World Of Sport style

A letter of apology to fellow WoS fans here

DomSquashMatch (8 )

6/12/2019 12:12 PM

People clearly take words in emails as thought it was said to their face, but people would not say things to peoples faces like they do online.

This guy HAS GONE AGAIN !!!


Saturday4pm (24)

6/12/2019 4:10 AM

Good grief! He’s gone again!!


Beaker (13)

5/11/2020 8:57 PM

(In reply to this)

and SO are YOU. Saturday 4pm


dusty rhodes (6)

6/03/2019 1:01 PM

You're welcome bro 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗


Groundwork (0)

6/03/2019 1:35 PM

(In reply to this)

Thank you 😊


Groundwork (0)

6/02/2019 3:14 PM

To all fellow WoS fans here,

This is my letter of apology. Some of you know that I've rejoined this site more than I've had hot dinners. I appreciate that some of you might find this irritating, for which I apologise unreservedly. I realise that this might lead to some kind of backlash, but I've dithered for a while before deciding to write this letter.

In the past, I was scared to get into wrestling. Then, I was subjected to some bullying or unfavourable comments here (I note that several wrestlers who gave me grief are no longer here). Then, I experienced some upheavals in my life, namely the passing of my mother and my diagnosis of type 2 diabetes.

I am back now, hopefully for good. My love for wrestling, especially WoS, is too, too strong to resist.

I have done several WoS roleplay bouts to date. I have acquired a few more trunks, a new pair of boots, to name but a few.

I am aware that I might receive some flak here. But that's okay: everyone is entitled to their opinion. But one is for sure: I will ignore any unfavourable comments and move on. I count my blessings that I still have many understanding and supportive friends here, who still want to wrestle with me.

Speaking of which, some of you might be shunning me because of the fact that I have deleted my profile many times in the past. If this is the case, I can only apologise and hope that we will rekindle our online friendship.

I would like to give a special mention to Derek for setting up this fantastic forum and for his hard work.

Thank you to all for your time in reading this.

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