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Instructional videos

bradboy (9)

5/02/2020 12:55 PM

These are great! Excited to see more.


Chevarian (5)

4/26/2020 3:26 AM

This is really awesome! Thank you for sharing!


ChristopherinMN (11)

3/25/2020 5:51 AM

Thanks for Sharing your videos, Chris. What a great and helpful idea. This is greatly appreciated!


ChrisWrestling (59 )

3/25/2020 4:10 AM

I'm working on uploading my first 8 video classes which I have done without a partner. There are a lot of great skills here you can do while in quarantine. If you have issues viewing please let me know as it is currently set to private. At this moment not all 8 are up but enough are up to get you started.

As I may have mentioned earlier in this group I am still looking for partners to help me demonstrate. I may have a few options but I really want to use people in our community as much as possible.

Anyway, here's the link:

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