Ned Weasel


Member since 8.9 years
Age 40
Height 5'10" (178 cm)
Weight 180 lbs (82 kg)
Gender Male
Looking for Male
Gear Singlet or shorts
Languages spoken English
Last login 8 days ago
Last update 8 days ago



Show on map
  1. USA - Kansas, Overland Park
    Place of residence

I am willing to travel 30 miles

Past opponents


Olympic / Greco-Roman Olympic / Greco-Roman
Submission Submission

Match structure: Even match, Play wrestling, Practicing techniques

Specific wrestling styles: Promission, Folkstyle, Arm wrestling

Miscellaneous interests: I have access to mats, Friendship

Followers of Ned Weasel



I enjoy competitive wrestling. When I wrestle, I want to win, and I hope you do, too!

I won't wrestle with the weasel head on. Sorry, but it's only for show. If you rassle me, you gotta see my ugly human face!

I'm very busy these days, so I may take a while to respond to messages.

"Weasel champ, mustelid might,
Holds his own in any fight,
He can take down any foe,
Once he's had his coffee though."
- Zae the Dragon


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Ned Weasel has no cyber opponents.