The current oil wrestle threat becoming unwieldy; so maybe regionalize it a bit. Looking here in the DC/Mid Atlantic area for anyone here (living here or visiting) who is actually into oiling up the body and wrestling (not those who merely fantasize but with no desire to do it) – be it nude or with some of the lower body covered. Upper body must always be bare.
I have pvt space in the. So far, have found only one other person locally who actually oil wrestles. Hope there are more.
Spruceman (55)
5/21/2017 6:33 PMThe current oil wrestle threat becoming unwieldy; so maybe regionalize it a bit. Looking here in the DC/Mid Atlantic area for anyone here (living here or visiting) who is actually into oiling up the body and wrestling (not those who merely fantasize but with no desire to do it) – be it nude or with some of the lower body covered. Upper body must always be bare.
I have pvt space in the. So far, have found only one other person locally who actually oil wrestles. Hope there are more.