Gutpunching give/take/trade

GP in movies (sequel to "GP on TV")

Gutpunchinginct42 (1)

2/10/2022 3:15 PM

I've always like the big fight scene in The Transporter. There's a close up of Jason taking a punch to his abs while shirtless.
The one actor I'd love to see get punched is Chris Evans.


Proheelmi (3)

2/09/2022 4:13 PM

There was an old TV series called the Immortal. IT stared Steve majors. They had some great gut punch scenes in them.


marquis419 (0)

2/09/2022 4:28 PM

(In reply to this)

Thanks. The star of "The Immortal" was Christopher George.

By "Steve Majors," do you mean Lee Majors, who played Steve Austin in "The Six Million Dollar Man"?


Proheelmi (3)

2/10/2022 1:04 AM

(In reply to this)

Yes thank you


bellypunchee52 (0)

2/09/2022 2:19 AM

Road House had a lot of gut punching in it


playfulwrestler (28 )

1/22/2022 1:24 AM

I think the John Wayne movie you are referring to is “The Conqueror” (1956)


marquis419 (0)

1/22/2022 2:14 AM

(In reply to this)

I guess that could be, but in 1956 I was one year old. Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean that we *saw* it in 1956. IMDb says a character in that movie became Genghis Khan. Too bad IMDb doesn't say whether it has GP in it. Thanks for your help.


marquis419 (0)

1/21/2022 11:18 PM

I don't have as good a catalogue of GP scenes in movies as I do of such scenes on TV, but here's what I remember. (I am new to MF, so my apologies if this is stuff you guys have already discussed.)

In Fight Club, Brad Pitt get punched in the stomach (maybe in the pitt of the stomach) while holding onto a pipe or something over his head. He doubles over and goes down. Unfortunately, he's wearing a t-shirt. I had such high hopes for this movie when I heard it was being made, and that Pitt was in it.

In the '60s, I saw a movie about Genghis Khan that may have been called "Genghis Khan." I would have sworn it starred John Wayne, but no such movie is in his credits on IMDb. There is a 1965 "Genghis Khan," with Omar Sharif. Anyway, in the movie I remember seeing, Genghis Khan has his men lined up next to one another shirtless and punches one of them in the gut. The guy folds. Genghis Khan then punches the next guy in the gut, and he takes it without going down.

In "The Base 2," apparently also known as "Guilty as Charged," Antonio Sabato Jr. is chained up (arms overhead) shirtless and punched in the gut several times during an interrogation. The guy who's doing the punching has a chain wrapped around his fist, which kind of ruins it for me. But the scene ends with James Remar punching him in the stomach with his bare fist.

"Hard Times" has some good GP. Well, yeah – it's a boxing movie. I'm sure there are a lot of boxing movies with GP, but I haven't seen them.

In "Revenge" (1990), Anthony Quinn punches Kevin Costner (who is being held but has a shirt on) in the stomach a few times because he was sleeping with Quinn's wife.

Please add any that you know of.


GoForTheGut (2 )

1/27/2022 12:03 PM

(In reply to this)

The 60's movie you spoke of may be "Taras Bulba" starring Yul Brenner and Tony Curtis. There are a few gut punching scenes in it.


marquis419 (0)

1/26/2022 10:07 PM

(In reply to this)

I remembered another one. In "Born Losers" (1967), the first of the Billy Jack movies, Billy Jack (I assume that's the protagonist's name) beats up a hot shirtless biker dude. There's one good gutpunch in it, but you see the punchee from behind. The reaction sound is pretty good. The guy goes down and Billy Jack pulls him up by his hair and readies to punch him again while the guy is all zoned out and punch-drunk. (From one gutpunch? OK, it works for me.) You want Billy Jack to punch the guy in the stomach again, but he doesn't. :( This movie is on YouTube. Look for the French version; the good stuff is at around 01:24.

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