Cock And Ball Torture

Do pro wrestlers really grab each others balls and squeeze them?

mikey3458 (25 )

9/02/2023 3:58 PM

In the Pro game it's all about pressure you can choke somebody around the neck and not hurt them and it's up to them to sell the move. In a submission match or MMA you do more pressure and it's for real. Same thing with the groin, you can grab on and only look like you're hurting someone it's up to them to sell the move. But sometimes you can wrestle with an older guy and he might just want to see What You're Made Of or if you'll be back so he will add more pressure. Another times accidents do happen and you just have to keep going. Yes I was a train pro wrestler in the midwest that I did shows as a youngster.


vuvuser (3)

9/06/2023 4:13 PM

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I’ve seen wrestlers in Mexican Wrestling actually squeezing balls hard. You can tell by the reaction in the victim.
There are some wrestlers that will actually do it: Averno, Terrible, Mr. Niebla (he died a few years ago), Pierroth Jr.
Those are some of the wrestlers that I’ve seen grabbing and hurting other wrestlers’ balls.
I also have videos on my Ig account.


Evillee (18 )

9/08/2023 5:03 PM

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All the more reason to like lucha libre that much more lol.


lucasvix (45)

9/07/2023 11:03 AM

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Qual o seu Ig?


vuvuser (3)

9/07/2023 1:35 PM

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Look me up


mikey3458 (25 )

9/06/2023 7:12 PM

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Yes you are right, whenever I have to go to Chicago to Russell I always got stuck wrestling this one guy and oh my God he really liked to hurt my balls because we were both Mexicans it was expected I guess. Many times after the show I would have to ice. He would always come by and say I hope I wasn't too hard on you and then would sort of Laugh.


Lasse (0)

9/01/2023 5:21 PM

i am no wrestler but it would be surprising to me if they did NOT go for the balls

I know in judo in randori on the mat it is very common even though not allowed, but who is going to see it, anyway?


Romain (4)

8/18/2023 6:45 AM

in refereed pro combat, I don't think so.


Parisbb (20)

8/17/2023 11:15 AM

I am NOT a specialist in fighting.
I am just a specialist in ballbusting.
From the videos i see they never really have have pain in their balls. The reaction is totally NOT the way you would react if you got squeezed or really punched.
They all come back on their feet quickly (in MMA i agree also some take way too much time to get back on after just what seems to me light punches - i suspect they use that time to catch more their breath- ).
My 2 little cents.



8/16/2023 8:19 AM

Pretend or pro, fantasizing or not, I grab the nuts, and I expect to have my fucking nuts grabbed. I defend my balls.
It's a tool for a forced submission. Especially for this site.


buddystl (45 )

8/16/2023 8:47 AM

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Granted. However the original post is about some idiot fantasizing about real trained pro wrestlers grabbing and squeezing balls in the ring.

This doesn’t happen. I know. I lived that life and trained folks too. I also have a private/gay wrestling life I lead wherein balls are fair game. But that’s not what we are discussing here.

If any pro wrestler attempted to squeeze another pro wrestler’s balls be it in training or in a match, they would be beaten soundly by the entire locker room before being tossed out into the street. REMEMBER, these guys are family men and this is their livelihood. Even the indy guys today who get less than ten bucks a match sometimes would never do anything even remotely like this in a match. The only instance I can think of would be a legitimate fight between two workers. And then I doubt if ball grabbing would play a role as they would likely be punching each other or, as most nowadays have some mma training, trying to break the other’s leg or arm.

So all respect to you, musclepecsman, and I’d love to wrestle “our” way with you someday.

As for you, social74, keep fantasizing all you like. But it won’t change that you’re wrong. No amount of jerking off to pro wrestling will alter the universe enough to make what you want true.

As a student and even somewhat as a wrestling historian, I am unable to think of even one single match where ric flair, pretend or shoot (the word we use for real) grasped a wrestler’s balls. I’ve seen him forearm them from the front or behind—a move where you hit the other man’s butt or taint with your bicep to create the illusion of a low blow. I’ve also seen him deliver an atomic drop both directions, which some men fantasize as a low blow, but in actuality is supposed to appear to jar your spine.

I challenge you to back up your comments with a link to any video of ric flair grasping the balls of another man in the ring. I don’t even believe he has wrestled those two clowns, Joey Ryan or boomboom who do the powerful testicles move.


buddystl (45 )

8/16/2023 8:54 AM

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READ (if you know how) the title of the thread. The moron who asked it asked if pro wrestlers REALLY grabbed and squeezed balls. The answer is absolutely and unequivocally no.



8/17/2023 6:16 AM

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All I can do is laugh at him!


buddystl (45 )

8/16/2023 8:53 AM

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Not a match I’ve seen, but again that would be a faked move where he just grabs the man’s trunks.


kevinshtoo (0)

8/18/2023 4:54 PM

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You're arguing with a bunch of hard headed dudes who only see what they wanna see regardless of the hard cold truth. You can't win.


buddystl (45 )

8/18/2023 6:48 PM

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I blocked the idiot and moved on. Like you said. They only see what they are fantasizing about. Doesn’t matter that I have a decade of living the indy wrestler life and even had a training school, some random gay guy knows more than I do about it…. Lol



8/19/2023 2:13 AM

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YES! The gaul of some of these hobby wrestlers!!


socal74 (30)

8/16/2023 8:29 AM

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Well said 💥💪


socal74 (30)

8/16/2023 7:30 AM

Ric Flair sure did 💥


buddystl (45 )

8/16/2023 7:34 AM

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No... no he didn't. He's straight. You guys should stop fantasizing about it. Low blows like that are faked. The ones where they pretend to grab each other are just that. PRETEND. No pro wrestler grasps or even thinks about balls like that in a match....


socal74 (30)

8/16/2023 8:14 AM

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Oh he def manhandled more than a few sacks in the ring. And pretend or not, some of us, MANY of us think it’s hot as fuck.


buddystl (45 )

8/15/2023 5:12 AM

SRSLY? Why is this even a question... No. Nothing about pro wrestling is sexual in any way. You come in, set up the ring if you have less than a decade of experience, get to the locker room and pay your respects. Then you wait for the promoter to tell you what he wants on his show. You and your opponent talk about what you're gonna do and you inform the ref of the take home spot. Then you get to it. At no point does anyone squeeze anyone else's testicles.....


Mikeywrestles (12)

8/15/2023 8:13 AM

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😂except in some of the matches!


buddystl (45 )

8/15/2023 8:15 AM

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No, buddy. That’s like saying will smith shot down aliens…



8/15/2023 1:59 PM

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8/15/2023 5:29 AM

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So very true! TY


techinsider8 (2)

8/14/2023 9:41 PM

I don't think so.

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