
Favorite fantasy matches

superboy11 (4)

9/01/2020 2:24 AM

There's just so many good options. Venom vs spiderman, lex luthor vs superman or superboy, bane vs nightwing or robin, honestly even just a gang of thugs beating on a depowered hero who had previously put them in jail.


Magneto (13)

9/02/2020 3:42 PM

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Reminds me of that scene in Superman Returns where he gets workover by the thugs after he loses his powers.


superboy11 (4)

9/02/2020 9:39 PM

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Great scene for sure. Would've liked it to be longer but I'll take what I can get haha


Magneto (13)

9/02/2020 9:52 PM

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Totally agree. Would have liked the scene to be longer. Even this one from Green Lantern could have been been much longer ...


superboy11 (4)

9/03/2020 12:17 AM

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Honestly forgot this scene existed haha I've only seen that movie once


jimmoon56 (1)

9/02/2020 12:20 AM

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Totally agree! Love the idea of Thug(s) ambushing the unsuspecting Hero, who had captured them and sent them to prison, escaping and getting 'even'.
Using knowledge of Hero's weakness against him to overpower him and defeat him.


superboy11 (4)

9/02/2020 9:39 PM

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Yeah flipping the script of the typical power dynamic between them


Evillee (18 )

8/31/2020 7:28 AM

Definitely working over Adam West era Batman. Pounding his ribs and groin and holding him up as he moaned and struggled, only to be dominated and overwhelmed.


benwoulds (5)

9/03/2020 5:46 PM

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Like this.


Evillee (18 )

9/03/2020 9:19 PM

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Yes! Batman getting pounded!


Mask-MI (7)

9/03/2020 8:10 PM

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This is my Favorite !


thegillup (6 )

8/31/2020 5:17 AM

Nightwing facing off with any muscle beast like Bane is a dream matchup. Seeing him get used and abused, just what an ass like his was made for.


jimmoon56 (1)

9/02/2020 12:22 AM

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I'll all in with this fantasy my friend.


superboy11 (4)

9/01/2020 2:20 AM

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Agreed on this one. Nightwing vs Bane would be the epitome of agility vs strength. Once Bane manages to get a hold of him, he'll be smashing the hell out of Nightwing's abs, pecs, balls, everything.


Jcanthony (13 )

8/30/2020 9:09 AM

Some of my favorites are Spiderman agiainst electro, sandman and doc oc. Spidey gets overpowered by these three and received a brutal gut punching to within an inch of his life. His costume is slowly ripped off as he gets beaten. His mask stained with blood he coughed up from the beating.


Wrestling Ace (42)

8/30/2020 2:44 AM

I would love to take down Spiderman, Superman, Wonder-Man, Cyclope, Captain America, Hawkeye, Flash... and this list could go on and on.


Heelking (7)

8/28/2020 12:32 PM

Taking down Superboy or Spider-Man is hot as long as they’re left completely destroyed. ;-)


CompactMuscleBoy (3)

8/27/2020 9:50 PM

Any favorite matchups or characters you love to see taken out? Love seeing myself as Superboy getting taken down by a nasty villain or reading Invincible and seeing Mark get destroyed every issue by his Dad or another villain in detail... but any other matches that just get you thinking I wanna do that ?

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