For me it's just a short period of time. Immediately after, especially if I cum, I have no interest in anything that turns me on but after a couple of hours or so I'm ready again.
Not really, I guess that why we just keep doing it. Having a good couple of partners who you have a good symbiotic relationship with helps. As you understand each other's needs and learn what keeps them interested. That I think is the key to the whole experience. That way you'll just keep coming back for more, if you'll excuse the pun.
Yes its like an addiction for me. Always enjoy it when I am getting it, but even want more if I wear out the puncher. The next day may be bruised and sore, but like the feeling of having taken it and enduring . Then ready to get some MORE like a hunger and it sure turns me on especially with the right puncher.
I can OD on it, especially if I do it with the same person several days in a row. It doesn't mean I've lost interest in the other guy; it just means I need more time to feel excited about it again. But it doesn't take long at all for me to want more of it. It's like a drug habit.
I always cum after a hard gut punching session. I feel afterwards that I had enough but thenext day I am looking for someone to punch me again. It's a real need.
I was turned off after wrestling and punching a guy who was not my type. I was horny and just wanted to fight and punch. After that, I didn't want to think about punching for a while and even suspended my profil here for a few weeks
Kureitondesu (14 )
11/06/2015 3:13 PMFor me it's just a short period of time. Immediately after, especially if I cum, I have no interest in anything that turns me on but after a couple of hours or so I'm ready again.
Edward36911 (0)
11/08/2015 8:23 AM(In reply to this)
Я буду рад познакомиться близко.
I'll be glad to meet close.
Mutz (0)
9/11/2015 4:46 PMNot really, I guess that why we just keep doing it. Having a good couple of partners who you have a good symbiotic relationship with helps. As you understand each other's needs and learn what keeps them interested. That I think is the key to the whole experience. That way you'll just keep coming back for more, if you'll excuse the pun.
Gutboxer (48)
8/27/2015 3:48 PMYes its like an addiction for me. Always enjoy it when I am getting it, but even want more if I wear out the puncher. The next day may be bruised and sore, but like the feeling of having taken it and enduring . Then ready to get some MORE like a hunger and it sure turns me on especially with the right puncher.
submitme (2)
8/27/2015 3:34 PMI can get gut punched all day and still want more
hardpunch (20)
8/27/2015 5:28 AMI can OD on it, especially if I do it with the same person several days in a row. It doesn't mean I've lost interest in the other guy; it just means I need more time to feel excited about it again. But it doesn't take long at all for me to want more of it. It's like a drug habit.
Smashyrguts (0)
8/16/2015 2:09 AMyeah only for the moment.
Its on my mind again in a few hours
puncheescott (1)
8/16/2015 2:25 AM(In reply to this)
I hear that.
puncheescott (1)
8/15/2015 5:29 AMI always cum after a hard gut punching session. I feel afterwards that I had enough but thenext day I am looking for someone to punch me again. It's a real need.
Dunla (2)
8/14/2015 7:27 PMA bit after it loses appeal-everything does. But not for an outstanding amount of time.
Edward36911 (0)
8/27/2015 2:44 AM(In reply to this)
Мы можем быть друзьями? Наши интересы совпадают.
We can be friends? Our interests coincide.
abs007 (1)
8/14/2015 2:01 PMWhen I get off from gut punching I usually don't have interest in it for a day or even a few days
Luca Golpe (0)
8/14/2015 2:28 AMhas anyone, if any, ever been turned off by gutpunching right after, if any, ejaculated from it?
Prickler (12)
9/12/2015 11:21 AM(In reply to this)
I was turned off after wrestling and punching a guy who was not my type. I was horny and just wanted to fight and punch. After that, I didn't want to think about punching for a while and even suspended my profil here for a few weeks
BigBhim (2)
8/27/2015 7:25 PM(In reply to this)
I would lose interest, but it doesn't last long...and it depends on the puncher/punchee.