Bigger VS Smaller Matches

The BEST way for a large heel to dominate a small jobber?

MarsM1 (0)

8/15/2023 3:12 AM

Maybe the best way is slowly choking the small jobber out..
Wake him up and choke him again šŸ˜Ž


Shyguy005 (0 )

11/17/2023 4:34 PM

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Uuuuh i like that so much


Biceplover (1)

8/14/2023 2:45 PM

For me as a jobber I love it when the heel shows his dominance AND strength by :
1) trashtalk: "you re so little" or "you are a warm-up weight for me".. "you re a toy to play with'...
2) showing of his strength by grab me and lift me like a kid....esp when he presses me overhead (thats realy my BIGGEST turnon) .
Some years ago a big muscleguy lifted me overhead and walked to a mirror doing reps with me...wooofff


Heel-eo-trope (4)

8/14/2023 6:23 PM

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Hot story biceplover.

While heeling I like to create an imaginary televised ring squash match and play the role of a 3rd person ringside announcer/color commentator as I put a jobber through the paces. It's fun and actually makes both of us get off on it even more. :)

(Said as I work over my jobber)
Announcer: "My goodness, this poor young man is being absolutely manhandled by the bigger <fill in your name> with no ounce of respect or sportmanship. I hope he finds some mercy to pin his opponent soon. Sadistically abusing this smaller, young rookie athlete just isn't right!"

Bad guy color commentator: "Well that light-weight jobbrone knew what he was getting into when he signed on to this match. If you ask me, he looks like he's enjoying putting on a show for the fans who want to see more dish-ragging and humiliation of that ham and egger and because...well he deserves it and the fans are demanding it, so...."

Me to my jobber: "You hear that jobber-boy? So you are liking this huh? Well, gonna have to turn up the heat on you and not be as nice. After all, we can't disappoint our audience. In fact I heard one of them just yell out for a torture rack back-breaker. Up you go boy and you better make it look good or else....."

Hee hee


kohl (37)

8/15/2023 1:43 PM

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Damn. Let's go at it big man!!


Biceplover (1)

8/15/2023 8:50 AM

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Love it..especially that: "up you go boy" .... the tone of voice that implies that this will be easy for you....woooooofffff


Luvtalls (0)

8/14/2023 3:02 PM

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Thatā€™s awesome! I would love that. One experience I had was as soon as I opened the door to a big muscle guy he lifted me straight up from under my arms and walked around the room like that before putting me up against a wall. Talk about feeling helplesd!


Biceplover (1)

8/15/2023 8:56 AM

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O MY GOD he immediately did a pit lift on you!!!
The guy I was talking about ( who pressed me with reps) did that after I showed him a picture of a Gorilla Press. ( his English was bad ;-))
I asked him if he could do that lift with me and he did the same as in your story here: he just pit lifted me...walked to the hotelroom and placed me (in standing position) on the bed...then he graabed me for that press. I am a big fan of the pit-lift!!!


Heel-eo-trope (4)

8/14/2023 6:24 PM

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Whoa. Hot Hot Hot.


Fight Boston (5)

8/14/2023 2:32 PM

I love getting pinned under their full weight. There are so many ways and I love it!


Scissormetight (1)

8/14/2023 4:48 PM

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Love that too!


babyface180 (24)

1/19/2023 7:49 PM

Very interesting discussion! Personality and attitude is so important with any guy-to-guy interaction. The hardest thing is trying to explain to the other guy what you want. I think it's much better if the heel naturally reads you and can intuitively figure out exactly what you want and how to handle you. If you have to tell him everything to do step by step, that takes all the fun away from it lol. However, I believe that limits definitely need to be set in writting before the match so that when the match starts you can get right into it. I can put up a really good fight but I know I'm not a heel and I can't even fake it.


lspiatnicki (0 )

8/13/2023 7:23 AM

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Dear friend, sometimes heeling is a necessity of that specific opponent, in the sence that they not assume they are unexperienced. ;)


HH200kg (13)

1/18/2023 11:42 AM

When I crush small jobbers the most important part to me is his activity safety and trust. Asking someone you have never met to physically manhandle you without injuring you takes a lot of trust. On the other hand if you are 100-150ish lbs trying to give up 200-300lb weight difference and donā€™t expect the next day to be horribly sore you are probably just kidding yourself. When it comes to what moves I want to do I live by Iā€™m sorry comes out way easier than can I. But I totally leave it up to the jobber to set ground rules or limitations before hand. If something happens you donā€™t like iā€™ll apologize and we can avoid the rest of the time. Just be sure to be up front and honest about the experience youā€™re looking to have.


Dom Michaels (9)

8/15/2023 4:14 AM

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Agree 100%


Tallboyintulsa (1)

8/03/2023 12:42 AM

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Itā€™s true, the couple of times I met up with this guy I was sore the next couple of days lol


leanaussiemuscle (31)

1/19/2023 11:13 AM

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HH200kg I would take anything you want to dish out, youā€™re so hot!


SmallFry (3 )

1/18/2023 5:10 PM

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the last thing you'd wanna say to someone after a meet is "I'm sorry," and I respect how careful you are :)


WW (17)

1/18/2023 5:07 PM

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You do sound good ĤH200kg..


Bill Parker (41)

7/29/2023 4:13 PM

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I agree with all of this. I know if I finally get to meet up with HH someday, we are going to be really clear before the match. So I donā€™t end up hurting him too badly. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜œšŸ˜œ


benhard63 (44)

1/18/2023 10:10 AM

I really like the way you describe bearhugs and lifts.


Chibidi (4)

1/18/2023 10:02 AM

As someone who could be described as a small jobber, to me in involves a couple of things. Not ALL of them are mandatory (its depends on the heel's personnality), but from the small jobber's point of vue... the more boxes checked, the better. ;D

1. Submission throws that mostly rely on the large heel's amazing strenght.
Throws that put emphasis on the gap between the large heel's power and the small jobber's weakness, and on what the former can do with the latter without the slightest effort (at least seemingly). Throws that last long enough for the small jobber to come to the conclusion there's absolutely nothing he can do against such an opponent except to beg for mercy.
Best examples for me: bearhug with a lift, over the shoulder backbreaker, ... Basically everything that involves lifting the small jobber off the floor. From the jobber's point of vue, it's especially efficent when it comes to making us feel helpless, ... and it's particularly hot as well. ;)

2. Cockiness from the large heel's part.
A big strong heel doesn't only need to prove his strenght with powerful holds. He needs to show how much he enjoys being that strong and dominating the weak. It can go from doing squats while having the jobber locked in a shoulder backbreaker, to flexing a biceps while the jobber is struggling to get out of a hold, to doing a pec bounce while strongly holding him in a bearhug, to simply winking and smiling at the jobber while he's suffering. It really is the icing on the cake.

3. Trash talking.
I strongly believe many people underestimate trash talking. Sure, it's basically cockiness. But I'm giving it a special mention because it really can separate a good heel from a great one in my opinion. Bonus point if the heel taunts his victim by strickly refusing to let go of his submission hold until the jobber agrees to say whatever the heel demands (from calling "Master" to calling him "Daddy" to simply admit "I'm a b*tch!")!

4. Erotic touches.
Sure, this only applies to matches where both parts agree to go that way. But if they do, trust me, there is nothing more exciting than being held in a hold we can't get out of, while having our crotch being touched and teased by a vicious and kinky heel who likes to provide both pain and pleasure. This is particularly effective within a roleplay situation when the heel's job is to make the small jobber c*m (I don't know if I can write that word ^^), and the jobber has to fight against it, but the heel punishes his resistance by applying new submission holds on him. Super sexy!

5. Forced worship.
Nothing hotter than a large heel who's built like a Greek god and who knows how sexy he is. The least a defeated jobber can do after (or while!) his weakness has been established is to grant his master with a well deserved worship session. Something both parts usually enjoy.

  • Note that even though this is a pretty great bonus if the heel has a muscular enough body, this point is probably the least mandatory to me, actually. Even if the heel doesn't have a bodybuilder physique, he can be a super great heel if he does well in the other points I've mentionned. The best example I could think of is Marcwrestler/Masked Menace: I literally get hard within 30 seconds when watching one of his videos!

6. Jobber's duty
Even though it's harder to be demanding from the jobber, who is the one suffering in that situation, a good jobber (to me, but I guess heels have the say on this one) has to try to find a balance between being a totally submissive beta once the heel's dominance has been established, while still trying to fight back and not giving up too quick, as if he's secretly enjoying his everlasting punishment and actually wants more (which... he might do ;) ).

PS: Please excuse my English as it isn't my mother tongue.


hhmike2 (0)

7/29/2023 1:57 PM

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Any links of vids for Marcwrestler/Masked Menace?


Ticklish (0)

7/26/2023 7:28 AM

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Just read this and I'm absolutely squirming just thinking about it all!


john el (13)

1/18/2023 6:05 PM

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Very readable, English IS my native tongue and sometime nobody understands me.. :)

I can get behind this, as someone that can enjoy both roles, but usually due to build get called on to heel more.
I totally get into 1!

2 Comes a little harder for me, I'm not a highly confident person, even though I can project it, learning but much to improve.

3 is somewhat related, it's hot when I see/hear it but both the confidence and sort of natural tendacy to not be "mean". I'm having to learn that consensual "meanness" and being a bully is what's hot! At same time real bully's are detestable.

A lot of that are things I had to overcome in BDSM play, I'd be spanking, flogging etc a woman and my thoughts would go to "what would my dad think? " lol Sometimes my empathy makes me feel I'm going too far.
4 This def required negotiation and discussion, but sometimes you can read into the encounter.

5 I love/hate this. that confidence thing, makes me feel very awkward. At same time I love when it's done too.

6 Very good points, sometimes someone can be very attractive as a heel, and I just want to roll over. Or conversely I can feel at times, why am I letting him win? Sometimes my competitive streak comes out too much. :)

I definitely never want to have a "sorry" moment. I'd actually rather be too light, make them hungry for more the next time we meet. Not enough is an easy fix, too much and risk breaking trust. Be it intensity or a boundary.


Stagony (9)

1/20/2023 6:14 AM

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I enjoy jobbing (although I'm not exclusively a jobber) and I don't care about trash talk at all. Just putting this out there so that you know not to feel inadequate if trash talk doesn't come naturally to you. There are some of us who can fully enjoy ourselves without it (or prefer it when it's absent). :)


Heel-eo-trope (4)

1/18/2023 7:48 PM

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Thanks for your take on each point @john el! Great insight on this thread. Thanks all!


Heel-eo-trope (4)

1/18/2023 2:51 PM

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Couldnā€™t have said it any better @chibidi (Iā€™m a heel and have the exact same perspective. Will DM you a true story Too ;) )


TCMuscle (1)

8/16/2023 6:14 AM

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I would love to hear this true story as well heeliotrope


jobberboytoy (0)

1/18/2023 10:36 PM

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now im dying to hear the story haha


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

1/17/2023 4:20 PM

Well I think the most important aspect on both sides is personality. If the personally isn't right, it's not going to have the same impact and reactive elements for the other person.


Heel-eo-trope (4)

1/17/2023 8:36 PM

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Agree with TakethePunchesAl,
The attitude and commitment to either role is crucial. That way, the dominating heel can be as mean as he wants and the helpless, hapless Jobber can try all he wants but will quickly give himself over to and really sell the thrashing he is receiving.

Thatā€™s the mental part of it. Physically, yes lift and carries and power moves done as realistic (but as safely) as possible are the way I like to go. The lifting and throwing of a jobberā€™s body serves the purpose of establishing the obvious physical dominance and allows the heel to ā€œtake the starch out of his victimā€ with the disorientation of being flipped, ragdolled and slammed and then stunned by the impact.
From here, the heel can have his way with any other attack on the bewildered jobberā€™s body. For me, after several well sold slams and power moves, itā€™s time for back breaking holds (racks, otk and camel clutches) and then the humiliation stuff starts to come into playā€¦like: Faking pins, ā€œplayingā€ with parts of the jobberā€™s body like limb manipulation to hit himself, wedgies, face slaps, spankingsā€¦.

Then a little break and do it all over gain until the heel is satisfied.

Againā€¦all the above being consensual and sold by both as real and SAFE as possible šŸ˜ˆ


hhmike2 (0)

7/29/2023 1:58 PM

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Like your description of your role as a heel.


Stagony (9)

1/17/2023 6:08 AM

Grabbing him by the neck and lifting him against the wall. :3 Ofc, the jobber would need to collaborate.

And any other type of lift & carry in general.


Luvtalls (0)

1/17/2023 1:45 PM

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Pick him up by his armpits like a 5 year old child, shake him around then throw him over your knee and spank his bare ass.


SmallFry (3 )

1/16/2023 10:05 PM

What are some of the best ways for the big n' tall heel to completely overpower and manhandle the smaller, helpless jobber? Maybe both sides of the dynamic can pitch in ;)


WW (17)

1/17/2023 5:20 AM

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Batter them then sit on them


JobberOtter (14 )

1/17/2023 10:35 PM

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I would love a big heel to sit on me šŸ˜©

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