I hope you enjoy. Any feedback or constructive criticism is welcomed. I'll post part 2 in a couple of days.
Out of the blue Elliot said that he was flying over to Edinburgh on business in August. As I read his e-mail, a huge smile spread across my face and my cock stirred in my jeans.
Elliot was from Indianapolis in The States. We’d been chatting on a wrestling site for a couple of years and found we had lots in common, both having a penchant for wrestling and more specifically head and body scissors. He was in his mid fifties with greying hair and brown eyes. He was very tall at 6’6 and about 14 stone. I was 6 inches shorter and 10 years younger. I was of slim build and had grey eyes. My hair was also turning grey. Elliot had seen my picture but I’d only seen a photo of his body. He didn’t show me a picture of his face but he did tease me by saying that I wouldn’t be disappointed.
He confirmed that he’d be staying at the Mercure Hotel on Princes Street. This was central and easy for me to get to. He’d be checking in late on Monday 7th August and checking out on the 10th. He’d be jet-lagged on the Monday, so this would give us Tuesday and Wednesday evening to wrestle; assuming of course that he wanted to wrestle on both nights.
Naturally we continued chatting as August was still a couple of months away. I knew that Elliot was a marathon runner so his legs were potentially very strong. We talked about scissoring each other for hours, although reading between the lines, I suspected that he preferred to take control and have his opponent trapped in his runner’s legs. Only time would tell and if the truth be told, whilst I can go both ways, I would love to be submitted by a man that really knew how to use his legs.
June and July dragged painfully but the anticipation kept me going. I day-dreamed continually about being wrapped up in his powerful legs.
August came as it always does and he landed at Edinburgh Airport on Monday 7th as planned. He texted me en route to the hotel to say that he’d arrived safely. Later that evening, we chatted briefly on the phone as I knew he’d be tired and we arranged to meet at 7 o'clock the following evening. I took ages to get to sleep as I was too excited, however I eventually drifted off into a deep sleep.
I awoke refreshed to the sun beaming through my bedroom window. It was already 20 degrees and would reach 28 by early afternoon. This was hot for Edinburgh. We were in the middle of an unusually hot summer and we weren’t used to these temperatures. No matter how many times you showered, you still felt hot and sticky. I grabbed a quick breakfast and went off to work. Surprisingly, the hours flew by as I was extra busy. I got home for 6 and jumped into the shower to freshen up. Once dried, I slipped into my red speedos and pulled my tight blue jeans over them. Whilst I consider myself average, I wanted to make a good impression on my American wrestler.
I left the flat at 6.30 which gave me plenty time to get to the hotel. I strode up the royal mile, turned onto South bridge, continuing over North bridge and turning on to Princes street. I reached the hotel with a good 10 minutes to spare. I decided to take the stairs up to Elliot’s room. I found the room easily and paused to compose myself. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
The door opened and an incredibly tall man opened it. I don’t know why I was surprised because I knew his height. I don’t think you appreciate it though until it’s actually in front of you. After his height, I was drawn to his vibrant brown eyes and a warm smile which accentuated his handsome face.
I went in and he closed the door. He gave me a big hug and nearly crushed me in the process. “It’s good to finally meet you Luke.” He apologised for still being in his suit but he’d got back late from his meeting. He looked really dapper but I couldn’t wait to see the muscular thighs underneath.“I’m just going to grab a quick shower and then we can wrestle.” he said, and went into the bathroom. I started preparing the room for our match by pulling the mattress onto the floor. A hotel room wasn’t ideal but it was better than nothing. We couldn’t go all out competitive but we could certainly build up a sweat. I was already sweating in this heat. I stripped down to my speedos and went through a few stretches to warm up.
Elliot came out the bathroom. He was naked and towelling himself off. Whilst I’m no prude, I didn’t expect him to be so relaxed. He dried himself and casually went over to his open suit case. I watched his hairy arse and long muscular legs as he took out some black speedos and slipped them on. He turned to face me. “Are you ready to wrestle?” he said with a broad smile on his face. “Absolutely.” I responded. “It’s been a long time coming.”
We both got down to our knees. I’m sure there was a joke in there somewhere about how you’re the same height on the ground. As it happened he still towered over me.
According to his wrestling profile Elliot had only wrestled 8 opponents but I suspected this belied his true skill. Americans wrestled in high school but this was not part of the UK culture. I’d wrestled a few guys over the years but I’d had no training. All of that said, our focus was going to be on scissors and this is what we both wanted.
We were watching each other closely. Seeing who would make the first move. I couldn’t be sure but I reckoned Elliot was holding back and baiting me; waiting for me to go on the offensive so he could pull me into his muscular legs. I was reticent as I knew Elliot was more skilled than me, plus I would admit to being competitive. This was ironic as the very place I wanted to be was in between his muscular legs. I suppose I had a need to show him I wasn’t a total walk over and that I could fight back.
I took the bull by the horns and lunged forward forcing Elliot onto his back and in doing so I found myself in his guard as he pulled me into his legs and locked his ankles behind my back. It wasn’t particularly tight but certainly enough to hold me in place. I tried to wriggle forward to slip past his guard and I also tried using my hands to force his knees down. I then used my elbows and dug them into the side of his knee caps. Elliot winced and I felt his ankles unlock which enabled me to slip past his guard and straddle his chest. Elliot smiled at me. “So, are you going to show me how strong your legs are Luke?” Naturally I obliged by scooting further up his chest until my crotch rested on his face. I pulled his face into my speedos and rolled onto my side taking him with me. I locked my ankles into place and Elliot’s handsome face was trapped in my head scissors.
“That feels good Luke.” he said as he grinned at me with that infectious smile. I tightened the hold to show him what I was capable of. I watched his face grimacing as my quads tightened around his neck. Elliot moaned in pain and pleasure. His hands almost massaged my legs as they encircled him and demonstrated their power by crushing his neck. I can’t deny it felt good having Elliot locked in my thighs. I tightened the hold even further and forced Elliot’s face deeper into my crotch which was getting sweaty by this time. I could feel Elliot’s whole body tense up as every muscle in my thighs joined in to constrict the prey trapped between them. Elliot tapped his submission and I released him from the hold. “That was amazing Luke. You have some power in those legs.” I explained that they’re not that strong but I could get good leverage due to the length. “You must get good leverage also?” I said. “I do.” said Elliot. “I also think they’re quite strong from all the running I do.
That first submission broke the ice and our wrestle became more relaxed. We rolled around, each trying to lock on some scissors. Nothing overly competitive or aggressive. Elliot was a defensive wrestler and I frequently found myself entangled in his legs, almost without his trying. His legs and arms were very long which gave him good reach.
For about the 10th time, I found myself in his guard but this time Elliot grabbed my wrists and pulled me forward so he could trap my arms under his. I could feel him straightening his legs behind me and I suddenly felt an immense pressure just under my ribs as his thighs dug into me. “They’re strong Elliot” I moaned as his masculine legs tightened around me. I couldn’t help but tense up as his legs crushed my torso. I tried to stand up which prompted Elliot to roll onto his side forcing me down with him. This was not a good position to be in. Not only was he squeezing the life out of me but the weight of his leg on top was also adding to the pressure.
He released my arms and simply held me between his legs. I struggled to escape because it was in my nature to do so. I wriggled hard and tried to force his legs apart but I genuinely couldn’t escape. I soon found that every time I struggled, he tightened his vice like grip and he relaxed a little if I remained still. So much for Elliot being a defensive wrestler I thought.
So, there was I trapped between the American’s muscular thighs, exactly where we both wanted me to be. Elliot flexed his quads and I tensed up again. “Hey, that’s not fair.” I cried. “I wasn’t struggling.” “I know.” said Elliot who smiled at the Scotsman locked in his hairy legs. I felt his muscles with my hands as they flexed just underneath my ribs. He purposely made them dance for me. “Feel free to try and escape Luke.” he said as he flexed his legs again.
Elliot watched me closely and although he purposely wasn’t smiling, his sexy brown eyes were alive. They never left mine as he slowly but inexorably began tightening his body scissors.
I could feel the pressure building slowly but couldn’t stop it from happening. My body again tensed up in preparation for what was to come. His quads bulged as I tried desperately to force them apart. If I could just turn onto my stomach it wouldn’t hurt so much I thought. This notion was futile as the pythons surrounding me tightened up a notch and I felt as if my rib cage would explode and by this point I was struggling to breathe. I moaned in absolute pain and pleasure but I had no choice other than to submit as I frantically tapped my submission. Elliot instantly unlocked his legs and I fell out of his deadly embrace.
“Fuck. That was phenomenal Elliot. Most guys aren’t strong enough to submit their opponent in body scissors.” Elliot was grinning again and I lay on my back, savouring the moment. “You haven’t seen the half of what these legs can do Luke.”
Both of us were hot and sweating so we took five and grabbed some water. We both needed to cool down so I splashed some water on my face. We chatted for about 5 minutes but we were itching to get back to the mattress.
We faced each other again and started wrestling. I found myself on my stomach with Elliot pinning me down with his 6’6 frame. He slipped his arms under mine and locked his fingers behind my neck in a full nelson. I struggled to move but was tied up entirely. Elliot whispered in my ear, “This is too easy.” For the first time, I could feel his erection as his body pinned mine. “It’s a good job you have those speedos on.” he said and began to grind against my pinned arse. He held me there for 5 minutes and slowly rubbed himself up against my tight arse. I couldn’t stop him of course but then why would I want to?
Elliot unlocked his arms and let me get up. He could have easily made me submit. Then I realised he was toying with me. Enjoying the control and taking things at his pace.
As I was lost in my thoughts and not concentrating, Elliot grabbed my head and pulled my face into his crotch. He snapped his legs shut and imprisoned me in his thighs as he rested on his elbows. “Are you enjoying the view down there Luke?” he taunted as my face was squashed into his crotch. I could feel his erection straining to escape his speedos. They were damp through sweat and sticky as he leaked pre-cum. I could smell his sweaty bollocks. I was being forced to take in his man scent, his very sexy man scent.
Elliot smiled and relaxed as he folded his arms behind his head. His quads held me in place and I wasn’t going anywhere. He bridged up slightly because he could and pain shot through the back of my neck. I moaned as I gripped onto the legs that held me. He bridged again and as I yelled out in pain he said “Awww, is your neck a bit sore?” He relaxed again and rolled onto his side. I had no option and was forced to go wherever his legs took me.
He relaxed the pressure a bit but didn’t release the hold. I used my hands to feel his hairy legs. I ran them up his stomach and felt his abs and hairy chest. I could just reach his nipples and gently squeezed them in my fingers. I wanted to make him feel as good I was. I could feel his body shudder as I teased his nipples and he couldn’t help but tighten his thighs around my neck. Elliot moaned in pleasure as he extended his legs as far as they would go and his pythons crushed my trapped neck. Before I had time to submit, he again released the pressure but this time began pulsing his quads. I was beginning to feel light headed so I feebly tried to force his legs off me but it was pointless. I was only getting out if Elliot chose to let me go or I submitted again.
He eased of the pressure and simply enjoyed having me between his powerful runner’s legs. I could see his erection poking out the top of his speedos. I could also see a bead of pre-cum as unlike myself, he was cut. How I wished I could taste it. As if reading my mind, Elliot took the bead on his finger and slowly licked it in front of me. Fuck I thought, he’s teasing me. Elliot smiled as he tucked his erection back into his speedos and started squeezing me again as he stretched out his whole body.
Elliot unravelled his long legs and stood up. “I need another drink” he said and poured us a couple of cool drinks from the fridge. He sat on the bed and I remained down on the mattress. We were both hot and sweaty. The air con wasn’t working but there was a fan in the room, although all it did was blow hot air around. The window was wide open. “It’s too hot.” said Elliot. “Would you be comfortable wrestling naked? Bearing in mind where your face could potentially end up.” I smiled inwardly. What he actually meant was where my face would end up, there was no potential. He was such a gentleman for asking of course and not assuming that naked was expected or desired. Elliot was very masculine and handsome. Of course it was desired but he wasn’t to know that. I told him that I was relaxed in his company and enjoyed being with him.
Elliot stood up and pulled down his speedos and I did the same. If felt good to get them off as they were a bit damp. Elliot got down on the mattress and casually sat on my face, facing my feet. His legs pinned my arms and his hairy arse pinned my face. He squeezed my nipples in his fingers and I breathed faster as they tingled in response. My moans of pleasure reverberated deep in Elliot’s cheeks. I’d like to say he watched my erection grow but I think I’d been hard since the first body scissors and I’d been leaking pre-cum since I first entered the room.
I reached around to feel his erection and then felt the muscles up his back. “Do you submit Luke? I could barely hear what Elliot was saying. “I’ll take that as a no.” he said. He slipped his left leg under my neck and hooked it behind his right knee. He leant back and pulled his right leg forward. I was now trapped in a figure four reverse heads scissors. If you didn’t like naked, this was the one hold you didn’t want to be trapped in. My full face was being smothered by hairy quads and two hairy arse cheeks. My nose was almost forced into his spotlessly clean crack. I could smell his musk and sweat emanating from his hole. His pheromones were intoxicating. I yearned to be able to taste his hole but we hadn’t discussed this and I didn’t want to spoil what was already off the scale.
Elliot flexed each glute in turn and then his each of his quads. Every so often he would squeeze all of them together. My face was being enveloped and strangled in his muscles but I didn’t think Elliot could hear my muffled moans.
My face was buried in his hairy arse and I couldn’t escape even if I wanted to. Elliot hadn’t bothered to restrain my legs in case I tried to scissor him. He correctly sensed that I wouldn’t try to. I felt his muscular arse with my hands and he flexed it purposely for my benefit. I squeezed his glutes and pulled his cheeks apart and could see his hole that was still calling to my tongue.
I could feel Elliot shift as he straightened his legs and locked his ankles. His quads bulged like two tree trunks and my neck was caught between them. The pressure was immense and I was in danger of being knocked out. His pythons were doing what they did best, constricting. I tried to turn Elliot over but he grabbed my legs to prevent this. The relentless squeeze continued. “Do you submit Luke?” “Yes!” I cried out trying to prise apart his legs. “I’ll do anything you want if you let me go Elliot.” I moaned as his masculine thighs dominated me entirely. “Anything?” said Elliot with a twinkle in his eye as he stopped squeezing for a moment. “Well, not anything.” I said “but I do trust you.”
Elliot unlocked his ankles and stood up. “It’s time for some food Luke. Do you realise we’ve be wrestling for two hours.” “I suppose you need to eat.” I joked. “Got to feed those chicken legs.” Elliot rolled his eyes and went into the bathroom. We took turns showering and got dressed. Elliot had a meeting in the morning and I had to be up early for work.
I sat down on the bed to tie the laces on my trainers. Elliot moved in front of me and trapped my head between his legs as he stood there. He flexed his legs for me. “So Luke, are we going to wrestle again tomorrow night? “Yes” I said between his legs. “Good man.” he said and gave one last squeeze before letting me up.
He walked me down to reception and then went to the hotel restaurant for some food. I walked home with a stupid grin on my face. I was impatient to meet my handsome American for round two.
Scissorvictim (98 )
3/29/2020 11:35 PMI hope you enjoy. Any feedback or constructive criticism is welcomed. I'll post part 2 in a couple of days.
Out of the blue Elliot said that he was flying over to Edinburgh on business in August. As I read his e-mail, a huge smile spread across my face and my cock stirred in my jeans.
Elliot was from Indianapolis in The States. We’d been chatting on a wrestling site for a couple of years and found we had lots in common, both having a penchant for wrestling and more specifically head and body scissors. He was in his mid fifties with greying hair and brown eyes. He was very tall at 6’6 and about 14 stone. I was 6 inches shorter and 10 years younger. I was of slim build and had grey eyes. My hair was also turning grey. Elliot had seen my picture but I’d only seen a photo of his body. He didn’t show me a picture of his face but he did tease me by saying that I wouldn’t be disappointed.
He confirmed that he’d be staying at the Mercure Hotel on Princes Street. This was central and easy for me to get to. He’d be checking in late on Monday 7th August and checking out on the 10th. He’d be jet-lagged on the Monday, so this would give us Tuesday and Wednesday evening to wrestle; assuming of course that he wanted to wrestle on both nights.
Naturally we continued chatting as August was still a couple of months away. I knew that Elliot was a marathon runner so his legs were potentially very strong. We talked about scissoring each other for hours, although reading between the lines, I suspected that he preferred to take control and have his opponent trapped in his runner’s legs. Only time would tell and if the truth be told, whilst I can go both ways, I would love to be submitted by a man that really knew how to use his legs.
June and July dragged painfully but the anticipation kept me going. I day-dreamed continually about being wrapped up in his powerful legs.
August came as it always does and he landed at Edinburgh Airport on Monday 7th as planned. He texted me en route to the hotel to say that he’d arrived safely. Later that evening, we chatted briefly on the phone as I knew he’d be tired and we arranged to meet at 7 o'clock the following evening. I took ages to get to sleep as I was too excited, however I eventually drifted off into a deep sleep.
I awoke refreshed to the sun beaming through my bedroom window. It was already 20 degrees and would reach 28 by early afternoon. This was hot for Edinburgh. We were in the middle of an unusually hot summer and we weren’t used to these temperatures. No matter how many times you showered, you still felt hot and sticky. I grabbed a quick breakfast and went off to work. Surprisingly, the hours flew by as I was extra busy. I got home for 6 and jumped into the shower to freshen up. Once dried, I slipped into my red speedos and pulled my tight blue jeans over them. Whilst I consider myself average, I wanted to make a good impression on my American wrestler.
I left the flat at 6.30 which gave me plenty time to get to the hotel. I strode up the royal mile, turned onto South bridge, continuing over North bridge and turning on to Princes street. I reached the hotel with a good 10 minutes to spare. I decided to take the stairs up to Elliot’s room. I found the room easily and paused to compose myself. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
The door opened and an incredibly tall man opened it. I don’t know why I was surprised because I knew his height. I don’t think you appreciate it though until it’s actually in front of you. After his height, I was drawn to his vibrant brown eyes and a warm smile which accentuated his handsome face.
I went in and he closed the door. He gave me a big hug and nearly crushed me in the process. “It’s good to finally meet you Luke.” He apologised for still being in his suit but he’d got back late from his meeting. He looked really dapper but I couldn’t wait to see the muscular thighs underneath.“I’m just going to grab a quick shower and then we can wrestle.” he said, and went into the bathroom. I started preparing the room for our match by pulling the mattress onto the floor. A hotel room wasn’t ideal but it was better than nothing. We couldn’t go all out competitive but we could certainly build up a sweat. I was already sweating in this heat. I stripped down to my speedos and went through a few stretches to warm up.
Elliot came out the bathroom. He was naked and towelling himself off. Whilst I’m no prude, I didn’t expect him to be so relaxed. He dried himself and casually went over to his open suit case. I watched his hairy arse and long muscular legs as he took out some black speedos and slipped them on. He turned to face me. “Are you ready to wrestle?” he said with a broad smile on his face. “Absolutely.” I responded. “It’s been a long time coming.”
We both got down to our knees. I’m sure there was a joke in there somewhere about how you’re the same height on the ground. As it happened he still towered over me.
According to his wrestling profile Elliot had only wrestled 8 opponents but I suspected this belied his true skill. Americans wrestled in high school but this was not part of the UK culture. I’d wrestled a few guys over the years but I’d had no training. All of that said, our focus was going to be on scissors and this is what we both wanted.
We were watching each other closely. Seeing who would make the first move. I couldn’t be sure but I reckoned Elliot was holding back and baiting me; waiting for me to go on the offensive so he could pull me into his muscular legs. I was reticent as I knew Elliot was more skilled than me, plus I would admit to being competitive. This was ironic as the very place I wanted to be was in between his muscular legs. I suppose I had a need to show him I wasn’t a total walk over and that I could fight back.
I took the bull by the horns and lunged forward forcing Elliot onto his back and in doing so I found myself in his guard as he pulled me into his legs and locked his ankles behind my back. It wasn’t particularly tight but certainly enough to hold me in place. I tried to wriggle forward to slip past his guard and I also tried using my hands to force his knees down. I then used my elbows and dug them into the side of his knee caps. Elliot winced and I felt his ankles unlock which enabled me to slip past his guard and straddle his chest. Elliot smiled at me. “So, are you going to show me how strong your legs are Luke?” Naturally I obliged by scooting further up his chest until my crotch rested on his face. I pulled his face into my speedos and rolled onto my side taking him with me. I locked my ankles into place and Elliot’s handsome face was trapped in my head scissors.
“That feels good Luke.” he said as he grinned at me with that infectious smile. I tightened the hold to show him what I was capable of. I watched his face grimacing as my quads tightened around his neck. Elliot moaned in pain and pleasure. His hands almost massaged my legs as they encircled him and demonstrated their power by crushing his neck. I can’t deny it felt good having Elliot locked in my thighs. I tightened the hold even further and forced Elliot’s face deeper into my crotch which was getting sweaty by this time. I could feel Elliot’s whole body tense up as every muscle in my thighs joined in to constrict the prey trapped between them. Elliot tapped his submission and I released him from the hold. “That was amazing Luke. You have some power in those legs.” I explained that they’re not that strong but I could get good leverage due to the length. “You must get good leverage also?” I said. “I do.” said Elliot. “I also think they’re quite strong from all the running I do.
That first submission broke the ice and our wrestle became more relaxed. We rolled around, each trying to lock on some scissors. Nothing overly competitive or aggressive. Elliot was a defensive wrestler and I frequently found myself entangled in his legs, almost without his trying. His legs and arms were very long which gave him good reach.
For about the 10th time, I found myself in his guard but this time Elliot grabbed my wrists and pulled me forward so he could trap my arms under his. I could feel him straightening his legs behind me and I suddenly felt an immense pressure just under my ribs as his thighs dug into me. “They’re strong Elliot” I moaned as his masculine legs tightened around me. I couldn’t help but tense up as his legs crushed my torso. I tried to stand up which prompted Elliot to roll onto his side forcing me down with him. This was not a good position to be in. Not only was he squeezing the life out of me but the weight of his leg on top was also adding to the pressure.
He released my arms and simply held me between his legs. I struggled to escape because it was in my nature to do so. I wriggled hard and tried to force his legs apart but I genuinely couldn’t escape. I soon found that every time I struggled, he tightened his vice like grip and he relaxed a little if I remained still. So much for Elliot being a defensive wrestler I thought.
So, there was I trapped between the American’s muscular thighs, exactly where we both wanted me to be. Elliot flexed his quads and I tensed up again. “Hey, that’s not fair.” I cried. “I wasn’t struggling.” “I know.” said Elliot who smiled at the Scotsman locked in his hairy legs. I felt his muscles with my hands as they flexed just underneath my ribs. He purposely made them dance for me. “Feel free to try and escape Luke.” he said as he flexed his legs again.
Elliot watched me closely and although he purposely wasn’t smiling, his sexy brown eyes were alive. They never left mine as he slowly but inexorably began tightening his body scissors.
I could feel the pressure building slowly but couldn’t stop it from happening. My body again tensed up in preparation for what was to come. His quads bulged as I tried desperately to force them apart. If I could just turn onto my stomach it wouldn’t hurt so much I thought. This notion was futile as the pythons surrounding me tightened up a notch and I felt as if my rib cage would explode and by this point I was struggling to breathe. I moaned in absolute pain and pleasure but I had no choice other than to submit as I frantically tapped my submission. Elliot instantly unlocked his legs and I fell out of his deadly embrace.
“Fuck. That was phenomenal Elliot. Most guys aren’t strong enough to submit their opponent in body scissors.” Elliot was grinning again and I lay on my back, savouring the moment. “You haven’t seen the half of what these legs can do Luke.”
Both of us were hot and sweating so we took five and grabbed some water. We both needed to cool down so I splashed some water on my face. We chatted for about 5 minutes but we were itching to get back to the mattress.
We faced each other again and started wrestling. I found myself on my stomach with Elliot pinning me down with his 6’6 frame. He slipped his arms under mine and locked his fingers behind my neck in a full nelson. I struggled to move but was tied up entirely. Elliot whispered in my ear, “This is too easy.” For the first time, I could feel his erection as his body pinned mine. “It’s a good job you have those speedos on.” he said and began to grind against my pinned arse. He held me there for 5 minutes and slowly rubbed himself up against my tight arse. I couldn’t stop him of course but then why would I want to?
Elliot unlocked his arms and let me get up. He could have easily made me submit. Then I realised he was toying with me. Enjoying the control and taking things at his pace.
As I was lost in my thoughts and not concentrating, Elliot grabbed my head and pulled my face into his crotch. He snapped his legs shut and imprisoned me in his thighs as he rested on his elbows. “Are you enjoying the view down there Luke?” he taunted as my face was squashed into his crotch. I could feel his erection straining to escape his speedos. They were damp through sweat and sticky as he leaked pre-cum. I could smell his sweaty bollocks. I was being forced to take in his man scent, his very sexy man scent.
Elliot smiled and relaxed as he folded his arms behind his head. His quads held me in place and I wasn’t going anywhere. He bridged up slightly because he could and pain shot through the back of my neck. I moaned as I gripped onto the legs that held me. He bridged again and as I yelled out in pain he said “Awww, is your neck a bit sore?” He relaxed again and rolled onto his side. I had no option and was forced to go wherever his legs took me.
He relaxed the pressure a bit but didn’t release the hold. I used my hands to feel his hairy legs. I ran them up his stomach and felt his abs and hairy chest. I could just reach his nipples and gently squeezed them in my fingers. I wanted to make him feel as good I was. I could feel his body shudder as I teased his nipples and he couldn’t help but tighten his thighs around my neck. Elliot moaned in pleasure as he extended his legs as far as they would go and his pythons crushed my trapped neck. Before I had time to submit, he again released the pressure but this time began pulsing his quads. I was beginning to feel light headed so I feebly tried to force his legs off me but it was pointless. I was only getting out if Elliot chose to let me go or I submitted again.
He eased of the pressure and simply enjoyed having me between his powerful runner’s legs. I could see his erection poking out the top of his speedos. I could also see a bead of pre-cum as unlike myself, he was cut. How I wished I could taste it. As if reading my mind, Elliot took the bead on his finger and slowly licked it in front of me. Fuck I thought, he’s teasing me. Elliot smiled as he tucked his erection back into his speedos and started squeezing me again as he stretched out his whole body.
Elliot unravelled his long legs and stood up. “I need another drink” he said and poured us a couple of cool drinks from the fridge. He sat on the bed and I remained down on the mattress. We were both hot and sweaty. The air con wasn’t working but there was a fan in the room, although all it did was blow hot air around. The window was wide open. “It’s too hot.” said Elliot. “Would you be comfortable wrestling naked? Bearing in mind where your face could potentially end up.” I smiled inwardly. What he actually meant was where my face would end up, there was no potential. He was such a gentleman for asking of course and not assuming that naked was expected or desired. Elliot was very masculine and handsome. Of course it was desired but he wasn’t to know that. I told him that I was relaxed in his company and enjoyed being with him.
Elliot stood up and pulled down his speedos and I did the same. If felt good to get them off as they were a bit damp. Elliot got down on the mattress and casually sat on my face, facing my feet. His legs pinned my arms and his hairy arse pinned my face. He squeezed my nipples in his fingers and I breathed faster as they tingled in response. My moans of pleasure reverberated deep in Elliot’s cheeks. I’d like to say he watched my erection grow but I think I’d been hard since the first body scissors and I’d been leaking pre-cum since I first entered the room.
I reached around to feel his erection and then felt the muscles up his back. “Do you submit Luke? I could barely hear what Elliot was saying. “I’ll take that as a no.” he said. He slipped his left leg under my neck and hooked it behind his right knee. He leant back and pulled his right leg forward. I was now trapped in a figure four reverse heads scissors. If you didn’t like naked, this was the one hold you didn’t want to be trapped in. My full face was being smothered by hairy quads and two hairy arse cheeks. My nose was almost forced into his spotlessly clean crack. I could smell his musk and sweat emanating from his hole. His pheromones were intoxicating. I yearned to be able to taste his hole but we hadn’t discussed this and I didn’t want to spoil what was already off the scale.
Elliot flexed each glute in turn and then his each of his quads. Every so often he would squeeze all of them together. My face was being enveloped and strangled in his muscles but I didn’t think Elliot could hear my muffled moans.
My face was buried in his hairy arse and I couldn’t escape even if I wanted to. Elliot hadn’t bothered to restrain my legs in case I tried to scissor him. He correctly sensed that I wouldn’t try to. I felt his muscular arse with my hands and he flexed it purposely for my benefit. I squeezed his glutes and pulled his cheeks apart and could see his hole that was still calling to my tongue.
I could feel Elliot shift as he straightened his legs and locked his ankles. His quads bulged like two tree trunks and my neck was caught between them. The pressure was immense and I was in danger of being knocked out. His pythons were doing what they did best, constricting. I tried to turn Elliot over but he grabbed my legs to prevent this. The relentless squeeze continued. “Do you submit Luke?” “Yes!” I cried out trying to prise apart his legs. “I’ll do anything you want if you let me go Elliot.” I moaned as his masculine thighs dominated me entirely. “Anything?” said Elliot with a twinkle in his eye as he stopped squeezing for a moment. “Well, not anything.” I said “but I do trust you.”
Elliot unlocked his ankles and stood up. “It’s time for some food Luke. Do you realise we’ve be wrestling for two hours.” “I suppose you need to eat.” I joked. “Got to feed those chicken legs.” Elliot rolled his eyes and went into the bathroom. We took turns showering and got dressed. Elliot had a meeting in the morning and I had to be up early for work.
I sat down on the bed to tie the laces on my trainers. Elliot moved in front of me and trapped my head between his legs as he stood there. He flexed his legs for me. “So Luke, are we going to wrestle again tomorrow night? “Yes” I said between his legs. “Good man.” he said and gave one last squeeze before letting me up.
He walked me down to reception and then went to the hotel restaurant for some food. I walked home with a stupid grin on my face. I was impatient to meet my handsome American for round two.