

Member since 12.9 years
Age 46
Height 6'3" (191 cm)
Weight 183 lbs (83 kg)
Gender Male
Orientation Gay
Looking for Male
Gear shirtless
Languages spoken English
Last login today
Last update 3/05/2024


Show on map
  1. USA - Wisconsin, Milwaukee
    Place of residence
  2. USA - California, Orange
    (I'm here between 6/16/2024 and 6/18/2024)
    Baseball and Disney trip
  3. USA - New York, Long Island City
    (I'm here between 6/21/2024 and 6/23/2024)
    Spartan Race at Citi Field!

I am willing to travel 200 miles

Past opponents


Submission Submission
Pro wrestling Pro wrestling
Boxing Boxing

Match structure: Even match, Give and take, Squash match, Play wrestling

Specific wrestling styles: Promission

Miscellaneous interests: Stakes

Fetishes: Jackoff, Boxing gear, Gut punching, Muscle worship

Followers of travilicious



Everyone - I need to level with you. This is MeetFighters. We all know that 95%+ of the members on this site are gay and are turned on by fighting or watching fighting. Because this is about sexual attraction, please understand that I am only attracted to muscled young or middle aged men. If you are not in very good shape, please do not contact me. If you are over 50 and not VERY muscled, do not contact me. If you are over 60, no matter what, do not contact me. I will not be attracted to you, I am not interested in communicating with you, and I am not flattered when you hit on me.

Look - I get it - I've worked VERY hard to improve my physique and looks in the past five years. I know I'm not a 10 - perhaps I'm around a 6 or 7. I've contacted many dudes and have been rejected. I get it - I'm not hot enough for some guys, and that's ok. That's what this site is about - finding dudes to whom you are mutually attracted. Therefore, if you are upset when I tell you that I WILL NOT get together with you if you're not in great shape, I'm sorry. We've all got our attractions. Big belly, out of shape, and older are not what I'm attracted to.
Looking for fun and hard-fought wrestling and boxing matches. Mild or wild. Evenly matched or squash. Nothing insane, but sure don't mind feeling the next day like I've been in a fight.

Into sub, pro, fantasy, boxing, and sometimes erotic. I'm fairly strong and can dish it out as well as take it. Really like give and take matches that last for hours. I travel a lot in the summer - love meeting the locals for hotel matches.

I've been hitting the gym and put on some muscle. Hoping to find a guy to go toe to toe with and test out my strength.

New pictures are the result of my first attempt at a bulk.

All forms of tobacco are a major turn off.


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travilicious has no cyber opponents.