM

(In reply to this)

I'm glad you like it!


NoviusInfernalBerserk (4)

5/17/2022 1:35 PM

Hi guys! I made an open playlist a while ago to know which videos I've already watched on youtube. The playlist is already pretty big and becoming bigger as I watch more fights, so I just wanted to share it in case someone is interested.

It's mainly mixed martial arts, no holds barred, brawling and fistfighting because they are my favourite styles to watch, but there might be other fights in between too.

German / Deutsch:
Hi Leute! Ich habe vor einiger Zeit eine offene Playlist erstellt, um zu wissen, welche Videos ich mir bereits auf YouTube angesehen habe. Die Playlist ist schon ziemlich groß und wird immer größer, wenn ich mir mehr Kämpfe ansehe, also wollte ich sie nur teilen, falls jemand daran interessiert ist.

Sie besteht hauptsächlich aus Mixed Martial Arts, No Holde Barred, Faustkämpfen und Prügeleien, weil das meine Lieblingsstile sind, aber es könnte auch andere Kämpfe dazwischen geben.



FightLust (0)

6/17/2022 6:37 PM

(In reply to this)

Thanks man, so damn hot your collection


Squashlad (246 )

5/18/2022 12:20 PM

(In reply to this)

Thanks for sharing it with us mate. 👍


NoviusInfernalBerserk (4)

5/18/2022 8:23 PM

(In reply to this)

You are welcome! 😊

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