
Favorite wrestlers that used a piledriver finisher?

scooterNnc (1)

10/08/2024 5:50 AM

When I was a young boy watching wrestling, Rip Hawke was the wrestler that got me hooked on watching the piledriver. I would get an instant boner watching him put away jobbers


Spoiler18 (13)

10/09/2024 2:07 PM

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Hey Scooter, got any links to this Rip Hawke wrestler? Did a search on Youtube for him but came up with very little. Sure would love to see him deliver a brutal piledriver (or two). The piledriver is definitely one of my go-to finishers when I wanna bust a nut.


Beazer18 (24)

10/06/2024 1:48 PM

"Hot Sauce" Tracy Williams does a mean piledriver to most of his victims.


Spoiler18 (13)

10/09/2024 2:08 PM

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Man oh man, Beazer this hot sauce Tracy Williams is one hot guy. Guess I should start watching more of the independent matches instead of the vintage beatdowns from the 70s-90s. WOOOFFF!


scooterNnc (1)

10/08/2024 5:33 AM

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Beazer18. Tracy Williams is so hot putting dudes away with his piledriver. I've busted many loads watching him.


Hardmatch (98)

10/06/2024 2:00 PM

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Great action.


Sportsguy192 (0)

11/19/2022 5:19 PM

Paul Orndorff and Magnificent Muraco would get my votes, but liked seeing any wrestler use it on his opponent.


rhss4682 (82)

10/19/2022 5:33 AM

Dynamite Kid and Tiger Mask


scooterNnc (1)

9/16/2022 1:34 PM

Nick Bockwinkel had some really hot piledrivers back in the day.


buster1066 (0)

10/18/2022 4:32 PM

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UK wrestler [when young] Dave 'Fit' Finlay - World of Sport days


buster1066 (0)

10/18/2022 4:27 PM

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Bockwinkle triple piledriver on Angel Rivera. Hot.


Royalb (20)

9/17/2022 10:35 AM

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U bet he did, manly man!


oliverbear (6)

9/16/2022 12:10 AM

Bob Orton, Jr.


Royalb (20)

9/17/2022 10:36 AM

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Tough guy rassler, not much to look at but had some moves!


codywrestler (24)

5/24/2022 3:50 PM

Paul Orndorf for sure.... busted out so man loads and still do watching him ram an opponents head into the ring floor as he drops down.


Royalb (20)

9/17/2022 10:36 AM

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List a few to his moves, too.


alexmarks (0)

5/24/2022 5:35 PM

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Yum! Was getting off to him and Brad Armstrong the other day...Brad was my childhood favorite though.


Hardmatch (98)

5/24/2022 5:17 AM

Diamond Timothy Flowers, we’ll known in Western Canada.


alexmarks (0)

5/23/2022 5:21 PM

Rick Rude...always got off to his Piledrivers...especially when he did them on the concrete floor!


Beazer18 (24)

5/24/2022 5:31 AM

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Rick rude could always execute a nice piledriver to his opponent. Rick Rude and Ultimate Warrior dished out several to each other throughout their career.

Check out: 2:34, 4:03, and 5:12


jessC85 (0)

5/24/2022 3:24 AM

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oh yeah specially when he was in squash matches drivin' hot jocks in sexy trunks


jessC85 (0)

5/22/2022 2:20 PM

Definitely Jerry Lawler! most of his opponents were in a straight body position when he dropped them... Kid Kash's Moneymaker...using the tiger driver variation...Also Eric Young...i like his piledrivers


TBLHockeyGeek (84 )

3/12/2022 12:53 AM

Kevin Steen (now Owens)'s package piledrivers.


Jobber4fun (4)

3/10/2022 2:28 PM

Orndorff and Muraco for sure, but I also liked Bob Orton Jr's piledrivers.


Jobbersquash4u (14)

3/10/2022 12:01 PM

Kanes more recent tombstones, one to Finn balor on the concrete floor and to Daniel Bryan on a table


piledrivinking (16)

3/10/2022 5:19 AM

Paul orndorff!


Royalb (20)

9/17/2022 10:35 AM

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Oh yeah! Mr. Wonderful!


Cos6ft6 (3)

3/10/2022 10:56 AM

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Orndorff was most everyone's favorite. I remember him from AWA days before he started using the piledriver.


Cos6ft6 (3)

3/10/2022 3:53 AM

No new threads in a while. Who did you like that used a piledriver? I'll start it off with Bob Roop.


steelwheels (0 )

3/10/2022 7:02 AM

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Don muraco


Cos6ft6 (3)

3/10/2022 10:57 AM

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Muraco was always one of my favorites too.


steelwheels (0 )

3/12/2022 6:53 AM

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yeah i would have love to be finished off with me getting a piledriver from muraco back in the day

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