
Choking Session 3/6/19

TBLHockeyGeek (85 )

3/20/2019 6:05 PM

Your obvious obsession with Scrappy seems a little unhealthy.


jwest1111 (0)

3/20/2019 6:07 PM

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Everybody has their likes and dislikes, bud. How about you? As long as you enjoy what you're doing.


WrestleNate (5)

3/14/2019 5:15 PM

What did you think of the Donnie Dukes vs. Scrappy match on Wrestler4Hire?


jwest1111 (0)

3/14/2019 5:25 PM

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I didn't see that one. I like the ones where Scrappy dominates somebody else, or it's more-or-less equal. Donnie Dukes looks like one of these heavy, squash wrestlers. Scrappy is small: 5'7", 170 lbs. Donnie Dukes must weigh well over 200 lbs. But Scrappy is my favorite. He's coming out with 4 new videos on ThunderArena very soon.


jwest1111 (0)

3/14/2019 5:29 PM

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Have you heard of It's a new website by W4H which features wrestling with superhero themes. Scrappy has a number of videos there, some where he squashes others and some where he's squashed or tortured in bondage situations.


WrestleNate (5)

3/14/2019 5:31 PM

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I have. I was thinking though I haven't seen much of ThunderArena. I typically see him get more dominated.


jwest1111 (0)

3/14/2019 5:43 PM

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Not always. Look at his last video with Kassee, NHB 139. Also Scrappy vs. Jake, Scrappy vs. Bolt, Scrappy vs. Cap. He also now on Muscleboywrestling. com. In Scrappy vs. Dante, he beats Dante up good, and in the other one he's the who's beat.


Pullmanfighter (8 )

3/14/2019 9:17 PM

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Well this went off topic quickly. If you are just going to promo this dude please do it on your own forum post and not mine I still have no idea why you brought him up in the first place since like I said before "Scrappy" and everything else you have posted has LITERALLY has nothing to do with me and Ariescub's session.


jwest1111 (0)

3/12/2019 12:53 PM

I can't get over the way Scrappy on Wrestler4Hire and ThunderArena does sleepers. I may be able to get together with him in LA myself soon myself and have him do it on me. Here's how he does it. See if this doesn't turn you on. "Scrappy shows you everything, and you get a real sense of what it's really like from just watching. First, you see the pain as he flexes his bicep into the victim's neck. showing his big bi. Then, he jerks the head from one side to the other. I had someone who was really strong jerked my head when giving me a sleeper years ago. Normally, I would have flipped the guy on the floor or pulled his hands away, but I was too confused to do anything, and went down. Finally, Scrappy squeezes his bicep in hard. The victim's face turns red, the tension on his face is gone, the eyes close, and the victim is gone, gone asleep. With most others, it a more-or-less continuous motion, and the face is not in clear view, like not that much is happening at all."


Pullmanfighter (8 )

3/12/2019 3:58 PM

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Personally doesn't do anything for me lol, the description sounds fine but lost me with the Scrappy part (I don't like or care for all those types of wrestling websites too gimmicky and terrible acting IMO.) But if you are looking forward to a session with him I say more power to you and hope it's everything you are looking for. :)


jwest1111 (0)

3/12/2019 4:12 PM

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Scrappy is the genuine article. He's also known as Caleb Sky on Best Flex. He has close to two hundred 5 star (excellent) reviews on Best Flex for his videos and meet-ups, including for wrestling. No one else even comes near him. Caleb/Scrappy the best! Check him out: Anyone who's interested can contact him through the site. I agree that wrestling sites often mislead you as to what's really happen (actually, it's what you call promission wrestling, meaning the hold is not applied in full and only looks like it for the camera). I like real contact best too, but videos are nice if you can put yourself into them.


Pullmanfighter (8 )

3/12/2019 4:21 PM

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Again if that's your cup of tea that's great, I still don't get what any of this has to do with my session with Ariescub lol


jwest1111 (0)

3/12/2019 4:24 PM

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It another closely related option, that's all. Take it or leave it for what it's worth to you.


Pullmanfighter (8 )

3/12/2019 4:29 PM

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Umm thanks I guess? Lol


JobberOtter (13 )

3/12/2019 4:38 PM

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I’d do a session with you lol by the way I loved your shirt I love Zelda!


Pullmanfighter (8 )

3/13/2019 1:29 AM

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Gladly with set evening up with you Terrence


JobberOtter (13 )

3/13/2019 1:35 AM

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That would be awesome! If I’m ever in your area I’ll let you know


JobberOtter (13 )

3/12/2019 9:11 AM

Awesome videos


Pullmanfighter (8 )

3/12/2019 3:58 PM

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Thanks man I appreciate that!


BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)

3/14/2019 1:39 AM

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I agree, as unlike most of the video companies and "Pro"wrestling where it is all acting, Pullman Fighter does the hold for real and in the safest way as he lets go the second the person is out. IT is so fake wit the pros moving the guy from side to side and taking a while for the person to be"out" a sin reality it takes just seconds, especially if the giver flexes while he applies it. Thanks, Pullman for being real and not fake.


jwest1111 (0)

3/14/2019 2:09 PM

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As the old saying goes, "Different strokes for different folks." Pro-wrestling with all its faking has been around a good hundred years. Part of the interest comes from particular fantasies people have about wrestling. This can be how a wrestler looks, their age, the holds they use, etc. If things are right and it's not too obvious, it doesn't matter if some or all of it is faked. I'm heavy into sleeper holds, and know how to resist from past BJJ. From what I've been able to learn from guys on this site, it may take more than a few seconds to sleeper someone due to not getting the arms over the carotid arteries, their moving as pressure is applied, etc. Pullman Fighter may have an advantage here. His weight, 250 lbs, makes him a real heavy. His arms are probably so thick that they cover a larger area than most. Also, fat will spread out, and cover a larger space. I myself have had sleeper holds from normal weight guys and it's never that fast. Also, someone who is extremely strong can do it faster.


AriesCub (5 )

3/20/2019 7:16 AM

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The guy’s plenty strong; arms are big and more than enough to put someone lights out pretty quick without even a full flex, but speaking from experience, that full flex is like flipping a light switch! Hahaha Plus, to be fair, I’m no small guy myself (weight-wise, bigger than Pullman!) Always a great time, can’t wait for hopefully more in the future


jwest1111 (0)

3/20/2019 12:20 PM

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Hey, I'm always interested in sleepers. Thanks for your input! I'm also interested in how real heavy guys wrestle. I've chatted with a few on this site. It seems the real advantage comes in just coming down on top of someone. One told me few can stand it for more than 5 min, often much less. And, if it's competitive submission match, they go much further than that and come down with their weight over the face. What the way you do it? I'd love to see it done!


jwest1111 (0)

3/20/2019 12:33 PM

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Darthhomer weighs 380 lbs. He's in Illinois and coming to Portland this summer. He says as soon as he pins someone with his weight that's pretty much it. I'm planning on wrestling him. It's going to be sleeper challenge match. In May, I'm suppose to wrestle Scrappy from Wrestler4Hire and Thunder Arena in LA. He's smaller, but he has real thick arms. He's the one who likes to flex into someone to put them out.


jobberasian (28)

3/12/2019 5:48 AM

Lucky jobber!


Link4598 (1)

3/12/2019 5:46 AM

Man your videos are insanely hot to watch, I hope I get to meet up with you one day for a session like that!


Pullmanfighter (8 )

3/12/2019 3:59 PM

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If you are ever in my neck of the woods hit me up and we can set up a session


AriesCub (5 )

3/12/2019 5:54 AM

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If you ever get that chance, take it! Couldn’t say enough nice things about the guy! Super easy to talk to and just plain good at what he does.
Always a good time, can’t wait for round three!


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