Gutpunching give/take/trade

For those of you who pretend to want to be punched or pretend to want to meet up but then back out/

slimp (0)

2/18/2022 4:40 AM

If I were single, I'd do my best to find myself in a situation I couldn't back out of. Then as I'm begging to be let go, the puncher could knock the wind out of me mid-sentence.


Challenge3 (40)

2/18/2022 4:38 AM

I understand exactly what you mean. Work with guys to set something up. Only to have fall off with some lame excuses.


Brett364 (1)

2/16/2022 3:59 PM

I got stood up last Saturday. We met on Fetlife, where he contacted me because he was a submissive who had never been punched and wanted to try it. We exchanged many messages on the site for about a week, and even talked on the phone. He seemed very "normal" – not flaky or anything. Although he did admit to being nervous about meeting. Well, we set the date for Saturday afternoon. He said he was coming, but never showed. So, he basically wasted 3 or 4 hours of my day, while I waited for him.

Why couldn't he just say "I changed my mind." I would have been fine with that, but to simply not show and is inexcusable. I don't understand it.


Kureitondesu (14 )

2/17/2022 7:36 PM

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That's exactly it, if something changes just say so. Ghosting and wasting time doesn't help anyone.

When I travel I usually setup 4 or 5 matches, when possible, and have had many trips with zero meets. Oklahoma and New Mexico were especially poor having 8-10 contacts along my drive and not a single match, all ghosts, all with 2 or fewer meets.


Rt ND Guts (4)

2/18/2022 1:18 AM

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Used to do the same in the summer. Yeah, quite a few ghosts. Florida and the Carolinas usually worked out. West didn't work out as well. but east usually got me a couple as I went back north. My next trip west I know I have a few waiting.


mitch2345 (0)

2/16/2022 10:18 PM

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I wouldn't stand you up


Brett364 (1)

2/17/2022 12:29 AM

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Thanks. It's disappointing as you well know.


mitch2345 (0)

2/18/2022 2:07 AM

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Same thing happened to me! its disgusting


mitch2345 (0)

2/15/2022 7:15 PM

I got stood up by a guy who was suppose to meet me on feb 4th. I had my belly shaved and was shirtless waiting. He and I agreed to meet as he would teach me some boxing and then we would spar. I showed up was ready, got the hotel room ready, I just needed the gloves and mouthguard and would be ready. I kept trying to text him to see where he was and never texted back. I tried messaging him on here and he blocked my account. This has happened before. Before he said he was depressed and kept to himself and told me he shouldn't of blocked me. Now this time he has blocked me again and stood me up. What is with men. Seriously if you wanna fight, lets fight, don't stand me up.


andrewj (21)

2/12/2022 1:05 PM

This is social media, no matter how you cut it, thats what it is, assume 99% of the people you're chatting with are fake or not really interested in what you want only on what they can get (yep that includes you reading this), very few people have a notion of what mutuality is (a situation where both sides get what they need)

In the last 20 years I have been stood up 3 times, one had a car accident on the way to meeting and we met 6 months later, the other two never heard from again.

How do you get this success rate?

1, No quick meets, unless they are literally around the corner, then meet for a coffee first (in a coffee shop).
2, Built up trust - Spend some time getting to know them, chat for a few months.
3, If they are bragging about something, challenge it, how they respond could be a red flag.
4, If they are offering everything you want, but no mention of what they want, nor what their enjoyment in this is, they are almost certainly a fake.
5, Any red flags or doubts forget it.
6, If they have met someone you know, speak with them, they might have given a glowing recommendation but that still does not mean they are right for you to meet.

And if all that fails, you might want to look at red flags you might be sending, particularly in the 24 hours before the meet. Remember trash talk might be good for promoting UFC et al, but sent to someone nervous about a meet, will most often result in a no show.

Now time for a coffee, need to wake my brain up...


Punchee1300 (2)

2/14/2022 6:29 PM

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Totally agree with all this.


NorthwestGPer (2)

2/13/2022 5:23 AM

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These are great words and great ideas. Yep, building a rapport goes a long ways.


Rt ND Guts (4)

1/26/2022 11:57 AM

Joined Meetfighters in the hopes of more meets. but it's just the same as every other website,. 20 GP-ers in my town, None appear interested in meeting


slimp (0)

1/23/2022 4:03 AM

I spent time and money on no-shows, under a different user name here. I just got used to the idea it wasn't going to happen.


Kureitondesu (14 )

1/18/2022 7:29 AM

This has always been an issue in the community regardless of website. Some folks just like the idea, want to discuss, and when they've gotten off from the fantasy they're done. Others want regular sessions but that's rare, sadly.


N0ahW01fang (4)

1/23/2022 2:43 AM

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I personally feel this is certain for younger wrestlers. Whenever I plan a meet with someone my age, they eather don't show or tell me somethings come up. And when people do want to meet its on days I'm not available.


Challenge3 (40)

1/17/2022 5:19 AM

It happens way to often, for me anyway, the younger they are the more untrustworthy they seem to be. Now its not 100% but it seems quite high. When you make a commitment then honor it or communicate to the other opponent.


PlanetCharr (0)

1/16/2022 11:53 AM

I've been on here for what seems like 100 yrs and I have only met 2 for GP. As y'all can see, my dance card is null / empty. Based on the profiles most guts I'd like to punch are east coast or Europe which means... nice to see you from afar. And one would think living in a sexual city like San Francisco I would have access to lots of men letting me punch their guts to my hearts desire, sad not the case. Either I'm looking in the wrong places or it's too odd of a fetish. They love fisting ... but getting punched in the gut is a no no ☹️. Recon is almost the same...those into it are in Europe. I have had better luck meeting guys that have never heard of it...they let me do my it...but then fall off the planet when I want a 2nd go around. gonna start looking into the feet community... I gotta a size 13 foot that would love to squash a sixpack.


bellyboi (0)

2/11/2022 6:35 AM

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Wish I was closer to SF. You could pound my guts to a pulp, as much as you wanted. And I wouldn't back out either.
My problem is that I live so far away from the ones who would pound my guts.


rob1 (3)

1/17/2022 5:29 AM

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malegutpunching (15 )

1/17/2022 5:38 AM

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That site is also full of cyber people and those who only want to talk about the fetish but not actually do it.


rob1 (3)

1/21/2022 5:18 AM

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I have met lots of real people there.


Jas43 (1)

1/16/2022 8:21 PM

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You are more than punchable dude. And handsome enough, too. Would Live to see that face when you’re pounding my gut. I feel your pain with the distance thing. Seems anyone you want to square off with is always in another time zone. If you are lucky enough to find a local connection (like i have) work to keep it going. Good to have a regular who knows your buttons well.


PopsBearBrawler (5)

1/08/2022 5:40 PM

I have met up with many, many guys over the years. One way to spot a poseur is to look at whether he has had any actual meetups. If not, he's just talk.


arizonagutpuncher (2 )

1/09/2022 10:30 AM

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Not always. I didnt have any meet ups for a long time because i never found anyone. Now if you look at my history you'll see i do. But i didnt in the beginning. And i was very serious to find someone


PopsBearBrawler (5)

1/09/2022 6:09 PM

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I had in mind guys who have been on here for years with no opponents.


Gut Challenge (4)

1/15/2022 12:46 PM

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Agree. I myself have had 4 opponents in the 1st 4 months and ALL have been back for 2nd helpings. But 2 of them had no past opponents.


expat (9 )

1/11/2022 10:07 AM

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I have met a lot of guys who are just not represented on this website. There are a lot of guys on other websites who like GP and just don't right in their profiles as a special 'fetish'


suckerpunch (0)

1/15/2022 10:18 AM

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Which websites?


expat (9 )

1/15/2022 5:08 PM

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Recon is one good example


BigScorpio55 (6 )

1/08/2022 5:46 PM

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That's not an absolute indicator because some people can have tons of matches that will ask you and then back out.


PopsBearBrawler (5)

1/08/2022 5:50 PM

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I've had that happen to me, and I have concluded that I'm just not that appealing to that guy. It's not like a have a line in waiting, but I know I've got guys who are happy to fight me (or be beaten down). If one guy isn't interested, so what. His loss.


Jas43 (1)

1/08/2022 2:40 PM

As predominantly a receiver I will say I have to be psychologically in the zone to have a session. I tend not to “advertise” myself unless I am mentally there for meeting up. I purposely do not talk commitment or logistics until I am ready. Taking the punches is draining. Yes the pleasure is immense but the pain is still there from start to finish. I need the self confidence to know not only my body is ready but so is my mind. The desire to be punched - to really take the shots - ebbs and flows within me. Yes it is frustrating for guys who want to meet up and I don’t commit but it is equally frustrating for both of us if I am not feeling it and end cutting a session short. I how found there are a lot of guys out there who are too eager from the first hello message to do whatever they think I want because they ultimately just want to get off some other way whether or not I have agreed to it. I like enthusiastic and aggressive and understand things may go elsewhere if we are connecting during a session but the true punchers out there are patient and their dominance over me is a methodical, abs-centric process. For a receiver to willingly bare the force of a giver’s abuse he has to feel trust and respect. Just my thoughts on a Saturday morning before the coffee has fully kicked in.


ruinurabs (40 )

1/10/2022 5:20 AM

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I respect that someone may not be in the headspace to play. BUT I expect communications to that effect, as far in advance as possible. Also, if I've traveled a great distance to meet up, I expect some sort of consideration to meet up at some point in my travels if they weren't initially in the right headspace. But in most cases, that's not the reason, and there is usually little to no communications. Those are the guys I'm most annoyed with ... the chickenshits unable to even have the guts to say "sorry, but... ". The ghosted guys of the world.


Rt ND Guts (4)

1/08/2022 12:21 PM

Couldn't agree more. Quite a few Chicagoans in the group, none wanting to meet anyone


Challenge3 (40)

1/08/2022 8:25 AM

Its really frustrating how people will make commitments and then fail to follow through. Failure to properly commujicate and or purposly mislead people should be g4ounds for removal and banishment from the site. Stop waisting everyones time. Great subject, thanks for starting the thread.


Gut Challenge (4)

1/08/2022 3:01 PM

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Yes ! This idiot, who's made plans TWICE - never shows up and then stops sending texts. He used to be on MEETFIGHTERS - but no longer.
Wanted me to work his gut over but then backs out. Please log in to view gallery photos.


malegutpunching (15 )

2/10/2022 3:11 AM

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He is back on MenWrestle as "gutbashjobber". Watch out guys! LOL


ruinurabs (40 )

1/10/2022 5:26 AM

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Yes. He evaporated just a day or two before I arrived in FL a month ago.


Magneto (5)

1/09/2022 5:53 PM

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Yeah he starts a new profile every month it seems. 🙄


Gut Challenge (4)

1/09/2022 6:16 PM

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Yes. That' s why I'm pretty sure he has a weak gut. I myself can take at least 60 punches from


malegutpunching (15 )

1/08/2022 10:37 PM

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I have had the same experience with this person.


Gut Challenge (4)

1/10/2022 10:27 AM

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Pretty sure he's back on MEETFIGHTERS again under another name.


stevecleveland (17)

1/08/2022 7:52 PM

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I talked to this dude a few years back about meeting, then he abruptly disappeared and started a new profile. After paying attention to the new member list for this group for a while, I noticed he starts a new profile like every 3 months. He still does it to this day. Personally, I wouldn't bother engaging.


Gut Challenge (4)

1/10/2022 10:28 AM

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He's a wannabe that Never will be.


slimp (0)

1/07/2022 5:12 AM

Talking about it is often all a guy can do, for one reason or another. I'm not meeting people, but I'm usually pretty clear about it up front. I go to chatfighters every now and then too, but so far, it's pretty one dimensional - traditional in the ring bouts. For me, that's about as appealing as waiting in the dentist office. I think guys should have a clue when they check profiles and see "0" opponents.


Ereignis (36 )

1/06/2022 9:14 PM

Interesting analyses here.
I had very few GP meetings. And the few came about ONLY in connection with a fight meeting.
Meetings for "only punching" have not existed in the years that I am in the forum. Many people avoid me because I am "too old for them".
Well, I was honest and I have given my "birth certificate age" and not the biological age .... now I have to live with that here in the forum!
Planned meetings aimed at "Punching ONLY" were lost in the "fog" of the talks... - so only "sound and smoke in storm" ... a pity for the wasted time.


abs007 (1)

1/06/2022 2:53 PM

There are also people who want a one-way scene, just to do the punching, not taking any. Just be clear about that up front. And people change. Some have stopped give and take and just want to give. Some just to take. Then there is the "in shape" factor. You never know how much a guy can take until you meet and actually try out some punching. After the first exchange, it turns out that the match was not good. So you stop, no hard feelings. I suppose there are people who just want exchange of strikes and are not aroused by this. I think this has to be the minority or the person is not being honest. Some want J/O, some don't want that. A few want something more sexually. I think that is a minority. Some want to watch it between two guys and that should be an option to set up. Just watching is a choice here on this site. But meeting up with guys who are exchanging hits is enough for them because of physical limitations or age. Some want fat bellies to punch, others want lean abs. Gutpunching is divided into two sorts basically on this basis. For some age is a 100% factor, for others it doesn't matter. But this is definitely a young, in-shape dominated thing, mostly gay, but with a few exceptions not. Otherwise we'd be at boxing gyms and not on a website that features soft porn pics (hot for everyone). Some just want to talk about stomach, belly, gut, midsection, compare pics and videos. No one in his right mind wants to meet someone even from nearby in these days of COVID. People from other countries can meet here with no expectation of actually meeting up. That's the point of t for most people here, to share fantasies of meeting, gutpunching and whatever follows for release. Nobody is here for a workout. Again, they'd be at a boxing gym. So let's get serious about openness and honesty. Everyone's different in this fetish.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

1/06/2022 2:59 PM

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Definitely a very good point here.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

1/06/2022 2:39 PM

Wow, I didn't know this was such a common thing. Yeah I only have so much to say because I haven't experienced this particular thing. But there is also people who will reach out and try to force their interest on you when your interest is not the same. Or maybe you agree to meet and when you meet, there's something different happening from what you discussed. That did happen once.

And that's why I'm very upfront, also who first introductions are very important to me. If we are continuing to talk, that means that I am talking with the mindset of us meeting and we are on the same page. I'd never lead somebody on, knowing I wasn't interested. You know with the pandemic and all, maybe some people also are craving physical interaction, but one from their fantasy. So maybe you don't line up with their fantasy and they pull out.

Well I'm sorry to everyone in this discussion. But hey, it's a new year and a lot can happen.


Stoic (15 )

1/06/2022 2:24 PM

There are plenty of factors that influence the decision to meet or not meet. The site is helpful in sorting out likelihood of that happening, of course it's not perfect, nothing is. The enourmous thrill and satisfaction I get from a successful meet up makes up for the rest of it. Nothing - NOTHING - beats a positive, expert, drawn out and ramped up and down the pain scale, session with somebody who knows WTF they are doing and they enjoy their role 😈 as much as I enjoy mine 👍👍👍


PunchMyVerySkinnyBellyHard (1)

1/06/2022 8:27 AM

Oh I get this a lot too, sometimes things come up, but every time, traveling is hard now for me during those lockdown days, I always offer different accommodations, before we actually meet, long time ago on other websites before finding this great one for belly punching, I was a first timer getting into belly punching, I was kinda scared, and did back down of some of the matches which felt wrong, but with 8 belly punching matches in I started Loving it, maybe they are first timers and with covid being a thing it's quite hard to meetup, piece of advice : If your gonna meet someone plan with date, time, transportation / how to get there and back, wearing a mask, hour to hour session planning, if those don't start happening, than the meetup is batched, but if that's all been done and the meet is ready and last minute you say nope or just don't show up, that's a dick move, with any meetup really, since I lean more sub for first timers, make up your mind mid planning, before backing out. After tho, this is even more important if the meetup involves long distance traveling, it has to be a really good reason not to go after a ready planned meetup, most likely if you don't show the first time depending on the cost and distance of the meetup, it can a perma block to you if u did that to me, or i did that to you, even if i came down with covid, or something bad, I actually deleted my meetfighters account i had for a year, a few weeks ago, because 2 users who closed there accounts after we planned a in city meetup, it made me angry and i left, soo be mindful y'all when meeting up, have a conversation first, if the planning yet again does not work, it's a no go, simple, and remember respect limits, and careful when punching the gut, if it's a very skinny gut like mines let them flex, i know it's sexy for some but control is key


ruinurabs (40 )

1/06/2022 8:13 AM

Sigh. I group guys into five categories: real; fakes; flakes; psychos; and fantasylanders. The last is the most annoying, because they aren't up front with what they want, they take the most unproductive time to sort through, and/or they live in fear.


NorthwestGPer (2)

1/07/2022 7:12 AM

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Great post! I really how you put it.


Davey716 (46)

1/06/2022 6:06 AM

I think there are two types of guys in those cases:
1. The guys who are just doing it for the cyber/sexual arousal...
2. The guys who are genuinely interested but get cold feet when shit gets real.

It's super annoying to go through it, but most every guy I know who is real has had guys chat them up only to ghost them when meet talk gets serious. I know I have. It's a cost of participation in the community. I think gut punchers get more of it compared to other guys on this site because...let's be honest...serious gut punching involves focused pain.

I don't know of any way to stop it from happening. But maybe require guys to have evidence of some experience with gut punching before you engage in some serious investment of time and energy. You've probably already been doing that, AZGP.

But having met you, man, I can say that guys are missing out when they cancel on you.


arizonagutpuncher (2 )

1/06/2022 5:04 AM

Title says everything. I know there are some of you who are really wanting to be gut punched and meet up. More often than not ill have a guy message me saying he wants me to gut punch him, etc. Then at some point he stops replying or backs out... i know not everyone does this, but i would say the majority do.

Why? Why pretend to want something only to back out or stop responding to messages? What's the incentive to do so?


BobsFolly (0)

1/06/2022 6:00 AM

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Alas and alack. All my traffic seems to come from far away. I've had two session in the last year or so and would love to have more. But Spain and Italy, and Canada, and even Arizona are well off my beaten path. Perhaps someday I'll connect with someone closer by.


malegutpunching (15 )

1/06/2022 5:18 AM

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This, my friend, is a very good question. In my opinion, it seems like a sort of cyber play without regard for the person who truly wants to participate in the fetish face to face. I've had it happen to me plenty of times as well.


gutpunchlover78 (0 )

1/06/2022 5:27 AM

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I had a few conversations here which certain people that were kinda like that and then vanish because they were Fake profiles just doing cyber/roleplay (thanks to Chatfighters that doesnt happen so often)
I don't usually back out of a match but i did do it a few times, this was because:
A): The guy started sharing more information about his kinks that i would've liked and when i say i wasn't into that he became violent and aggresive just to apologize a day or two after that
B) I tend to speak to other guys who also talked to the same guy im trying to hit for a match and after two or three similar opinions about certain "things" i get creeped out and end up ghosting the guy (I know, not very mature but if my sixth sense tingles and lot of other guys felt the same thing about him i prefer to cut all contact inmediately. Also this only happened two times. And those two guys aren't any more on the site, thank god)

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